Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 603 Looking for trouble

Tianyu immediately sneered, took out a large piece of gold from his body, and threw it heavily on the table: "Is this enough?"

The landlady's eyes suddenly shone, and she swept all the silver and gold into her arms.

However, she still felt a little embarrassed: "But Miss Hongxing has really made an appointment with someone, and the identity of that person is very important. Can you wait a moment?"

Tianyu snorted coldly and said: "I don't have such a hobby, please quickly transfer Miss Hongxing, otherwise I will demolish your Zuixiang Residence!"

Seeing Tianyu's fierce appearance and unknown origin, the landlady was a little scared, so she could only sigh and said, "I'll call Miss Hongxing over right now."

After a while, a slender, good-looking young woman wearing a red gauze walked over slowly.

"Is this the top girl Hongxing in Zuixiangju?"

Just as she was about to say something, Tianyu said coldly: "Sit down and don't speak."

Seeing Tianyu's cold voice and terrifying aura, Miss Hongxing was startled and had no choice but to sit aside.

"Isn't this person really weird?" Miss Hongxing couldn't help but turn her head and look at Tianyu, feeling increasingly confused in her heart.

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Because Tianyu spent so much money, he just let her sit aside. What on earth was this person thinking?

Hongxing couldn't help but feel a hint of resentment in her heart. She was twenty-eight years old, and this moment was the most wonderful time in her life. She could never accept others treating her like an ordinary person.

As Miss Hongxing thought about it, she felt that she had gone astray and her concentration was somewhat unfocused.

But at this moment Tianyu suddenly asked: "Can Miss Hongxing play the piano?"

Miss Hongxing nodded instinctively, and then said: "Yes, what, sir, do you want to hear it?"

Tianyu nodded: "Okay, you might as well play a song."

Then Miss Hongxing finally smiled. It seemed that this guy was not an idiot, and he also knew how to listen to the piano.

Miss Hongxing slowly stroked the strings, and a melodious and graceful tune slowly sounded in the room.

You must know that Hongxing is most famous for her appearance and her talents in the entire Zuixiangju. Of course, among these talents, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are indispensable, and Qin ranks first among these four. .

Excellent piano skills have been the top priority of Zuixiangju since its establishment. It is a skill that must be mastered, and Miss Hongxing is no exception.

The sound of the piano slowly floated out, making people feel calm for an instant. Tianyu also slowly squinted his eyes and carefully thought about what he saw and heard in the Valley of the Wicked.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open violently.


Miss Hongxing was startled, and immediately stopped playing the piano, and then stood behind Tianyu with some fear.

Tianyu looked up and saw several tall and thick men rushing in from the door. The leader was a leopard-headed man with bull-eyes. His whole body was muscular, but his eyes were flashing with an anger that was about to devour people.

"Is it you, a bastard of a bitch, who competed with me to snatch Miss Hongxing?" At this time, the big man shouted loudly, and his voice echoed throughout Zuixiangju.

The proprietress also hurriedly followed in, but was stopped by several men and didn't even have a chance to say anything.

When Miss Hongxing saw this man appearing, fear suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she stood tightly behind Tianyu, unwilling to show her face.

"Boy, I'm asking you, are you deaf?" the man continued to ask.

At this time, Tianyu just poured himself a glass of wine, and then said slowly: "Give me your name. I never talk to unknown people."

Seeing Tianyu speaking so leisurely and calmly when facing the strong threat from himself and others, the man and the group of people around him suddenly laughed angrily.

"Boy, listen carefully. I'm called Wolf Pioneer, and I work for Long Daguan. If you dare to snatch the red apricot girl from me, you're really an old man who has eaten arsenic and thinks your life is too long!"

After saying that, the wolf pioneer waved a pair of fists as big as sandbags and rushed towards Tianyu.

However, the next moment, Tianyu just gently poured the wine in the wine glass into the air.


The wine was like a sharp sword, every drop of water turned into a hidden weapon, all heading towards the face of the wolf pioneer.

The Wolf Pioneer was shocked. It could be seen that he had also practiced some martial arts, and he immediately waved his hands to block the drinks.

But at this time, his speed was simply too slow, and the drink had already touched his face the moment he took action.

"Ah, it hurts!"

These drinks directly turned the Wolf Pioneer's face into a dense honeycomb sieve. He couldn't bear it. His feet slipped and he fell directly to the ground, rolling around and screaming.

The screams of the Wolf Pioneer echoed throughout Zuixiangju, making his group of henchmen turn pale with fright.

I never expected that the boss would be defeated with one move. How is this possible?

Everyone watching all this from a distance felt very absurd in their hearts.

And there is another most important thing. This Wolf Pioneer works for Long Daguan. Is this guy taking the courage of an ambitious leopard? How dare you not give face to Mr. Long.

"Boy, you're finished!" A loser stood up and said with a sneer.

Tianyu said coldly: "If you want to regain your position, you can just ask your master to come over."

He gently put down the wine glass, and this action frightened these lackeys so much that they trembled all over and immediately stepped back.

"A bunch of trash!"

Tianyu's merciless coldness made these lackeys blush.

"Good boy, don't be too proud, wait for us!" Then the lackeys immediately turned around and left Zuixiangju.

"You'd better leave quickly. If Mr. Long comes later, our restaurant may be demolished by him!" The proprietress advised earnestly.

She felt that she was really unlucky today. She opened the door to do business, but met such a fool who beat up Wolf Pioneer. Doesn't this guy know that Wolf Pioneer is Mr. Long's subordinate?

However, Tianyu did not move, and the red apricot girl behind him was also in a dilemma.

"Go sit down, talk about your piano, don't be distracted."

Listening to Tianyu's words, the red apricot girl had an urge to cry. Who is this person?

Mr. Long is ready to come and cause trouble, but he still has the heart to listen to me playing the piano?

However, Miss Hongxing was also very helpless. She deeply understood that as a weak woman, she could only choose to cooperate well in this level of struggle. Otherwise, what else could she do?

Even the proprietress of Zui Xiang Ju was just a small figure, and her life and death were controlled by others. As the top star of Zui Xiang Ju, she really had no say.

Then Miss Hongxing sat down and continued to play the piano, but there were many distracting thoughts in the sound of the piano, showing that Miss Hongxing's heart had not calmed down for a long time.

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