Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 5 Qin Feng's Chosen One

"Qin Feng! Qin Feng! You have finally come out. I have had such a hard time waiting for you!"

As soon as the group of people left the hotel door, a fat man with a snot in his nose and a black coat rushed over and grabbed Qin Feng's hand as if he had grabbed the whole world.

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It's just that the way he has a lot of snot and tears now is really chilling.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? Let go!" Tang Ren pushed the fat man in the coat away and stared at him warily.

Tianyu moved two steps without leaving a trace and stood at the very back.

Now he is simply a fragile glass man who may be broken at any time, so it is better to hide.

"I am the helper called by Qin Feng. I finally found your location, but I have no money, so I can only wait for you at the door of the hotel. I have been waiting all night! Ha Qiu~!"

While the fat man was talking, he sneezed one after another. It seemed that the weather was not very good last night.

Tianyu instantly understood that this person was summoned by Qin Feng, the same selector as himself.

But looking at it like this, it’s really a bit miserable! But it has nothing to do with you, just watch the show quietly.

Tang Ren and Qin Feng looked at each other, with expressions that were difficult to explain in their eyes. It's like meeting a relative when wandering among flowers at night.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person x2."

"So you also summoned people to help Γ—2."

"If you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, no one will know."

In just one second, Tang Ren and Qin Feng quickly made eye contact and carefully looked at the fat man in front of them.

"This figure is far worse than Tianyu!"

"This face is not as handsome as Tianyu!"

"The temperament is even more incomparable!"

"The most important thing is that Tianyu has already helped us catch the real murderer. What are you doing here?"

Tang Ren and Qin Feng exchanged words with each other and quickly decided his fate.

"Come on, come on, have you seen it? The second floor of the building on the right, the third room from left to right, is where Qin Feng lives. Go clean and cook!"

Now that the summons had come, he couldn't get rid of it before the mission was over, so Tang Ren had the idea of ​​using the waste.

After taking a few glances, Qin Feng was sure that this person was completely incomparable to Tianyu and had completely lost interest in him.

After Qin Feng abandoned his summoner, the four of them left decisively, leaving only the fat man standing shivering on the roadside.

"Who am I? Where am I? What do I do? Why did my summoner abandon me?"

Seeing how miserable he was, the fat on his face was trembling a little. Tianyu, who was far away, mourned for him for three seconds, "Brother, I hope your next world will be without me, Amen!"

Soon, Tianyu and his party arrived at Songpa Workshop, followed by the police led by Kuntai in the distance.

"Go in and search separately, be careful not to be attacked!" Tianyu warned, walking into Songpa's studio with a clear purpose.

According to memory, there is a Bluetooth speaker here, and that is the most critical evidence.

If Sinuo's adoptive father hadn't come, this Bluetooth speaker would be the only ironclad evidence!

Others also walked around for a few times and gathered next to Tianyu. They still had many questions they didn't understand.

Although Songpa Workshop is called a workshop, it is actually not big, with only five or six rooms, so the exploration was quick.

"Tianyu, although the suspect has been identified, I...I can't figure out his murder method!"

Qin Feng followed the principle of asking if he didn't understand anything and stared at the thick legs in front of him.

"Didn't you notice a detail? The surveillance video only lasts seven days. Surveillance videos older than seven days will be automatically overwritten. The murderer entered the Songpa workshop seven days before the incident!" Tianyu laughed.

"Impossible, the workshop is only so big, how could the murderer hide here for seven days without being discovered by Songpa."

Halfway through his words, Qin Feng found that he couldn't continue. His mind immediately recalled the strange footprints he saw under Songpa's son's bed when he and Tang Ren were hiding in Songpa's son's room to avoid the real gold-stealing murderer.

"Songpa's son disappeared, so he wanted to keep his son's room as it was, so he rarely entered his son's room. Naturally, there was a person under the bed in his son's room who wanted to kill him, so he couldn't find it!"

Tianyu smiled lightly and looked at Qin Feng: "I believe you have also thought of the evidence, which is the footprint under the bed!"

"Then how did the murderer leave!" Qin Feng's breathing was rapid and his mood was extremely unstable.

Tianyu smiled and pointed at Tang Ren: "Didn't he leave that day with a box containing a Buddha statue? Tang Ren thought it was a Buddha statue, and the police thought it was gold. But in fact, the box contained the murderer. "

"Impossible! The murderer can't be hiding in the box, because when I left, Songpa was still alive and still working!" Tang Ren exclaimed and quickly argued.

"Did you see him working with your own eyes, or did you just hear the sound of him working?" Tianyu asked.

Tang Ren was stunned and then said: "Of course I saw it with my own eyes. I clearly saw him sitting there working, and I must have heard his voice!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at a curtain.

Tianyu smiled, walked to the workbench behind the curtain, sat down, took out a candle and lit it.

Suddenly, his shadow was directly reflected on the curtain.

"Is this what you saw at that time? If not, should I wear a wig?" Tianyu's voice came.

Tang Ren snorted: "Yes, is there a problem?"

"Yes, Songpa is actually dead at this time. His body is placed here. It looks like he is working, but in fact it is just a corpse. As for the sound of working, it is the sound made by it."

Tianyu came out with a Bluetooth speaker.

"That's not right. Songpa obviously opened the door for me. A dead person can't stand and open the door for me, then go back and sit down." Tang Ren still didn't believe it.

Tianyu smiled and closed the door of Songpa's studio, and the studio suddenly became dark.


Tianyu turned on another strong light in Songpa's workshop, stood under the light, looked at Tang Ren, and said, "Did he stand here with me that day and you stand opposite me? This is how the two of you completed the conversation. "

Tang Ren walked over and nodded immediately: "It seems true."

"Then can you see my face clearly?" Tianyu asked.

Tang Ren gritted his teeth: "How can you see such a strong light? I'm not Superman!"

Tianyu walked aside, and everyone realized that Tianyu actually wore a mask on his face. This is enough to prove that Tang Ren can't see Songpa's face clearly.

After opening the door of the workshop and letting the sunlight shine in again, Tianyu said slowly: "So, the situation that night should be like this."

"The murderer who hid in Songpa's workshop for more than seven days first killed Songpa with the demon-conquering pestle in the hand of the Buddha statue, sat the body on the workbench, and then called Tang Ren and asked him to deliver a bag containing the Buddha statue. box."

"Then Tang Ren went to the workshop, and the murderer, wearing Songpa's clothes, opened the door for him and completed the payment, filling out forms and other procedures in the dim light without saying a word."

"Note that the murderer asked Tang Ren to sit down when he was paying Tang Ren, but there was a magic pestle on the stool. Tang Ren took away the magic pestle and left his fingerprints on the murder weapon."

"Then while Tang Ren was counting money and filling out bills, the murderer lit the candle behind the workbench, got into the box that had been prepared, turned on his cell phone, connected to the speaker in the workbench, and played the sound of work."

"After Tang Ren counted the money, he saw the blurry shadow of Songpa reflected by the candlelight, and heard the sound of work, so he didn't disturb Songpa too much. He picked up the box he thought contained the Buddha statue and left, placing it at the designated place."

"Then the murderer came out of the locked box, drove a scrapped white van at the designated location, and disappeared completely!"

"In this way, a perfect murder crime was completed. In the police's view, the murderer never appeared from the beginning to the end. The suspicion was all on Tang Ren, the only person who had ever been in and out of the workshop. It can be said that it is seamless!"

After saying that, Tianyu looked at everyone present.

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