Then many small bosses began to pour out their grievances one after another, and gained the recognition of most people.

Being able to become the backbone of the anti-weird alliance is itself a very outstanding existence in human society, but few of them can reach the level of Wang Qichuan. Most of them are self-employed bosses or CEOs of small companies.

At a stage like this, you still need to do it yourself. If you don’t do this, many things will be messed up.

So Wang Qichuan also deeply understands their difficulties, but he has no way to actively disintegrate the anti-weird alliance.

After all, Wang Qichuan was deeply harmed by these weird things at the beginning. He knows very well that these guys will do everything they can and their methods are endless.

Although there has been no weird news for a few days, who dares to guarantee that this is not another conspiracy of theirs?

Wang Qichuan sighed, suppressed all his depression, and then said: "How about this, observe for another three days. If there is still no weirdness after three days, how about we disintegrate the anti-weird alliance?"

"Okay, let's do as Boss Wang said!"


So most of the people present began to nod in agreement. There was no way, they had to give Wang Qichuan face.

Although they wanted to disintegrate the anti-weird alliance immediately, they gritted their teeth and thought about holding on for another three days. After three days, everything will disappear.

After the meeting, Wang Qichuan immediately found Tianyu.

"Mr. Tianyu, now the people who are against the weird alliance have completely relaxed. I gave them a three-day deadline, and they will be completely disbanded after three days." Wang Qichuan said with some concern.

Tianyu nodded after hearing this and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then what are you worried about?"

Wang Qichuan immediately shook his head and said: "Mr. Tianyu, I always have a feeling that those weird things may come back again!"

Tianyu smiled and patted his shoulder: "Old Wang, I didn't expect you to have this feeling now. It's really a case of long-term illness making a good doctor!"

Faced with Tianyu's ridicule, Wang Qichuan couldn't laugh at all. He thought it would be better to wait for three days.

Three days later, there was still no news of weird things. Even Wang Qichuan completely believed that the weird things should have disappeared from this world on their own initiative.

"Mr. Tianyu, the weird things should have really disappeared. I haven't seen their traces for a long time!"

Wang Qichuan's face also became much more relaxed, but Tianyu was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.

He deeply understood that fewer and fewer weird things were not a good thing.

When the weirdness first appeared in the open, everyone had ways to target it, such as forming an anti-weird alliance and searching on duty day and night.

But when the weirdness began to lie dormant, hiding in the dark, and becoming a ghost-like existence, that was the starting point for everyone in this world to have a headache.

Because who can guarantee that these weirdnesses may suddenly jump out at the most critical moment and hit everyone head-on?

If everyone relaxes, these weirdnesses suddenly come, and then everyone is caught off guard, it is estimated that the losses caused will be more tragic than before.

"Disband the anti-weird alliance," Tianyu also said slowly.

Now people's hearts have changed. During this period when the weirdness has no future, if you still stubbornly continue to maintain that high-pressure day and night patrol, it will also make these alliance members have different intentions.

"What a powerful method, is this to disintegrate us from the inside?" Tianyu said thoughtfully.

He felt that these weirdnesses were becoming more and more humane, and they actually began to use such tactics.

This trick is very useful. If it is placed in the ancient human war, it is also one of the best strategies.

Tianyu is a little worried about the fight against the Weird Alliance. He also decided to pay more attention in the future to see if Weird might come up with a bigger conspiracy.

However, at this time, Tianyu received a call from Zhao Ziqiu.

"Tianyu, do you have time? If you have time, come out for dinner together."

Zhao Ziqiu invited Tianyu out and planned to have dinner together at a high-end Western restaurant in the city center.

Tianyu wanted to refuse, and then Zhao Ziqiu suddenly said coquettishly: "Tianyu, if you don't come again, I will soon become depressed. I believe you can't bear to see such a thing, right?"

Hearing Zhao Ziqiu's words, Tianyu sighed, and then said: "I will be there in an hour."

An hour later, Tianyu arrived as scheduled.

This Western restaurant in the city center has a really good environment, and it seems to be a restaurant with couples as the theme.

After Tianyu came here, he felt his scalp tingling. Obviously, Zhao Ziqiu was going to start showing his determination to him again.

But what surprised Tianyu was that Zhao Ziqiu didn't do anything unusual this time, but ate dinner normally.

The two of them ordered a steak each, and two drinks, and chatted about what happened on campus or interesting things in life while eating.

"Tianyu, do you know? Actually, I want to drop out of school. After what happened last time, I feel like I can't stay here anymore." Zhao Ziqiu said distressedly while dealing with the steak on the plate.

Hearing that Zhao Ziqiu wanted to drop out of school just like himself, Tianyu shook his head instinctively, and then said: "You are different from me. You should choose to complete your studies. After all, finishing college will be good for you."

Tianyu's tone was old-fashioned, just like Zhao Ziqiu's parents were educating her, which made Zhao Ziqiu frown slightly.

"Hmph! Tianyu, you lied to me, then why did you drop out of school halfway?"

"Ah? This? Of course I have my own difficulties!" Tianyu said.

Then the atmosphere fell into a brief silence

Zhao Ziqiu suddenly said: "Tianyu, from today on, I will start to slowly forget you."

After saying this, Zhao Ziqiu seemed to have made a great determination.

"Oh, really? That's good, being able to start a new life will make people feel happy!" Tianyu said with a smile.

However, no one knows how much smile is hidden behind this smile.

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