"Tianyu, I said I want to forget you, why are you laughing so happily?" Zhao Ziqiu said unhappily.

"Haha, how could that be?"

The two chatted intermittently, looking like a couple, but in fact they were not.

People in the distance pointed and said, thinking that the two guests sitting at this table were a perfect match, and it was a pity that they were not together.

At this time, the Western steak was almost finished, and Zhao Ziqiu suddenly found an excuse to go to the toilet. After entering the toilet, Zhao Ziqiu immediately sent a voice message.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

"Hey, little butterfly, what should I do next?"

The little butterfly on the social software immediately replied to the message: Describe to me everything you just said to him.

A minute later, the little butterfly gave such an idea: Let's do this, just like I told you, don't contact him in the next few days, and make sure the number of contacts is getting less and less.

But Zhao Ziqiu immediately frowned and asked worriedly: "What if Tianyu really ignores me?"

Little Butterfly immediately replied: You are such a silly child, Tianyu is just annoyed with you now, if you keep pestering him, he will only hate you more.

That's it.

Zhao Ziqiu was at a loss for a moment.

Then Little Butterfly persuaded again: Believe me, for men, sometimes you have to let go appropriately and give them space, which will make him feel grateful and pity for you.

Then Little Butterfly gave another series of counseling, which made Zhao Ziqiu nod: Okay, I listen to you

Then Zhao Ziqiu came to the dining table, looking at the people in the hall with envious eyes, and said to Tianyu: "Let's go?"

"Okay!" Tianyu nodded, and the two got up and left the restaurant.

After finishing this meal, Zhao Ziqiu did not continue to ask Tianyu out for after-meal activities, but went home directly.

Tianyu returned to the Internet cafe, and Zhao Ziqiu returned to school.

In the next few days, Zhao Ziqiu did not take the initiative to contact Tianyu. She followed what Xiaodie said and unswervingly implemented the method of playing hard to get.

At the same time, Zhao Ziqiu was also looking forward to it. If she continued to do it this way, would Tianyu really change his mind and fall in love with her?

With expectations, she lived a very tormented life every day. Every time she picked up her phone, she wanted to send a message to Tianyu, but she held back at the most critical moment.

"You must hold back. For lifelong happiness, what is this little bit of suffering?"

Zhao Ziqiu lay on the bed in the dormitory, holding the phone in his hand and silently cheering himself up.

At this time, he couldn't help but send a message to Xiaodie: Xiaodie, Xiaodie, I really want to know what he is doing now.

Xiaodie replied to the message in seconds: Silly boy, if you do this, you will lose him, believe me.

"Okay, then I will hold on for a few more days," Zhao Ziqiu said helplessly.

But she found out with great sadness that in the past few days, her longing for Tianyu became more and more serious.

The strong emotion melted into her bones and seemed to penetrate into every corner of her body. No matter how she tried to suppress it, she couldn't do it. Instead, it would become stronger and stronger because of this entanglement.

At this time, Zhao Ziqiu loved Tianyu deeply. She couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to find this boy who made her so worried.

No, little butterfly, I must go to Tianyu. If I go on like this, I will go crazy!

Zhao Ziqiu has persisted for a week. She didn't take the initiative to call Tianyu or send him a message. On the 8th day, she couldn't help it.

At this time, little butterfly changed her attitude for the first time: Okay, go find him, and then confide your love to him crazily. I believe you will succeed.

Zhao Ziqiu immediately showed a happy look: OK, little butterfly, if I succeed, I will definitely treat you to a meal.

Then she dressed up beautifully, left the school directly, and came to the Internet cafe to find Tianyu.

However, what Zhao Ziqiu didn't know was that in the cave thousands of miles away, the body of the evil god on the pool was slowly recovering from its injuries.

In the air, there was an invisible force that turned pink and merged into his body. Then the aura formed became stronger and stronger, gradually showing a trend of perfection.

The seven emotions and six desires around it turned into substance, flying into its body one after another.

One of them was particularly strong and obvious. As long as he was in harmony, he could complete the final puzzle.

"Great love can burst out unimaginable power. Come to perfection quickly. I can't wait any longer."

Zhao Ziqiu sat in the taxi, getting closer and closer to Tianyu, and her heartbeat couldn't help but beat up.

At this moment, the closer she was to the Internet cafe, the stronger the aura of the evil god in the cave became.

Zhao Ziqiu got off the car and ran directly into the Internet cafe. Sure enough, she saw Tianyu surfing the Internet. She trotted over and sat down next to Tianyu with a plop.

"Tianyu, I have something to tell you."

At this moment, the evil god thousands of miles away underwent earth-shaking changes.

The aura of the evil god became stronger and stronger, and one after another colorful lights appeared out of thin air in this cave, and then merged into the fleshy fetus above the pool.

At this moment, countless incarnations of evil babies appeared in all directions. When they saw the terrible changes in the evil god's body, all of them trembled.

"Congratulations to the evil god for his complete mastery of his magical powers and his perfect state."

As the voices of these evil babies rang out, the evil god's flesh slowly turned, and the lights of various colors represented the complex emotions of the human world, love, hate, jealousy, joy, and sorrow.

Many rays of light flew into the evil god's flesh one after another, making the evil god's breath gradually perfect.

Swish, swish, swish.

The evil god's flesh kept turning, emitting a terrible pulling force, swallowing all the incarnations of these evil babies.

This step is the final step, and all the incarnations are perfected and unified!

Finally, the evil baby incarnation successfully merged into the evil god's body.

I don't know how long it took, the eyes on the evil god's flesh slowly opened

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