Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 568 Should we disband?

"Human, help me, I promise you that I will never come out to pollute this world again from now on, okay?"

Finally, the evil god had no choice but to make a request to Tianyu.

But at this time, Tianyu's eyes were calm and indifferent, and he didn't listen to this guy's deception here.

He knew that as long as he let the evil god go, he would definitely come back when he became completely powerful and had the ability of seven emotions and six desires.

"Women's kindness is not desirable!"

Tianyu seemed to be talking to himself, and then the violent thunder plus the mana in his body, etc., all kinds of forces gathered into a torrent, completely engulfing the evil god


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The screams of the evil god came from afar, and his body was submerged in these terrible breaths and disappeared directly.

Tianyu was quick and stretched out his palm to grab a tooth in the air.

So far, he already had two teeth of the evil god, but at the same time he also realized a very fatal thing. The evil god's flesh fetus that had just fought with him was actually just his incarnation.

Tianyu's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that he had exerted all his strength and only defeated an incarnation of the evil god. It can be imagined how powerful the evil god's body is.

Because the incarnation of the evil god can transform into a tooth, Tianyu can infer all this, and he also knows that the real evil god's body still poses a huge threat to the world.

But what Tianyu didn't know was that at this time, above that pool of water, the real evil god's body suddenly broke out with a violent vibration, and a bright red light shot out, reflecting the cave like a blood-red world.


In an instant, several babies flew into the pool of water at the same time and gradually floated around.

"Lord Evil God, are you injured?" One of the babies said in disbelief.

They have followed the evil god for a long time, and in fact, they are gradually approaching the realm of incarnation, but they did not expect that the extremely powerful evil god's body would be injured, and it seems that the injury is not light!

A dull voice sounded in the evil god's flesh: "Yes, I am injured. That incarnation condensed nine of my essences and blood. It can be said that the strength is almost the same as mine, but under this situation, it still failed to defeat that human."

Hearing the words of the evil god, all the evil babies were shocked and speechless.

"Oh my God, the evil god has more than 90% of his strength, but he couldn't defeat a human young man. Who is that person?"

"Evil god, do we need to take action?" Another evil baby asked.

These evil babies are all incarnations or messengers of the evil god. When the evil god encounters a crisis, they will also take the initiative to stand up and act as killers

"Haha, target him? Forget it, there is no need at all." However, the evil god said with great disdain.

"Oh, evil god, why is this?" The other evil babies expressed their incomprehension.

According to their inference, the human who could force the evil god to this extent should also be seriously injured.

Why not take his life while he is sick at this time?

The evil god saw the doubts of many incarnations and said slowly: "My seven emotions and six desires are about to be perfected, and after a battle with him, I know how to quickly reach the perfect state."

"The evil god means to harvest the emotions around this human young man."

A very smart evil baby immediately realized this and blurted out.

"Yes, I have found a way to harvest his emotions. As long as I can collect them successfully, my ability will instantly reach the perfect state, hahahaha"

The evil god's wild laughter rang throughout the cave, and all the evil babies around him immediately bowed to the air.

"Congratulations to the evil god, congratulations to the evil god, I hope you will achieve great success soon and rule the world!"

Looking at the worship of a group of incarnations around him, the evil god laughed even more arrogantly.

Suddenly he realized something and quickly ordered: "You must hold back your hands and feet in the near future and don't make any big noises, lest that human notice it, remember?"

So these evil babies nodded immediately: "Yes, Lord Evil God."

From this day on, including Tianyu, all the people in the Anti-Weird Alliance found that the weirdness became less and less.

That's right, the people in the Anti-Weird Alliance guarded every corner of the city day and night, protecting those poor people who might be hurt by the weirdness, but they were on duty day and night, but found that the number of these weirdnesses was getting smaller and smaller recently

It is even possible that within 24 hours, no one was disturbed by the weirdness.

Such good news is undoubtedly a shot of adrenaline for everyone, making everyone wonder if these weirdnesses are scared and then disappear from this world on their own initiative.

On this day, a small meeting was also held within the Anti-Weird Alliance. The theme of the meeting was nothing more than discussing whether to disband the alliance.

After all, fighting against the formation of a strange alliance is not a trivial matter. Many senior backbone members of the alliance are elites from all walks of life.

They were usually very busy, and in order to form an alliance against the weird, they took out most of their energy, which also affected their lives and careers in real life.

Now that the weird has finally disappeared, they also think that the alliance against the weird can be disbanded.

Among them, Wang Qichuan sat high up, and he was also an important elite backbone member.

"Everyone listen to me, although the weird is getting less and less now, or even disappeared, we must remember not to take it lightly, and we must guard this line of defense!"

Hearing Wang Qichuan's words, many people frowned and expressed their opposition.

"Boss Wang, as the CEO of a listed company with a multi-billion-dollar group, you have many capable people under you, and you don't need to show up for many things, so you have the energy to deal with the weird, but we are different!"

"Yes, Boss Wang, you don't know that three of my companies are about to go bankrupt. If I don't manage them well, I guess I will become a pauper!"

Another boss of an investment company stood up and said with a wry smile.

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