This scene made all the boys in the school want to jump off the building.

Tianyu sighed in his heart as he looked at Zhao Ziqiu who confessed to him.

He couldn't stay in this world for a long time, and he might even leave soon.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

After all, this task can't be done for too long, otherwise it will delay his real world affairs, so Tianyu can't have too much contact with anyone in this task world, such as Zhao Ziqiu.

If he falls in love with her and stays together, wouldn't it be the greatest harm to her when he leaves in the future?

Zhao Ziqiu is very beautiful, and it is difficult for anyone to hate him, but Tianyu chooses to think twice before acting.

Tianyu suddenly said: "Girl, it seems that you recover quickly. In this case, come with me to catch weirdos tonight."

"Ha, Tianyu, what did you say. Go with you to catch weirdos?"

Zhao Ziqiu didn't react at this moment, and he was stunned.

Everyone else around him also stayed for three seconds before they all reacted and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Tianyu is so good, come with me to catch weirdos tonight?"

"The best joke of the year is here. Facing the confession of the school beauty goddess, the man only said one sentence, come with me to catch weirdos tonight, what does this mean?"

"Did Tianyu refuse or agree?"

"I guess he should refuse, otherwise, wouldn't he accept the goddess' rose directly on the spot?"

At this time, Zhao Ziqiu looked at Tianyu blankly, and asked him what he meant with his eyes. Tianyu shook his head and showed a hint of apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I don't have any plans to fall in love for the time being." After saying that, Tianyu turned around and left.

He knew that it was time to break off, otherwise it would be chaotic. If he left Zhao Ziqiu some hope at this time, it would be irresponsible to this little girl.

In that case, it would also make the other party have wild thoughts day and night, affecting their normal life.

Tianyu actually understood that as a girl, she could muster up such courage and confess to him in public, which was enough to show that the other party really liked him.

But Tianyu also had his own difficulties. It was absolutely impossible for him to be with Zhao Ziqiu.

"Tianyu, why."

The rose in Zhao Ziqiu's hand slipped to the ground, her eyes were wet, and she looked at Tianyu's disappearing back with great sadness.

But Tianyu just waved at her, didn't say much, and left the school.

At this moment, thousands of students in the whole school were looking at the scene in front of them stupidly. Tianyu turned around and left the school with great joy, rejecting the confession and pursuit of the school beauty goddess Zhao Ziqiu.

"Oh my God, what did I see? The school beauty confessed to me, but was rejected. This can't be true, right?"

"Oh my God, I've never seen such a big thing. It will definitely be on the headlines of the school news tomorrow. Just wait and see."

"I heard that Zhao Ziqiu's family is very rich. I wonder if it's true?"

"This Tianyu is really stupid. He is rich and beautiful, but he rejected her? Oh, I'm really envious and jealous. If I were Tianyu, I would marry a rich and beautiful woman and reach the peak of my life."

"Please ask everyone, where is the plastic surgery hospital with good technology? I want to have a plastic surgery according to Tianyu's appearance."

At this time, Tianyu didn't know that such a big storm broke out in the school, but continued to return to the Internet cafe and play games.

Tianyu is like this. He will solve any problem quickly and neatly, and cut the Gordian knot instead of dragging it out.

Because many times, it is hard to explain in terms of feelings.

If you hesitate a little, it is equivalent to giving the other party a signal that she still has hope. In this way, it is actually irresponsible to both parties.

So sometimes, a straightforward rejection is not cruel, but for the good of the other party.

When Tianyu was playing games in the Internet cafe, the fat man followed him.

"Mr. Tianyu, you are also playing games here. I counted with my fingers and knew that you should be here, so I followed you." The fat man said with a smile.

Tianyu nodded and continued his extreme operation in the game.

"Wow, another team wipe, a grand slam!"

The fat man looked at Tianyu's computer screen with great envy. He also wanted to have such terrible skills and hand speed, but no matter how much he practiced, he was only better than ordinary people, far from the level of professional players.

What's more, Tianyu's level even surpassed that of professional players, and he reached another unique realm, the only one in the world.

Suddenly, the fat man's phone rang, and then he picked up the phone to check the social information, and immediately laughed.

"Mr. Tianyu, a big thing happened in your school today. The school beauty Zhao Ziqiu confessed to someone, but was rejected. Do you think it's funny?"

Tianyu asked: "Why is it funny?"

The fat man immediately blurted out: "What level of beauty is Zhao Ziqiu? I heard that her family is very rich. If she is willing to pay for it, which boy can refuse it?"

"But that boy still refused, didn't he?" Tianyu responded while playing games.

The fat man shook his head and said with great pity: "I think that boy is too stupid, so stupid that he is cute. He can even reject Zhao Ziqiu. He should be single for the rest of his life."

After listening to this, Tian Yu did not respond, but directly completed the last wave of killing in the game.

"Mr. Tianyu, do you know this person? I also want to meet this brother and see what kind of weird person he is."

Tianyu responded: "The weird person you are talking about is me."

"Ah, what? It's you"

The fat man was shocked, and the milk tea in his mouth sprayed out instantly, spilling all over the keyboard.

"Mr. Tianyu, I'm sorry, cough cough. I didn't know it was you!" The fat man explained immediately.

But Tianyu didn't take it to heart, and clicked on the second game.

"Alas, it's all my girlfriend's fault. If she hadn't made it clear, how could I dare to talk about you, Mr. Tianyu?"

The fat man immediately began to blame his girlfriend.

But Tianyu suddenly smiled playfully: "Oh? When did you have a girlfriend?"

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