"Tianyu, I'm so scared, really so scared."

Zhao Ziqiu burst into tears, Tianyu gently patted her shoulder, and felt sorry for her

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"Silly girl, don't worry, everything is over."

Although Tianyu tried his best to comfort her, Zhao Ziqiu's thin shoulders were still shaking.

Obviously, deep in her heart, the great pain caused by being parasitized by the weirdness could not be eliminated in the first world.

"Tianyu, I felt that I was in school now, and I would never escape for the rest of my life. I was so lonely and desperate, and I wanted to die."

Zhao Ziqiu kept telling what had happened in the past few days, but Tianyu's heart gradually sank

It turned out that the weirdness just now had such a terrible method, which seemed to make everything around Zhao Ziqiu turn into the scene he wanted her to see.

"It's all over, it's okay!"

Tianyu could only comfort Zhao Ziqiu in this way, constantly patting her body gently.

Zhao Ziqiu suddenly sat up straight and looked closely at Tianyu's eyes.

At this moment, she had never discovered that Tianyu was so handsome. The steady and wise light in his deep eyes was so attractive.

"Tianyu, you are so handsome!" Zhao Ziqiu couldn't help but say.

Tianyu was suddenly speechless and stretched out a finger to flick Zhao Ziqiu's nose.

"It seems that you are fine, so I'll leave."

"Hey, don't go, I feel very uncomfortable. I was just tricked by Wei Yi. How can you leave like this?"

Tianyu was more and more sure that since this girl could say such a thing, it was obvious that she had gradually walked out of the shadow.

"Forget it, I'll come to you when Wei Yi comes again." Tianyu left a speech that made Zhao Ziqiu speechless.

"Huh, want to leave? Can you get away?" Zhao Ziqiu suddenly waved his little fist and waved at Tianyu's back.

Then, as if she remembered something, she covered her mouth with a chuckle and laughed to herself.

On this day, Tianyu was playing games in an Internet cafe when he suddenly received a call from Sister Li. Sister Li's voice was a little evasive on the phone.

"That. Mr. Tianyu, do you have anything to do? If not, can you come to school?"

After Sister Li's words fell, Tianyu felt a little confused. Why did Sister Li ask him to go to school?

If there was something she wanted to find him for, why didn't she choose to meet him in her villa instead of at school?

But Tianyu didn't think too much. Hearing Sister Li's tone was a little unstable, he vaguely felt that something might have happened, so Tianyu got off the plane and went to the campus.

Walking into the school, he felt an even stranger phenomenon. All the classmates around him, no matter what they were doing, stopped and looked at him.

"Look, that's Tianyu!"

"That's him, he's young and handsome."

"Nonsense, he was originally from our school, the same age as us, but he dropped out later."

"Alas, it's a pity that I don't have a chance to be with such a handsome senior."

A group of junior high school girls pointed and talked, feeling very sorry.

Tianyu walked directly into the school's garden area and saw that there were many students around him looking at him, with a half-smile on their faces.

"What's going on?" Tianyu became more and more confused.

Suddenly, he saw a huge light board in front of him, held by several students.

There was no way, the light board was too big, and if there were no people, it really couldn't be lifted.

Then groups of balloons appeared on the ground, colorful, yellow, green, purple, and red, floating gently with the breeze.

Seeing this scene, Tianyu immediately realized what was going on and turned around to leave.

"Tianyu, don't go!"

A clear voice like a bell stopped Tianyu. Who else could it be but Zhao Ziqiu?

"What do you want?" Tianyu asked expressionlessly.

Zhao Ziqiu walked slowly to Tianyu with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Her face looked so rosy and radiant, and it was hard to tell that she had been controlled by a strange parasite not long ago.

Zhao Ziqiu was also a little nervous, but she still forced herself to muster up the courage, staring at Tianyu with her two lively big eyes, and then came to him.

At this time, students from all directions slowly walked out from the green belt or behind the rockery, and spontaneously formed a big circle.

However, most of these people are female classmates, and the male classmates are very tragic. They stand on the periphery and can't see anything, and they are wailing in their hearts.

"Oh my God, the goddess Zhao Ziqiu actually took the initiative to confess to a boy. My childhood is broken."

"Go away, you are still in childhood? I think you are old, you are 18 years old but have an 80-year-old face. You deserve girls not to like you!"

"Alas, by the way, why is the sun rising from the west? Last time, Tianyu confessed to Zhao Ziqiu, but it didn't work. This time, Zhao Ziqiu actually confessed to him. I've never seen such a thing in my life."

"Do you think Zhao Ziqiu will succeed in his confession?"

"Haha, how can it not succeed? It's simply paying for it, okay? Will Tianyu refuse?"

At this time, the boys were talking about it, and Zhao Ziqiu's face was also very nervous, red, like a ripe red apple.

"Tianyu. I like you. Please be my boyfriend, okay?"

After saying this, Zhao Ziqiu lowered her head deeply, and she dared not look directly at Tianyu again, as if she had used up all the courage in her life.

Tianyu's expression was dull. He didn't expect that the school beauty Zhao Ziqiu would openly confess to him, and chose to do it in such a public place.

There were a few words written on the light board in the distance, which were the same: Tianyu, I like you.

Such a big scene naturally alarmed the whole school. At this time, all the students saw this scene and started to discuss it enthusiastically.

They all had a unified idea, that is, the image of the goddess Zhao Ziqiu was completely destroyed.

She was so cold and high-handed before, and those who pursued her could even line up from the teaching building to the school gate.

But at this time, as a school beauty, she actually confessed to a boy, and she was like a whore.

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