Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 563 The Miserable Fatty

He remembered that the fat man did not dare to fall in love because of the strange harassment before, and he was also afraid of hurting his girlfriend.

Presumably because the strange threat was eliminated, this kid's hormones exploded and he immediately started a relationship.

"Mr. Tianyu, I can tell you that my experience is similar to yours, and it was my girlfriend who chased me!" the fat man said very proudly.

Looking at his twinkling mung bean eyes, his round little nose, and his huge mouth full of jagged teeth, Tianyu fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said slowly: "I guess your family must be invisible rich, well, absolutely so!"

The fat man immediately expressed that he was very hurt. Of course he understood what Tianyu meant, so he defended himself and said: "Mr. Tianyu, you misunderstood. My family is just an ordinary family environment. My girlfriend Li Xinyou said that she was attracted by this unique feeling in me. Attracted by his temperament!”

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"Unique temperament?"

Tianyu stared at Lao Yuan for a moment. He looked at the fat man carefully and tried his best to look at him with admiration. After a long time, Tianyu finally gave up.

"Hey, are there so many girls with bad eyesight now? If I open an optical shop, I should be able to make quite a lot of money!"

Hearing Tianyu's soliloquy, Fatty said he was very hurt.

"Mr. Tianyu, you don't know, my girlfriend's family is very rich. It is said that there is a mine in her family!"

"Oh, really?" Tianyu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this girl named Li Xinyou was blind to no limit.

He has a mine at home, and he is a boss of this level, but he can actually like the best person in the world like Fatty?

Tianyu is not from the Appearance Association. Although the fat man is not very good-looking, he is definitely at the level of being able to see, just a little worse than the average person.

But apart from looks, the fat man has no advantages in other aspects. He has no academic qualifications, no height, is timid, and does not have much sense of justice and warm-heartedness.

Tianyu is very curious, what does Li Xinyou like about Fatty?

In fact, Fatty has also been thinking about this matter these days. He is not a fool. He knows that since the other party is willing to take the initiative to confess his love, it must be because he has a certain fatal advantage that attracts her and makes her unable to extricate herself.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he gave up on his own initiative. Obviously, even he couldn't find any outstanding advantages in himself.

In the end, the fat man could only tell Tianyu: "Mr. Tianyu, maybe this is fate. Fate is so wonderful that when he comes, no one can stop him."

"Come on, stop it, this bullshit fate!" Tianyu said.

He thought it would be better to concentrate on playing games. He would probably be pissed off listening to the fat man talking.

Suddenly, Fatty's phone rang. He immediately picked up the phone and his tone became flattering.

"Hey, it's Xiao Youyou, do you want to eat spicy hotpot? OK, OK, I'll come right away, I'll come right away, wait for me, baby!"

After hanging up the phone, Fatty immediately said goodbye to Tianyu and left with a dog-licking look, ready to buy spicy hotpot for his little girlfriend.

Tianyu looked at such a scene, sighed deeply, and said: "The road to eradicating dog lickers is long and arduous!"

He felt that it was more difficult to eliminate these licking dogs than to eliminate those weird ones.

"Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until there is nothing left!" Two seats away from Tianyu's right, there was a little boy about 10 years old laughing.

However, just two hours later, Fatty returned to the Internet cafe with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong? Doesn't your little girlfriend look good on you?" Tianyu said with a playful smile.

Unexpectedly, the fat man suddenly burst into tears: "Wow, Mr. Tianyu, I am so sad, I can't live anymore."

The fat man seemed to have suffered a huge blow, lying on the keyboard and crying crazily.

Tianyu asked with some confusion: "Didn't you go buy Malatang for your girlfriend? What happened?"

The fat man cried and said: "When I was delivering Malatang, I saw little Youyou dating another boy. They were sitting on a bench in the park, cuddling together, me, me, me."

At the end of the sentence, the fat man could no longer speak.

"What happened to you in the end?" Tianyu asked with great anticipation: "Did you just walk up to him, punch the man in a manly manner, and then pour spicy hot pot on their faces, turn around and leave? go?"

The fat man shook his head and said, "No, I didn't even show up. I hid in the corner of the park and came back after eating spicy hotpot."


Tianyu didn't react at this moment, and the 10-year-old boy next to him immediately sprayed all his drink on the computer screen.

"You see, even a little boy looks down on you, so I don't need to say anything more, right?"

Tianyu was quite speechless and patted the fat man on the shoulder. He didn't know how to comfort him.

The fat man felt very hurt. Although he was timid, this matter was not his fault!

Besides, he felt that in that situation, if he stood up, it would be nothing more than a quarrel. What's the use?

His girlfriend has already changed her mind and is with another man. If he shows up, wouldn't he be humiliating himself?

The fat man is very cowardly, but he always finds excuses for himself.

"Mr. Tianyu, you don't know that my girlfriend tortures me all day long. Every time I have something to do, she asks me to deliver drinks or other things."

"Oh, then, and isn't this what you like to do?" Tianyu responded expressionlessly while playing games.

The fat man said again: "But I am so good to her, she is always unwilling to be good to me in the same way, but every time when I am disappointed, she will give me a little hope. It's so painful to be hanging like this!"

"Alas, brother, so what's the point of talking about love, just play games well, turn grief into strength, I believe your game skills can be improved!"

Tianyu patted the fat man's shoulder, and could only comfort him in this way.

The fat man shook his head and said: "No, Mr. Tianyu, if she didn't like me, why did she confess to me? And she started to do this to me the second day after the successful confession"

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