Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 560: Almost had a mental breakdown

The shape of this sandman is extremely strange. He has six arms, four feet, and a huge wing growing from his back.

And his head is a triangle with two deep black holes, which looks extremely strange and creepy.

At this time, Zhao Ziqiu was completely unconscious after being freed from the strange control.

But in fact, in the real world, this is not a sandman, but a paper man made of torn pieces of paper in the conference room.

However, the paper on his body is as sharp as a blade, which can easily cut the tables and chairs in the conference room.

The movement in the conference room alarmed everyone outside, and the security guards, physical education teachers, and other teachers on duty all ran over.

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But Tianyu waved his hand directly, and the door in the distance closed instantly, and then locked. The curtains on a window also fell automatically, covering everything inside.

Tianyu didn't want to expose too much of their field. Like ordinary mortals outside, the less they knew, the better.

After all, his mission was just to solve these weirdnesses, not to promote his own strength and means.

The paper man waved a few blades and rushed towards Tianyu quickly.

And Tianyu also deeply understood that this guy had a unique ability in combat in addition to the ability to parasitize in the body and control the behavior of others.

"You should be a weird leader, right?"

Tianyu sneered, and then kicked forward fiercely.

The blades collided with Tianyu's soles, and the blades actually shattered.

On the other hand, although Tianyu's soles were broken, his feet were intact.

After all, Tianyu's body was strong enough, how could this weirdness hurt him?

After a blade was broken, all the other blades came towards Tianyu one after another.

Bang, bang, bang, each blade hit Tianyu hard, and Tianyu didn't bother to block it.

Because although these blades became as powerful as swords after being manipulated by the weird, even real swords were like tickling to Tianyu, and could not leave a red dot on his skin at all.

Finally, this weird was completely desperate and roared. At this moment, all the paper pieces exploded and turned into pieces of darts. The sky full of paper pieces fell like a rainstorm and covered Tianyu.

The power of this move was much stronger than before, and even Tianyu could not stand still.

He waved his hands quickly, and purple-red lightning rushed towards the pieces of paper, instantly extinguishing all the pieces of paper in the air, as if a sea of ​​fire rain had fallen.

The security guards and physical education teachers standing outside were anxious. Although they could not see the movement inside, they could hear the sound of fighting.

And through the curtains, they saw the flame halo that kept lighting up after the pieces of paper and the lightning came into contact.

Obviously, there was a fire inside.

"Oh no, there's a fire, call quickly, come and put out the fire, the conference room is on fire"

The whole school was in chaos, and everyone ran towards the conference room.

At this time, Tianyu directly killed the weirdo alive, and then waved his hand again, and all the things around that could extinguish the fire flew up, put out the fire, and then returned to their original place.

The door of the conference room slowly opened, and a group of security guards immediately rushed in and hurriedly checked the entire conference room.

At this moment, they found that there was a pile of gray-black ashes on the ground, and some tables had traces of being cut and burned.

Although other places were not forced to be completely destroyed, at least they were much better than the dormitory building where Zhao Ziqiu set fire yesterday.

"Mr. Tianyu, what's going on?" A security guard asked puzzledly.

Tianyu shook his head, then picked up Zhao Ziqiu and left the meeting room.

The current situation is very bad. Zhao Ziqiu's spiritual world has been seriously damaged because she has been parasitized by this weird for too long.

Even if she can recover, it will take some time for treatment.

In other words, Zhao Ziqiu is now on the verge of becoming mentally ill. If she is ignored, even if she is out of the control of the weird, she will always recall the devil-like life she has lived in these days.

Never think that loneliness will not kill people. On the contrary, the loneliness that pushes people to despair can make people do many crazy things.

Scientific research has proven that humans are group animals. If they don't see their own kind for more than three days and are separated from social life, their mental and spiritual aspects will gradually become distorted, resulting in huge changes.

Tianyu took Zhao Ziqiu out of school and came to Sister Li's house. There were many rooms in the villa. After Tianyu greeted Sister Li directly, he went straight to the second floor, carefully put Zhao Ziqiu on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

That night, Zhao Ziqiu woke up, and Tianyu appeared in time and placed the food in front of him.

"Let's eat!" Tianyu said calmly.

Zhao Ziqiu had a blank expression on her face and a blank look in her eyes. She ate the food in front of her like a robot. She even licked the rice in the bowl clean. After eating, she fell asleep.

Tianyu frowned when he saw this. He knew that everyone would behave differently when they were on the verge of a mental breakdown.

For example, some people would cry loudly, make a scene, go crazy, etc., while some people would cry all day long or even self-harm.

But there are a very small number of people who have no other behavior, just sleepiness.

Yes, they sleep day and night, and almost never get out of bed except for eating and going to the toilet.

Now it seems that Zhao Ziqiu is such a person.

But Tianyu understands that the most important thing during this period is companionship. If Zhao Ziqiu wakes up every time and finds that there is no one beside her, it will remind her of the nightmare life that happened a few days ago, which will continue to increase the stimulation and make her completely mentally broken.

So Tianyu understood that he couldn't play games these days and could only stay with this girl.

Finally, after 10 days, Zhao Ziqiu woke up one day and saw Tianyu beside him. He burst into tears and threw himself into his arms.

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