Any one of these things would be enough to expel Zhao Ziqiu from school. At this time, the teacher has not yet made up his mind, but he has already given enough face to this school beauty who usually performs well.

Tianyu sighed, and then said: "Teacher, I know, but there is something wrong with her state. Please allow me to let her regain her clarity first."

The physical education teacher nodded. He was well-informed, and of course he knew that Zhao Ziqiu was probably hit by something evil, but he didn't think of anything strange.

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But he also had some accidents. Why was Zhao Ziqiu inexplicably contaminated with those unclean things?

Then everyone withdrew, leaving only Tianyu and Zhao Ziqiu in the conference room.

Tianyu squatted down at close range and stared directly at Zhao Ziqiu.

Sure enough, the problem was discovered right away. There was something wrong in her eyes.

Zhao Ziqiu's eyes were extremely hollow, but the light under his pupils gave off a hint of inhumanity.

At this moment, Zhao Ziqiu just found that there was an extra mirror in front of him, and the person in the mirror looked nothing like her, but he was looking at her stupidly.

With a bang, Zhao Ziqiu suddenly used his right fist hard, broke free from the restraints of the rope, and hit Tianyu hard on the face.

This caught Tianyu off guard and he had no time to dodge, because he never expected that Zhao Ziqiu would suddenly take action.

It's just that for Tianyu, Zhao Ziqiu's fist is not much different from tickling.

"This school is so weird. I've already burned down the building, but no one has shown up yet. Is everyone in the world dead?"

Zhao Ziqiu couldn't help but let out a low roar, she was going crazy.

Being stuck in this school these days, unable to get out at all, and no one else came out to talk to her, in this extremely desperate situation, Zhao Ziqiu did many things that seemed unimaginable in ordinary times.

In order to vent her suffocating loneliness, she ran to the office building to relieve herself; she also poured laxatives into the school cafeteria, as if those classmates would go crazy and have diarrhea after taking laxatives, which made her feel very funny. .

In the end, Zhao Ziqiu couldn't stand it anymore, so he burned down the dormitory building.

Now Zhao Ziqiu came to the edge of the playground, but accidentally inserted his feet into the exercise equipment and couldn't get out. He could only sit on the ground, unable to move.

She was just about to break free when she suddenly found a mirror in front of her, and in the mirror was a boy, staring at her dreamily.

Zhao Ziqiu felt ashamed and angry, so he punched him out.

At this moment, Tianyu noticed that something was wrong with Zhao Ziqiu's state, as if he was immersed in his own little world and couldn't extricate himself.

"Oh, it's actually a weirdo that can harvest fear, but why is his method so clever and completely different from other weirdos?"

Tianyu looked thoughtful.

At this time, Zhao Ziqiu suddenly let out a wild roar like a wild beast. His whole body exploded with all his strength, he broke free of the hemp rope on his body and rushed towards Tianyu.

At the same time, she opened her mouth, ready to bite off Tianyu's neck.

At this moment, the change happened so fast that Tianyu was unprepared and squatted in place without moving.

Zhao Ziqiu burst out with strength several times stronger than her body, and bit Tianyu's neck fiercely. Then, Zhao Ziqiu burst into tears.

That's right, all the silver teeth in her mouth shattered instantly. Tianyu's neck was like a steel plate. After biting, only a clicking sound was heard. What was broken was not his neck, but Zhao Ziqiu's teeth.

Although Tianyu was completely unprepared and did not react at first, he reacted in the blink of an eye.

The reason why he was bitten by Zhao Ziqiu was because he didn't need to dodge at all. Zhao Ziqiu couldn't break through his defense. Tianyu was still very confident about this.

No matter how Zhao Ziqiu overdraws her potential and explodes her potential, she is just an ordinary person after all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Tianyu is a superhuman. The two are not in the same weight class at all.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Zhao Ziqiu cried indistinctly.

"Haha, how long are you going to keep pretending in front of me?"

Tianyu suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed his palm hard on Zhao Ziqiu's Tianling Cap.

This time, the huge magic power contained in his palm directly entered Zhao Ziqiu's body, instantly locking the abominable weirdness in her body.

At the same time, Tianyu launched a violent momentum, and no matter what kind of creature invaded the entire playground around him, he could not move.

They will feel trapped in a quagmire, and the absolute oppression will control their souls and bodies at the same time.


Zhao Ziqiu still kept making that vague sound, and her whole body began to shake violently.

Tianyu gritted his teeth and pumped hard, like a soul-draining technique, and slowly pulled out a blurry shadow from Zhao Ziqiu's spirit cap.

At this moment, violent thunder spread out from the palm of Tianyu's hand, striking directly at the shadow.

However, he did not dare to use too much force. After all, this weirdness was placed in Zhao Ziqiu's body. If his thunder accidentally struck Zhao Ziqiu, it would also cause devastating damage to her.

This was the most difficult time for Tianyu. He had to be careful not to hurt Zhao Ziqiu by mistake.

This weirdness was very smart. It used Zhao Ziqiu's physical advantage to fight a tug-of-war with Tianyu.

But at this time, Tianyu no longer had the patience to continue to consume with him. He snorted coldly, waved his right hand, and injected more mana into Zhao Ziqiu's body.

Zhao Ziqiu was stiff all over, and his body was motionless, unable to continue to be used by the weirdness.

The weirdness suddenly roared, rushed out of Zhao Ziqiu's head, and then opened its bloody mouth and bit Tianyu who was close at hand.

Tianyu snorted coldly and punched out. With a bang, the strange creature screamed and fell to the beach in the distant playground. There was no movement for a while.

Tianyu just stood up and was about to walk over when suddenly a strong wind blew up all around.

In the huge sand pit, yellow sand flew up automatically as if controlled by an invisible thing, and slowly condensed into a huge sand man in the air.

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