Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 544 Scared away the weird

Sister Li saw that Tianyu was too young, so she reminded him that she did not want Tianyu to die like the previous monks and Taoists.

From this point of view, this Sister Li still has a bit of conscience.

Seeing Tianyu's insistence, Sister Li said nothing more. From beginning to end, her daughter never spoke a word. It was probably due to the mental illness caused by fear during this period, such as depression.

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Afterwards, everyone set off.

When we returned to Sister Li's villa, it was already evening. As soon as the car was parked, the fat man sneered and said, "Sister Li, I won't go in."

Obviously, the fat man was afraid of being cursed. Sister Li nodded and said, "Xiao Zhou, find a place to rest nearby."

"Okay!" Fatty agreed quickly.

Sister Li called to Tianyu again: "Mr. Tianyu, please come this way."

On the way here, Tianyu had told them not to call them master anymore. In Tianyu's original world, in a special time period, master was not a good title and was almost equivalent to a liar.

When you walk into the villa, you can see that the decoration of the villa is very luxurious. This shows that Sister Li has quite a lot of assets.

Tianyu glanced at the lobby on the first floor, and soon his eyes were attracted by a painting.

In this painting, the content is a person walking towards a sea of ​​fire.

"Is this the painting?" Tianyu asked.

Neither Sister Li nor her daughter dared to look at the painting. When she heard Tianyu's voice, Sister Li nodded painfully and said, "That's it, Mr. Tianyu. Don't stare at it too seriously. You'll be cursed." "

Tianyu didn't take Sister Li's warning seriously and stared at the painting seriously.

It's not that Tianyu is arrogant and doesn't listen to advice, but his mission is to get rid of the weirdness in this world and save it.

If you can't even finish a painting, it's better to surrender as soon as possible.

After looking at it carefully for a while, Tianyu felt more and more that this painting indeed had a special magic power, which made him like it more and more the more he looked at it.

However, Tianyu's mental power was strong enough, and he quickly came back to his senses. When he looked at the painting again, it became very ordinary again.

That’s interesting!

Tianyu smiled and asked Sister Li: "You said before that there will be terrifying visions at 12 o'clock in the evening, right?"

"Yes." Sister Li seemed to have thought of something, and her face turned a little pale.

"Well, go and get me some dinner, and I'll wait here tonight for it to come out!"

After finishing speaking, Tianyu sat down directly on the sofa. Sister Li was slightly startled and quickly agreed: "Okay, I'll go get ready. Jingjing, go and pour a cup of tea for Mr. Tianyu."

Jingjing is the name of Sister Li’s daughter

That night, Sister Li brought a table full of dishes to entertain Tianyu.

Of course Tianyu was not polite. After eating and drinking, he lay on the sofa to rest, waiting for midnight to arrive.

Seeing Tianyu's calm look, Sister Li couldn't help but feel a little more confident.

In this way, time passes slowly.

By the time it was past 11 o'clock in the evening, Sister Li and her daughter became increasingly worried.

They didn't dare to go back to the room, so they stayed in the living room, as if Tianyu could bring them some sense of security.

After a while.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The old-fashioned clock in the living room gave a crisp reminder that it was midnight.

Sister Li and her daughter were suddenly frightened and hugged each other, their faces turned pale. Tianyu, who was lying on the sofa, also opened his eyes.

sand! sand! sand.!

The painting in the living room suddenly seemed to come alive, there was movement, and a figure jumped out of the painting.

This figure looks blurry, making it impossible to see the face clearly. You can only vaguely see the outline of a human figure, but it has a pair of scarlet eyes and is staring at the three people on the sofa.

Seeing this man appear, Sister Li and her daughter were frightened to death. Her daughter, in particular, was so frightened that she screamed and eventually became incontinent.

The next moment, a raging fire began to appear at the figure's feet. The fire spread rapidly. In just a few breaths, the entire living room was engulfed in fire.

Sister Li's daughter was so frightened that she passed out, and Sister Li herself was not much better. She hugged her daughter tightly, closed her eyes, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

Tianyu was the only one who remained indifferent. For Tianyu, this frightening scene was simply child's play.

He carefully observed the fire around him and found that although the flames were very realistic, they could not feel the slightest temperature. Tianyu immediately understood that this strange and harmful method was an illusion.

"Don't be afraid, what you see is just an illusion." Tianyu said calmly.

Only then did Sister Li remember that Tianyu was by her side. Seeing Tianyu's calm look, she quickly shouted: "Mr. Tianyu, help, help my daughter."

Tianyu waved his hand and looked at the figure. He happened to have attracted the figure's attention.

Those scarlet eyes were staring at Tianyu, who smiled and walked towards the strange figure.

Seeing Tianyu walking towards him, his strange scarlet eyes glowed brighter. He raised his hands, and his hands turned into fire snakes and rushed towards Tianyu.

This time, Tianyu was really surprised. It turned out that this weird could not only scare people with illusions, but also launch real attacks?

However, the flame attack of this weird had almost no effect on Tianyu. Even if he did not deliberately block it, these flames would not cause any harm to him.


Two huge fire snakes whizzed past, and then Tianyu appeared safely and continued to approach the weird.

Seeing this scene, the weird was obviously stunned for a moment. The next moment, the weird made an unexpected move

He turned around and rushed into the painting quickly, and actually ran away.

Tianyu was a little stunned, and then sneered, thinking that he would have no way out if he ran into the painting?

As the weird ran away, all the flames in the living room disappeared, and all objects returned to their original state without any signs of burns.

Sister Li was stunned on the spot, looking at Tianyu in surprise. This young man actually scared the weird away?

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