In the dormitory, Tianyu was lying down and resting.

"Tianyu." A roommate came back from outside and said to Tianyu: "There is someone looking for you outside, it's a fat man."

Tianyu looked calm after hearing this, sat up from the bed, thanked his roommate, and left the dormitory.

Tianyu was not surprised that Fatty came to him. After he solved the strange thing last night, he left Puluo Street not long after he left. Before leaving, he told Fatty his contact information and school. .

When he came outside the dormitory, Tianyu saw Fatty waiting for him, but what surprised him was that there were two women beside Fatty, one middle-aged and one young. They seemed to have a mother-daughter relationship.

Seeing Tianyu appear, Fatty's eyes immediately lit up and he greeted him: "Master!"

Tianyu nodded to the fat man and asked, "What do you want from me?"

The fat man did not answer, but said: "Master, let me introduce my friends to you first."

As he spoke, the fat man pointed to the middle-aged woman next to him and said, "This person's surname is Li. Like me, she is also an insider. Everyone calls her Sister Li."

Then he pointed at the girl next to him and said, "This is Sister Li's daughter, and she is also an insider."

The insiders that Fatty refers to are naturally those who are deeply cursed or troubled by strange things.

Tianyu then looked at the girl carefully and saw that she looked haggard and not very healthy.

At this time, Sister Li suddenly said: "Master, please save us."

Tianyu waved his hand and interrupted: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go out first and then talk!"

"Yes, yes!" Fatty greeted quickly: "There is a teahouse nearby, let's go there and talk."

In the private room of the tea house, four people were seated. Tianyu went straight to the point without any politeness: "Tell me about your situation."

Sister Li began to reminisce and said slowly: "About three months ago, I was invited to participate in an art exhibition. There was a painting in the art exhibition that caught my attention."

"The content of the painting is of a person walking into a sea of ​​fire, and the painting is so lifelike. I didn't know why at the time, as if I was possessed by a ghost, and I bought the painting back with a price."

"After I brought the painting home, I had to stare at it for a long time every day. The painting had a strange magic that made me obsessed with it. If I couldn't see it for a few hours, I would feel uncomfortable all over."

"This situation lasted for several days, and I finally felt something was wrong, so I took the painting to the suburbs and planned to burn it."

"At that time, I watched it slowly burn to ashes with my own eyes. But when I returned home, I suddenly found that the painting was intact and hanging in my living room, and my daughter was looking at it obsessively, just like I had Same obsession"

Recalling this, Sister Li's body slowly began to tremble, and so did her daughter.

"Sister Li, drink some water." The fat man sympathetically handed over a glass of water.

Sister Li said thank you, took a sip, calmed down her mood, and then continued: "I realized that there was something wrong with this painting, and I thought of many ways to deal with it."

"But no matter what method I used to get it away, when I came back, it would always be intact and hanging in my living room. I was so scared that I invited many monks and Taoists to come to my house to practice it, and those who came to me Almost all of the monks and Taoists who practiced Taoism at home died mysteriously on the second day, without exception."

"I also tried to move with my daughter, but no matter where I moved, the painting followed me. In the process, I implicated many innocent people. I thought the police would come to my door soon, but Nothing happened, no police came to see me."

"After that, I tried to call the police, but no matter what I said, the police would not believe it. No one believed that we, mother and daughter, were frightened. This is where the real nightmare began."

"In the following days, every time at 12 o'clock in the evening, the painting would come alive. The person in it, no, it was the devil. It jumped out of the painting and lit up my house with blazing flames. Whenever I talked to my daughter, When everyone thought they were going to be burned to death, all the visions disappeared and the family returned to normal."

"My daughter and I have been suffering mental torture every day and night. The devil seems to like to see us scared. Until now, it has not killed us."

"Just two months ago, I joined the circle and realized that there are many people like us in this world, and that painting actually appeared a long time ago. I heard that everyone who has ever owned that Anyone who paints this picture will be scared to death after three months, without exception!"

"Calculating the time, it will probably be the night after tomorrow when I have owned that painting for three months. In other words, I still have about two days."

At this point, Sister Li's face turned extremely pale. She looked at Tianyu with a hint of hope and begged: "I heard from Xiao Zhou that you are the exorcist of evil spirits. Please save us."

After finishing speaking, Sister Li pulled out her chair and knelt down directly towards Tianyu with her daughter.

In fact, she was still doubtful about the identity of Tianyu's Kneeler. After all, she had joined the circle for two months and had inquired about a lot of information, but she had never heard of a profession like a Kneeler in this world.

In addition, Tianyu looks too young and unconvincing.

Moreover, the place where they went to meet Tianyu was obviously a university, and Tianyu was obviously a student of that university.

It’s just that Sister Li is on the verge of despair now. She came to Tianyu with the idea of ​​1/10000.

Tianyu didn’t care whether Sister Li knelt or not. He asked with interest: "Where is the painting now?"

After listening to Sister Li’s story, Tianyu has developed a strong interest in the painting.

Sister Li’s eyes lit up and she quickly replied: "In my living room!"

Tianyu said: "Take me there to see it."

Sister Li was a little moved, but looking at Tianyu’s young face, she still advised: "Master, the painting is very strange. Anyone who has carefully looked at it will be cursed by a strange curse and will never be able to get rid of it. Do you..."

Before she finished speaking, Tianyu interrupted directly: "I know what I am doing. Just take me there."

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