Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 545 Playing with you

Tianyu took the painting off the wall. As soon as he took the painting, he felt that the material of the painting was not like oil paper, but more like human skin, and it felt very smooth.

And at some point in the painting, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared, staring at him, looking extremely captivating.

Of course, for Tianyu, this is all child's play. He also looked at those eyes and smiled slightly: "Like to play with fire? Although I can't play with fire, thunder can also emit high temperatures, so let's play with you! "

After the words fell, Tianyu's hands suddenly burst into a ball of blue thunder, which was exactly what he was capable of.

As Tianyu's attributes continued to grow, the power of thunder also discovered some changes. The color became deeper and the power became more amazing.

After the blue thunder appeared, it immediately created a terrifying high temperature, and the painting in Tianyu's hand quickly burned.

If I say I want to play with you, I will play with you. I will never use thunder to bully you, only high temperature!

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉


Suddenly, a painful howl sounded throughout the living room, and then, a large amount of blood flowed out of the painting. Some of it was evaporated by the thunder, and some fell to the ground, dyeing the ground red.

A normal person's heart would definitely not be able to bear this weird scene, but Tianyu looked calm and held the painting firmly with both hands.

Just now, he could clearly feel that the painting in his hand was struggling hard, as if it wanted to escape. Unfortunately, under the control of Tianyu's power, escape became a luxury.

After a while, this harmful painting finally turned into ashes in Tianyu's hands, leaving only blood stains on the ground.

After the painting was burned, Tianyu looked around and saw that the black air around the villa disappeared. In other words, the strange creature in the painting was really eliminated by Tianyu.

"Mr. Tianyu, is it really gone?" Sister Li asked in surprise.

She had been staring here just now, and naturally noticed the blue thunder erupting from Tianyu's hand, as well as the screams coming from the painting.

At this moment, Sister Li looked at Tianyu with deep awe.

A person who is not afraid of weirdness, can destroy weirdness, and can shoot thunder from his hands. He is obviously not an ordinary person. No matter what he is, he is worthy of her awe.

Tianyu nodded and said: "It has been eliminated!"

Sister Li couldn't help but ask: "Why is it okay when I burn it with fire, but you can burn it to death?"

Regarding this point, Tianyu is really hard to explain. His thunder can work mainly because of the effect produced by the magic power in his body.

Under the influence of mana, his attacks are like magic damage and can cause damage to Weirdness. Without the bonus of mana, his physical damage will also have no effect on Weirdness.

Seeing that Tianyu didn't speak for a while, Sister Li thought that Tianyu was disgusted by her talkativeness, so she quickly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tianyu, I was quick to talk."

Tianyu waved his hand and said perfunctorily: "It doesn't matter if I tell you. Whether it is thunder, flames, or even high temperature, it is different from the fire you use. You can understand it as divine fire."

He was too lazy to explain, so he made up such a lie.

After hearing Tianyu's words, Sister Li's pupils shrank slightly.

Divine fire?

If the literal meaning is taken, wouldn't it be a flame that can only be used by gods? Could this mysterious young man in front of me be...

Thinking of this, Sister Li looked at Tianyu with even more awe.

At this time, Tianyu said: "It's not too early. You can clean up here yourself and find me a room so I can sleep."

"Ah! Okay, Mr. Tianyu, please come with me." Sister Li quickly agreed.

As a villa, there are naturally many rooms, but Sister Li has no interest in cleaning many of them. No one has cleaned them for two or three months. As for why she didn't hire a cleaning lady.

This kind of thing has happened at home. Wouldn't inviting someone here be harming others?

Apart from her own master bedroom, the only clean room left now was her daughter's room.

Sister Li didn't dare to let Tianyu rest in a dusty room, so she took Tianyu to her daughter's room.

She herself planned to sleep in her own room with her daughter later.

"Mr. Tianyu, the other rooms have not been tidied up yet, so I have to make do with you here for one night."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have a place to sleep." Tianyu said as he walked into the room.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Tianyu and your rest."

Sister Li said and silently helped Tianyu close the door. It was only at this moment that Tianyu saw that something was wrong with this room.

The surrounding walls are all covered with pink wallpaper. There are many cute pendants and dolls in the house. There is a faint fragrance in the air. There is a large dressing table near the window.

Obviously, this is a girl's room. Since everyone has arranged him here, Tianyu doesn't bother to care so much and just washes and goes to bed.

In the living room downstairs, Sister Li suppressed her inner fear, cleaned up the blood on the floor, and then woke up her daughter who was sleeping on the sofa.

"Jingjing, wake up quickly."


After Li Jingjing woke up, she threw herself into her mother's arms, obviously still in fear.

Yes, Sister Li's daughter has her surname and she is a single mother.

Sister Li quickly comforted her daughter: "Don't be afraid, dear child. The ghost is dead and can no longer disturb us."

Hearing this, Li Jingjing was surprised: "Really? It was Mr. Tianyu. Is he really an exorcist?"

"No matter who he is, we are all saved. We don't have to worry anymore. Mr. Tianyu is our benefactor!"

Li Jingjing asked: "Where is Mr. Tianyu?"

"He went upstairs to sleep." Sister Li said: "Jingjing, you sleep with me at night. I will let Mr. Tianyu sleep in your room. The other rooms have not been cleaned up and there is a lot of dust."

"Oh, okay, I know."

Li Jingjing said, full of curiosity about Mr. Tianyu.

Then the mother and daughter returned to the master bedroom on the second floor to wash and sleep. They were exhausted by the weirdness in the painting for so long. At this moment, the crisis was resolved and they fell asleep immediately.

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