Seeing Garp coming out, Tianyu frowned, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. At the same time, strong winds began to blow and dark clouds began to gather in the sky.

Tianyu said loudly: "I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Garp, I'm not interested in a duel with you!"

Whether it is Tathagata Divine Palm, sword control or various thunder techniques, they are all abilities suitable for large-scale attacks.

The one-on-one duel was very unfavorable for Tianyu, as it would consume a lot of physical strength and mana. Of course, Tianyu would not be stupid and start a one-on-one duel with the masters of the Navy.

If they fight each other one by one, Tianyu will definitely not be able to use up the navy with more people and strength!

If Akainu came out to challenge, Tianyu would still be interested in accompanying him, and others would forget about it.

What's more, the bad old man who walked out in front of him was the naval hero Garp. If there was anyone in the navy that Tianyu was most afraid of, it would definitely be Garp.

The other generals are all Devil Fruit users, so there are ways to target them.

But Garp is completely a master of individual skills, has no obvious weaknesses at all, and has a strong survivability.

For such physical skills masters, their performance in a melee is definitely inferior to that of a one-on-one duel, because they do not have any means of large-scale destruction.

And if Tianyu were to challenge Garp now, Garp would probably laugh out loud with joy.

"Don't you just want my life?" Tianyu, holding a long sword, facing the naval fleet alone, said domineeringly: "Then don't waste time, let's go together!"

This is not because Tianyu deliberately wants to show off, but because his mission requires him to be famous all over the world, so he needs to be more high-profile.

After hearing this, Akainu snorted coldly on the spot: "What an arrogant boy. He just defeated a general by luck, and how dare he not take the navy seriously?"

Not only Akainu thinks Tianyu is arrogant, but everyone else does too.

As the overlord of the sea, the strength of the navy is obvious to all, and there are even more masters within the navy!

In particular, the three generals of the navy are not only the highest combat power of the navy, but also the top masters in the world!

Even Whitebeard didn't dare to say that he could defeat the entire navy alone. Although Tianyu performed very well when he killed Vice Admiral Weasel just now, the strength he showed shocked everyone.

But now he actually wants to challenge all the navies by himself. This is indeed an arrogant act!

Because Vice Admiral Weasel can only be regarded as an ordinary expert in the navy, and not all navies are so good.

"It's useless to talk more!" Tianyu shook his head and said: "Let me see the real chapter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tianyu slowly floated in the air, clenched his left hand hard, and activated the power of thunder control.


Dark clouds began to roll in the sky, and a large black cloud covered the sky and the sun, covering the entire sea area of ​​​​the Shampoo Islands, making people unable to breathe.

"What kind of ability is this?" Someone was shocked and asked in horror.

"Everyone, be careful, this may be the power of the Thunder Fruit!" Garp said solemnly.

Akainu, who had just mocked Tianyu, turned ugly when he saw the black clouds in the sky.


A barrel-thick thunder suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Tianyu. At this time, Tianyu used the secret method of thunder and began to absorb the power of thunder, preparing to use it as a big move later.

From the outside, Tianyu was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and he was in mid-air, like a newly born creature.

"Kerby, this guy looks like a god. Do we really want to fight him?"

“It’s so scary”

Behind Garp, the two young navy boys turned pale with fright when they saw Tianyu covered in lightning.

They are not the only ones who feel scared. Human beings are born with a strong sense of fear towards thunder. Human beings in many places regard thunder as the power of gods. This is a manifestation of human fear.

Many people were instinctively afraid of Tianyu who could freely control the thunder. Even Garp, Akainu and others had extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

"Thunder Fruit?" Akainu was confused.

In his memory, the guy with the Thunder Fruit seemed to be on an empty island, and the movement of the Thunder Fruit was not that big.

"You all should be careful!" The captured General Kizaru suddenly reminded: "This is one of Tianyu's many powerful abilities. It can summon thunder and use lightning attacks. The newcomers should leave here quickly, they will be killed. Woolen cloth!"

The navy members all believed Kizaru's reminder, and many navy members felt their scalps numb at that time.

"Gulu! Gulu!" The sound of boiling magma suddenly came from the splint.


A drop of solution fell on the deck, instantly burning a hole in the plywood.

"It seems that Tianyu can't be allowed to continue to be unruly!" Akainu said in a conspiratorial tone.

His entire arm had turned into billowing lava, and thick smoke was rising.

The next moment, Akainu suddenly raised his magma-formed arm and punched Tianyu in mid-air.

"Big fire-breathing!"

A huge fist of lava suddenly appeared, as if the power of a volcanic eruption appeared on the fist, and hit Tianyu directly.

Before the fist could reach it, the scorching air waves burned the surrounding air and boiled, and an unparalleled pressure rushed towards Tianyu.

Tianyu's face suddenly became very solemn. He knew the plot and was also familiar with Akainu. He knew how powerful Akainu's fist was. He was able to fight against Whitebeard.

Seeing the big fire coming, Tianyu did not dare to be careless. He immediately used one of his big moves. He switched the demon-killing sword to his left hand and retracted his right hand to his waist to store power.


A flash of thunder appeared from Tianyu's right hand, and then Tianyu quickly made a move and slapped it.

The 100% power of the Buddha's Palm appeared again, and a huge thunder palm print emerged from Tianyu's palm, rushing towards Akainu's magma fist.


The thunder Buddha's Palm and Akainu's big fire collided with each other, making a huge earth-shaking sound, as if the sky and the earth collided.

The energy it burst out was extremely terrifying. A powerful shock wave appeared from the center of the explosion and rushed in all directions.

The flowers, plants and trees on the shore were uprooted, and even the warships docked on the shore were shaky, as if they had been hit by a hurricane.

Then the Thunder Buddha Palm disappeared instantly, and the Big Fire Fist was also broken into pieces.

However, Akainu's move still had follow-up attacks. After the Big Fire exploded, it would turn into countless volcanic bombs, and the power of each volcanic bomb could easily destroy a super-large warship.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!!"

Countless volcanic bombs fell towards the island, and after landing, they exploded and burned everything.

Rayleigh's face changed, and he immediately jumped in front of Kizaru, holding a long sword and splitting the volcanic bomb.

"Thank you, Mr. Rayleigh." Kizaru thanked him, looked at Akainu on the bow deck, and said with some displeasure: "Sakaski, don't forget that I'm still here, do you want to kill me too?"

Speaking of this, Kizaru's eyes suddenly looked at Tianyu in the air: "This is the first time I've seen a fist that can destroy Sakaski. Tianyu, you are really a monster."

His words aroused the approval of countless people. At this moment, countless navy officers on the deck, including those big guys, looked at Tianyu in surprise.

Most of the navy officers are quite clear about the power of Akainu's fist.

Akainu's big fire can break a mountain. There are definitely no more than five people in the world who can take Akainu's fist!

And Tianyu in front of him actually broke Chixue's big fire with a slap, which is really amazing.

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