Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 393 Water Control Talisman

"Another new ability, is this guy a monster? Such a monster should not be left in the world!"

"He must be executed here today, otherwise he will continue to grow and the consequences will be disastrous!"

Several vice admirals of the navy discussed.

In mid-air, Tianyu suddenly said loudly: "Red Dog, your attack power is just so-so!"

Akainu raised his head and stared at Tianyu: "Tianyu, I will give you a grand funeral!"

"Keep it for yourself!" Tianyu said loudly: "I won't play with you anymore!"

While speaking, several talismans that seemed to be looming and illusory appeared in Tianyu's hands.

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These talismans look extremely magical, and they are obviously illusory, but they emit a light blue light, beautiful and charming, and breathtaking.

After Tianyu crushed these spells, the originally calm sea surface suddenly began to riot, and a large amount of sea water rushed and surged like a group of monkeys that were stimulated.

"Splash! Splash! Splash!"

A huge wave rose from the sea level, carrying the power of annihilation, and swept towards the navy's warships.

"It's a tsunami!!!"

Many navy officers widened their eyes, their faces were pale, and they showed extremely terrified expressions.

Among all natural disasters, tsunamis are one of the most terrifying disasters!

Whether it is an earthquake or a fire, when a disaster occurs, people will be afraid, but at least they still have the courage to escape.

But when the overwhelming tsunami swept in with the power of annihilation, it was enough to make anyone despair.

Most people probably didn't even have the courage to escape, so when a tsunami hundreds of meters high appeared on the sea level, countless navy officers were stunned, even big guys like Akainu Garp, their faces changed drastically.

In addition to the tsunami, there was also a strong wind in the sky. The dark thunderclouds seemed even more oppressive. Thunder dragons shuttled through the clouds, clearly visible, as if they would rush down to eat people at any time.

"What kind of monster is it? There's a good show to watch, fufufufu!"

Doflamingo looked at the tsunami and thunderclouds in the sky and laughed excitedly.

He felt that he had not come in vain. Even if Tianyu could not destroy the entire navy today, at least he could make the navy suffer a big loss.

"Sister, Senior Tianyu is too strong. Let's evacuate this sea area first, otherwise we will be affected by the tsunami."

Hancock heard her sister's words and nodded seriously: "You evacuate to a safe area first!"

"What about you, sister?"

"I'll stay and prepare to support Senior Tianyu!"

On the coast, countless navy soldiers were going crazy looking at the overwhelming tsunami.

"Tsunami. Tsunami is coming, run for your life!"

"How can there be a tsunami in this sea area? Am I dazzled?"

"Tianyu, it must be the ability of Tianyu. What kind of monster is he?"

"Hey, hey, now is not the time to talk about this. Our ship can't stop such a tsunami. If we don't do something, we will all die here."

"It's useless. In front of such a tsunami, nothing we do is useful. We can only pray."

At this time, those who can still speak and still think about resisting are all navy with good psychological quality. Most people have been frightened by the tsunami and look desperate, and have completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

"This is bad!" Garp looked at the tsunami getting closer and closer, his face gloomy.

Akainu agreed and said angrily: "Why does Tianyu have the ability to summon a tsunami, but no one told me in the report?"

These top masters are all powerful and can destroy the world with a single move, but facing an attack like a tsunami, they really have no way to stop it. It's good enough to be able to protect themselves.

Although Akainu's magma is powerful, it is impossible to evaporate all the seawater.

Pluto Rayleigh looked at Tianyu in surprise: "Tianyu, you are really surprising, and you have a powerful ability again!"

Let alone them, even Tianyu himself was confused at the moment.

He had used the spell to summon and control the water flow before, but it was never so powerful. Today's use shocked him.

"Has my strength grown so much? Has the power of the spell grown so much?" Tianyu muttered to himself.

Because of the rapid growth, Tianyu actually has no idea of ​​his true strength.

With his current mana, there is no pressure to control the seawater. As long as the right method is used, it can be manipulated at will, just like the dark cloud above his head.

The Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue is used to control thunder, and the water control talisman in Maoshan Taoism is used to control the seawater!

Although the level of Maoshan Taoism is not high enough, Tianyu's own mana and quality are too high.

It's like installing an F1 engine on a Chery QQ. Although it will explode soon due to overload, at least the acceleration is very strong when starting.

Or to put it simply, at Tianyu's level, even if he casually slaps, the power is very terrifying. After all, Tianyu can be ranked in the top 100 in the world.

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