Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 391: Killing the Weasel Instantly

Haowang Haki is a kind of king qualification, which is very rare. Only one person with Haowang Haki will appear in one million people.

Although not every owner of Haowang Haki can become the overlord of the sea, the premise of becoming the overlord of the sea is to have Haowang Haki.

Tianyu showed a strong Haowang Haki, which instantly made everyone's evaluation of Tianyu improve by three points.

At the same time, it also made countless navy bosses realize one thing. With Tianyu's potential, he must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise he will become the new overlord of the sea sooner or later.

"Tianyu must not be left!" Akainu ordered everyone in a decisive tone: "Kill Tianyu at all costs!!!"

After hearing this, no one objected. Let alone the crime committed by Tianyu, Tianyu's amazing potential alone should be strangled in the cradle early!

Everyone knows that if Tianyu is let go today, it won't take long for Tianyu to become a big worry for the navy! !

At this time, a major general came forward to report: "Admiral, the Seven Warlords are here!"

Akainu turned his head and saw four fleets coming from four different directions.

There were originally seven of the Seven Warlords, but Luffy killed one of them, leaving only six.

They are Hawkeye Jorakore Mihawk, Empress Boa Hancock, Sky Yasha Doflamingo, Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma, Gekko Moriah, and Sea Knight Jinbei.

Of course, because of the matter of Fire Fist Ace, Jinbei is no longer a Seven Warlord, and is imprisoned in Impel Down, so there are only five remaining Seven Warlords!

"They came so late, these pirates really can't be trusted!" Akainu snorted coldly: "Let them disperse and surround, don't let Tianyu run away!"

"Yes, Admiral!" After hearing the order, the major general immediately went down to notify.

A vice admiral suddenly spoke up and reminded: "Admiral, there seem to be too many people coming from the Nine Snakes Pirates."


Akainu looked carefully at the Nine Snakes Pirates and indeed found that the number of people brought by the Empress was a bit too much. There were dozens of ships of all sizes.

Compared with the two or three ships of the other seven warlords, this was simply a big hand.

"Send someone to keep an eye on them!" Akainu ordered.

For Akainu, a pirate is a pirate. No matter what his identity is, he deserves to die, even if he is a seven warlord.

Although these pirates came here under the compulsory summons of the navy, Akainu still has no trust in these people.

So before the first moment he saw the Nine Snakes Pirates, Akainu felt that these people had a conspiracy, and it was against the navy.

After hearing Akainu's order, the vice admiral retreated without hesitation and went to arrange manpower.

On the sea, Captain Boya and Hancock of the Nine Snakes Pirates were standing on the deck, looking at the Sabaody Archipelago. Seeing the lineup of the navy coming, the empress frowned.

"In order to deal with Tianyu, the navy has come out in full force?"

"Sister, what should we do?"

Hancock's pretty face was a little ugly, but she still said firmly: "Let's wait and see. If Tianyu can't defeat the navy, we will immediately support him. At least we can't let Senior Tianyu fall here!"

After hearing this, several women of different heights standing behind the empress nodded in agreement.

They all knew that Senior Tianyu's behavior of constantly killing the Celestial Dragons was very supported and loved by their sisters, so even if they sacrificed their lives for it, they would not hesitate.

"Sister, look at the shore, that's Senior Tianyu!!!"

After hearing this, the empress immediately looked towards the shore, and a mature, steady, and extraordinary man appeared in the empress's sight.

"Senior Tianyu."

Seeing the man she had been thinking about day and night, the empress was immediately excited, like a crazy fan, holding her little face with both hands.

Although it was only the first time they met, the empress had thought about this scene countless times.

And the empress was surprised to find that Tianyu himself was much more handsome than the one on the wanted poster.

"It's really Senior Tianyu, I finally see you!"

"That man. Is it Tianyu?"

On another ship, Doflamingo wore sunglasses and stared at Tianyu, looking at him constantly.

"What a crazy guy!" Doflamingo chuckled and muttered to himself: "I hope you can let me see a good show!"

On the shore, Akainu looked around and asked: "Who will take down Tianyu?"

As soon as the voice fell, Vice Admiral Weasel, who had been eager to move, stood up not far from Akainu: "Let me challenge Tianyu!"

Weasel looked solemn, with a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes. Although the opponent defeated and captured Admiral Kizaru, Weasel was very confident in his own strength.

Even if he couldn't take down Tianyu, he could at least hold on for a while. After all, his strength was among the top among the vice admirals.


With a low chuckle, Weasel disappeared directly from the spot. His Navy Six Styles was very powerful.

The next moment, Weasel appeared directly in front of Tianyu, and the long sword in his hand pierced Tianyu's heart, very fast!

However, such speed still could not escape Tianyu's eyes. Tianyu didn't even have the interest to dodge. He just stood there, with full defense, and took the sword head-on.

With his multiple stacked defenses, Lieutenant General Weasel didn't have the ability to break through his defenses.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and Lieutenant General Weasel's expression changed drastically. He felt that what he stabbed was not a person at all, but a piece of indestructible steel!

In an instant, Weasel knew that the gap between himself and Tianyu was really too big.

The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than he imagined. It is very likely that the opponent really defeated General Kizaru with strength.

Instead of relying on various conspiracies and tricks, as he imagined, and joining forces with Pluto Rayleigh.


Seeing that the situation was not going well, Lieutenant General Weasel immediately used Moon Step, preparing to quickly distance himself and slowly look for Tianyu's weakness.

But at this moment, Tianyu finally took action. Tianyu waved his big hand, turned his hand into claws, and grabbed Lieutenant General Weasel.

At the same time, his feet moved forward, flashing forward at an extremely fast speed. Lieutenant General Weasel, who had already run away, was approached by Tianyu the next moment and fell into Tianyu's hands.


With a crisp sound, the weasel's neck was broken by Tianyu. A famous naval vice-admiral died here in an instant, and was killed by Tianyu instantly!

After seeing this, the faces of everyone around him changed drastically and their pupils tightened.

Tianyu, on the other hand, threw the weasel's body on the ground like trash and looked at Akainu on the opposite deck.

"Red Dog, don't let these rubbish come to your death, or you should do it yourself." Tianyu said calmly.

Akainu's face was very ugly. Although he was not optimistic about Weasel's appearance in the battle, Akainu never expected to be killed so easily.

Seeing that no one came forward, Garp took the initiative to stand up: "Tianyu boy, I made you escape from the Navy Headquarters more than ten years ago. Your strength has improved a lot over the years, so let me try out your changes over the years! "

After finishing speaking, Garp rubbed his casserole-sized fists and walked towards the shore.

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