Considering that he could not help much at the moment, Tianyu looked through the Internet and planned to learn more about the situation.

But while flipping through the video, Tianyu saw a video provided by a netizen, called "Shameless Book Country".

This video has been blocked by the country, and this one was downloaded by the netizen separately and saved.

Tianyu was a little curious about the name, so he borrowed a video from the netizen directly!

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The netizen was very efficient and shared it with Tianyu in just a few minutes. After a thank you, Tianyu opened the video.

But just after opening the video, Tianyu was already furious, and his fists creaked!

As soon as the video was opened, tens of thousands of Dragon people appeared in front of the camera, including men and women, old and young!

The most important thing is that all these people were tied to pillars, with bruises all over their bodies!

There are even many young women, who look extremely miserable, with death in their eyes!

There were also many children, all of whom were tearful, but dared not cry out the slightest sound, biting their lips in fear.

Then, an old face that made people want to vomit suddenly appeared, with a braid tied behind his head and two beards under his nose, making people want to beat him to death immediately!

Then the man spoke: "These people were captured by our Big Book Empire with great effort. Longguo must exchange Tianyu and SSS-level Super God Raiders, otherwise they will all die in three days!"

As he spoke, the man drew out the long knife from his waist and suddenly chopped at a five or six-year-old child beside him!


Blood spurted out immediately, and a head rolled on the ground. Even if the head fell to the ground, it still stared at the ugly man with fear in its eyes!

"Hahahaha, three days, you only have three days. After killing these people, I will find the next batch! Hahaha!"

Accompanied by a burst of laughter, the video ended!

At this moment, Tianyu's eyes were bloodshot, and his heart was burning with anger. He wanted to go to Benzi Country immediately and kill everyone!

But he still tried his best to maintain a trace of rationality, and contacted Lin Xueer first to ask about the rescue situation.

Since the other party has captured so many people, Longguo will definitely not remain indifferent and will definitely go to rescue.

Fortunately, the situation did not disappoint him. Longguo launched a rescue as soon as possible, and the leader was Lin Xueer.

At this moment, Lin Xueer was not in Benzi Country, but wandering in the high seas, because those people were captured here.

According to Lin Xueer, they have locked the target and will start the rescue soon.

After understanding the situation, Tianyu immediately put his mind at ease and no longer worried about these people.

But the anger in his heart did not subside at all, but became more and more intense, and the strong desire to kill filled his chest!

After ending the call, Tianyu rushed to the extraordinary group as soon as possible. Although the combatants were out, there were still some ordinary people to maintain the operation.

Tianyu went directly to the archives and looked up the information of the strong men in the country of Benzi.

In the country of Benzi, the strongest is their Prime Minister Sanbencunfu, a strong man of gold level three!

Below Yamamotocunfu, there are two strong men of gold level one in the country of Benzi!

Although it is a little less, it is normal to think that the strong men of Dragon Country only include Long Tianjing and seven high-level members of the extraordinary group.

Benzi is just a small island country with a very small population base, so there are naturally few strong men!

As for the silver and bronze levels below, Tianyu just glanced at them casually and didn't bother to care at all.

Although he is now at the level of silver level five, his real combat power can almost be invincible at the level of silver!

"Very good, in that case, it is just right to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!" Looking at the photo of Sanbencunfu, Tianyu's eyes became more and more fierce.

After leaving the archives, Tianyu immediately entered the selection space and exchanged all 60,000 selection points into free attribute points, which were evenly distributed on the four-dimensional attributes.

Name: Tianyu

Selection number: 1008611

Strength: 285

Speed: 285

Constitution: 285

Spirit: 285

Special skills: Danger Sense (passive), Shushan Basic Swordsmanship (mastery), Shushan Sword Controlling (mastery), Ten Thousand Swords (mastery), Tathagata Palm (mastery)

Spiritual root: Thunder Spiritual Root

Skill: Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue (Master)

Selection points: 0

Strength rating: Silver Level 8

Items: Infinite Gloves, Hulk Ability Experience Card.

After this wave of enhancement, Tianyu's strength directly reached Silver Level 8.

Feeling the powerful strength and abundant mana in his body, Tianyu's confidence increased a lot.

"With my current strength, the silver level is absolutely invincible, no matter how many come, it's not enough for me to kill!"

"But at the gold level, even the weakest gold one, I should not be able to kill, I can only remain undefeated!"

Tianyu has a clear understanding of himself, there is a qualitative gap between gold and silver.

The most obvious point is that at the silver level, 500 points can be exchanged for one free attribute point!

After reaching the gold level, it has increased tenfold, and 5,000 points of selection points can be exchanged for one free attribute point, which is obvious.


Tianyu took a look at the Hulk ability card in his personal warehouse and was full of confidence in himself!

After using this card, his strength will probably be raised to gold level 2 or 3.

With such basic strength, with Tianyu's powerful and advanced skills, he can fight against gold level 4 or 5.

"Huh! Everything is ready, it's time to set off!"

After taking a deep breath, Tianyu thought about the island where the country was located.

Although he didn't notify anyone, he left a message for Lin Xueer.

According to Tianyu's estimation, this trip will take about three days, so this message will also appear in Lin Xueer's eyes three days later.

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