After checking the rewards, Tianyu did not continue to process the selection points, but chose to exit the personal warehouse.

"You have a communication message. Lin Xueer sent you a message. Please check it in time!"

Tianyu opened the message and was confused.

In the message, Lin Xueer told Tianyu that the Extraordinary Group had a big operation, so most of the personnel were out, including Lin Xueer.

After Tianyu returned to the real world, he did not need to go to the Extraordinary Group or look for her. Just prepare for the next mission world. They will be back soon.

Looking at this message, Tianyu always felt something was wrong.

With the strength of the Extraordinary Group, what tasks require all to go out?

The only thing that can make the Extraordinary Group go out is probably an international dispute, right?

Thinking of this, Tianyu was stunned and had a bad guess in his heart.

He was so high-profile, and his identity had been exposed long ago. It has always been Dragon Country and the Extraordinary Group that have protected him.

As early as the previous few times when he returned to the real world, Tianyu had already learned that many countries such as Ugly Country threatened Long Country with war and asked Long Country to hand over themselves.

However, Long Country has never agreed, because the attack on Adam Smith made various countries fall into suspicion and temporarily got a chance to breathe.

The current situation, could it be that these people have made a comeback and started a war with Long Country?

Thinking of this, Tianyu hurriedly exited the selection space and returned to the real world.

If you want to check some information as quickly as possible, the Internet is undoubtedly ranked first!

And in things like war, as long as it is really started, it is impossible to hide it, so there must be some discussion.

Sure enough, not long after turning on the computer, Tianyu found the information he wanted to see.

This is a post called "Comparative Analysis of the Strength of my country and Ugly Country", which has more than 8 million views and ranks first, so Tianyu clicked it directly.

"This time, I will review the current situation of our country and the strength comparison between our country and Ugly Country!"

"Before the formal review, in order to prevent some people from not knowing the actual situation, I will talk about the reasons for the war."

"The main forces at war with our country are Ugly Country and the country of Benzi, where everyone is 1.5 meters tall and 5 meters tall, and the heart is black! Other countries have not yet participated!"

"Of course, when you hear that our country is fighting one against two, you don't have to panic. Our main enemy is Ugly Country, and Benzi is just a jumping clown, not worth mentioning at all!"

"Not much nonsense, let's talk about the reasons for the war!"

"The reason for the war is that our country's strength is rapidly increasing, which makes Ugly Country, once the world's largest country, feel Threat, so they want to strangle us!"

"Every time, it's just as you think, the fundamental reason is because of the appearance of Tianyu God!"

"According to incomplete statistics, since Tianyu God joined the Super Group, the members of the Super Group have received more than 8,800 SSS-level Super God evaluations!"

"If only Tianyu God was strong, the Ugly Country would naturally try every means to assassinate Tianyu God. But now the entire Dragon Country has begun to rise, so the Ugly Country can't sit still!"

"They want us to hand over Tianyu God and share all the SSS-level Super God strategies, and then they will start a war!"

"Now that the war has started, I believe everyone is clear about our Dragon Country's choice!"

Seeing this, Tianyu nodded in understanding, and the facts were indeed no different from what he thought.

But this is not the most important thing. Tianyu wants to see how the current battle situation is, so he continued to watch.

"After talking about the reasons for the war, it's time to analyze the strength comparison!"

"First of all, the top combat power. The world's number one master Adam Smith is from the Ugly Country, but because of the previous nuclear bomb attack, he should be seriously injured and has not recovered, so he did not participate in the war!"

"And I put the leader of the Extraordinary Team, Long Tianjing, without Adam Smith, almost no one can stop him. The Ugly Country can send out multiple masters to contain him!"

"Below these top masters among the golds are ordinary gold masters. In this regard, the enemy and us are actually not much different, and there is nothing worth analyzing!"

"Next, it is our middle-level combat power, the silver level!"

"At this level, the high-level silvers are also not much different, and we are even slightly ahead!"

"But! Pay attention to this but! But at the level of Silver 1 to Silver 5, Our country directly crushed the ugly country! Even if we add the Benzi country, it is not enough for our country to beat! ! "

"I think you have guessed it without me saying it, right? Every time, all this is because of the SSS-level super god strategy shared by the great god Tianyu!"

"With the help of these strategies, many people in the extraordinary group can barely enter the silver level at around the tenth floor of the Tiantai! ! "

"Going down is the bronze level of the bottom strength. Needless to say, anyone in the extraordinary group who reaches the fifth floor of the Tiantai has entered the bronze level. It is a complete crushing! "

"Of course, when it comes to this, some people will definitely ask why there is no black iron level, because they are all seeds, so they will not participate in it, and the country will not allow it! "

"Okay, the strength analysis ends here. As long as there are no external factors, we will definitely win, so everyone doesn't need to be nervous! ”

After reading this post, Tianyu roughly understood some of the situation, but he couldn't calm down, so he flipped through the comments below.

"Our country really won't let people down. It's better to destroy the ugly country directly. I don't know how many of our geniuses have been killed over the years!"

"That's right, there is also that jumping up and down country, a tiny place, so how can it be so self-aware? It's better to crush it by the way!"

"You are really bold. This war has just begun. The water is much deeper than you think!"

"Let's not talk about other things. With Tianyu God here, we will definitely be far ahead and completely surpass all countries. Will these countries be willing?"

"Since they are unwilling, we can only destroy Longguo and destroy Tianyu God , restore the previous balance! "

"So, in the future, there will be many countries that will go to war with us and join forces with the ugly country! Now it's just an appetizer!"

"If you ask me, just hand Tianyu over. Sacrifice him and save all of us. How great!"

"That's right, it's just right to publish all those SSS-level super god strategies, and there will definitely be world peace!"

"The person above, has your brain been eaten by a dog? I xxxx you xxxx"

There are all kinds of comments in these comments, and Tianyu just glanced at them casually and didn't care too much.

As for those who asked to hand over their own, Tianyu was too lazy to take another look.

The hatred of the rich is everywhere. No matter whether they will gain benefits or not, they will always laugh when people who are better off than themselves are in trouble.

What really worries him is the comment of one of them. Although other countries are temporarily watching, they will end up sooner or later!

With the current strength of Dragon Country, the high-end combat power can only slightly suppress Ugly Country. This is when Adam Smith is injured and cannot take action. Otherwise, the high-end strength of Dragon Country will inevitably be suppressed by Ugly Country!

Although the strength of the middle and lower levels is completely crushed, what if there are more countries going to war?

If you can crush one, two, or three, can you crush ten, twenty, or thirty?

"Alas! After all, the time is too short, and the responsible person will sweep over directly!" Tianyu couldn't help but sigh.

With the strategy provided by himself, as long as some time is given, Dragon Country will take off, which is inevitable, but there is not so much time now!

But for now, in addition to working hard to improve his own strength, Tianyu has no good way for the time being.

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