Tianyu flew on his sword and came to the sky above the island of Benzi Country, locking his target.

Then, without saying anything, he came to the holy place of Benzi Country, Sakura Mountain!

There are many cherry blossom trees growing on this Sakura Mountain. Every time the flowers bloom, beautiful cherry blossom rain will fall, hence the name.

In addition, most of the powerful people of Benzi Country, such as Sanben Village, also live here.

"It's time to make you pay the price! Tathagata Palm!"

Looking at the Sakura Mountain under his feet, Tianyu suddenly flew into the sky and went straight to the sky.

Knowing that the white clouds in the sky were also left far behind by Tianyu, Tianyu put away the demon.

Looking at the Sakura Mountain with only a black spot below, Tianyu slowly stretched out his right hand, aimed at the bottom, and began to fall freely!

As Tianyu's descent speed increased, a palm-shaped air imprint slowly appeared in front of him and became bigger and bigger!

10,000 meters!

8,000 meters!

5,000 meters!

3,000 meters!

As the altitude decreased, the handprint gradually grew larger. When Tianyu was more than a thousand meters from the ground, the handprint was as large as one-third of the Sakura Mountain!

"Who dares to be so presumptuous in the holy land!!!"

As Tianyu's power grew, he finally alarmed the strong men of the Benzi Kingdom below. Many flying masters flew up one after another, looking at the handprint above their heads with a serious face.

"Mr. Yamamoto Murao, let me resist him!" As he spoke, one of the two gold-level strong men of the Benzi Kingdom drew out a long sword and rushed towards Tianyu.

"Dare to invade my Benzi Kingdom and try to destroy the holy land of Sakura Mountain, you must die!"

With a roar, the long sword suddenly aimed at Tianyu and chopped it down vertically, trying to split the Tathagata Palm in two!


A reddish-brown sword energy of more than a hundred meters suddenly appeared and rushed towards the Tathagata Palm at lightning speed.

Looking at this sword energy, Tianyu's face was still very critical, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

With his strength, even if he was not the opponent's opponent, he would never fail!

What's more, he was well prepared now, and he started to accumulate power from an altitude of 10,000 meters, and his might had already reached its peak!

And the opponent rushed to fight, and he had to estimate the Sakura Mountain below, and his strength could only be exerted at the eighth level, let alone block his own!

However, in order to kill more people, Tianyu secretly activated the mana in his body and added thunder to the Buddha's Palm.

In an instant, the original five-colored air handprint turned directly into a thunder handprint, making a crackling sound, which was creepy!

The person below who wanted to break the Buddha's Palm changed his face at this moment, but he had no time to react.


A palm and a sword energy collided head-on, bursting out a deafening sound.

The masters of the Benzi Kingdom who were watching the battle below were still fine with their gold strength, but those below the gold level had their brains blank and blood constantly flowing out of their ears.

The strong sound of the collision had already ruptured their eardrums and temporarily deafened them.

"What is this?"

"So powerful!"

These people opened their mouths wide, staring at the sky in amazement, trying to see the battle clearly.

But the next moment, these people's faces changed drastically, and they fled madly in all directions, wishing their parents would give them more legs.

Because at an altitude of a thousand meters, a blood mist suddenly spread out, and it was brought down by the huge palm print, and the speed was extremely fast!

It turned out that under Tianyu's palm, the gold master who tried to stop it was not bad at all, and was directly blown into a blood mist!

Although the Thunder Handprint was missing four fingers at this moment, it was still extremely powerful.

"What are you panicking about? I'll deal with him!" Seeing everyone panic, Sanben Village Man stood up in time and looked at the sky with a serious face.

Seeing that the other party had killed a master from several parties so easily, even he couldn't relax.

As Sanbencunfu finished speaking, a dark shadow five seconds tall stood up behind him, bent his knees and jumped, and went straight to meet him.

This is Sanbencunfu's ability - Shikigami!

Although Sanbencunfu has the strength of gold level 3, most of his strength is above this Shikigami!

"Mr. Sanbencunfu has taken action, and the enemy will definitely be defeated!"

"That's right, Mr. Sanbencunfu is our patron saint, and no one is his opponent at all!"

"After Mr. Sanbencunfu defeats the enemy, I must cut him into pieces. He dared to invade our country, which is really overestimating his own abilities!"

"Hmph, now that we know which country he is from, we can go to their country and kill them wantonly!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We must massacre the city to let them know how powerful our country is!"

Seeing Sanbencunfu take action, these people immediately became confident and began to think about how to deal with Tianyu

Looking at the oncoming Shikigami, Tianyu's calm face finally changed.

Even though there was still some distance, Tianyu was very aware of the strong pressure from the opponent!

"This move is no match!" Tianyu got the result in his mind at the first moment.

Although the Buddha's Palm was strengthened by thunder, he had killed a gold master head-on before, which had consumed most of his strength.

Now he encountered a more powerful Shikigami, and he could never compete with him!

Thinking of this, Tianyu suddenly pushed down, and the speed of the Thunder Handprint suddenly increased, and he pressed down fiercely.

And Tianyu himself, however, had a thought, stepped on the demon-killing sword, and slowly descended downwards!


After Tianyu made preparations for the countermeasures, the pitch-black Shikigami had already collided head-on with the Thunder Handprint.

The two had not been deadlocked in the air for a second, and the Thunder Handprint was broken into pieces and completely dissipated.

Then the pitch-black Shikigami landed on the ground. Tianyu looked from a distance and saw that the other party was not injured at all!

"It is really powerful. Although the Tathagata Palm is broken, it is intact. It is amazing!" Even Tianyu had to sigh from the bottom of his heart.

Although this Tathagata Palm is not his most powerful skill, after his own accumulation and the bonus of thunder, it can be said to be the most powerful move that Tianyu can now make!

Even the more powerful Ten Thousand Swords Jue is slightly weaker in front of the Tathagata Palm!

But even so, it was actually defeated by Sanbencunfu's Shikigami head-on!

Then Tianyu slowly descended and stopped on the demon-slayer at a height of 30 meters above Sanbencunfu and others.

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