Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 30 Black and White Devils

The lunatic himself is not terrible. What is terrible is that the master is also a lunatic.

If a master of this level really goes crazy and wants to kill himself, it will probably be easier than killing a chicken.

Even if one person can destroy a first-class sect, it seems to be no problem.

"Today's young masters are increasingly unable to understand. What kind of world is this?"

Even though Yue Buqun was thoughtful, he couldn't understand Tianyu's thoughts at all, and a deep feeling of powerlessness came to his heart.

But Tianyu didn't know what he was thinking, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.


The only thing he cares about now is how high his reputation can be.

After all, the nature of this matter is much more hot-button than killing Tian Boguang.

It is conceivable that a battle with Zuo Lengchan, regardless of victory or defeat, will cause a sensation in the world.

Not long after, the golden basin washing ceremony began again.

Tianyu's goal was achieved, Shi Shiran walked back to his original position, and Liu's disciples brought him a thick Dongxiao score.

He also exchanged it for a pot of Dahongpao worth thousands of gold.

"Ding, you have obtained "Swordsman of the Swordsman: Dongxiao Chapter". If you collect the complete set of music scores, you will complete the hidden mission."

Sure enough!

The name of this score is also called "Swordsman", which echoes the title of the novel and has a transcendent status in the novel.

Even at the end of the original work, Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying performed "Swordsman", which corresponds to Liu Zhengfeng's song Yang.

No wonder it serves as a hidden mission prop!

Of course, Tianyu also had the mentality of giving it a try, but unexpectedly he actually unearthed something.

"Thank you for your kindness, I have become familiar with those big shots. I will definitely ask them for help when I encounter problems in the future."

Tianyu was in a good mood, drank a cup of tea quietly, and said hello to the red-faced old man.

"Master Lin Lin, this junior is joking, please don't be as knowledgeable as this junior!"

The red-faced old man was so frightened that he almost cried and quickly begged for mercy.

When he raised his head, he found that there was nothing in front of him. The handsome young man with swordsmanship and divine powers had disappeared without a trace.

"How does that go?"

After walking out of Lin Mansion, Tianyu saw Mr. Mo Da leaning against the wall, playing music alone.

"The old man was very stubborn and it took him a long time to get the thing. Well, there is indeed something to this song."

Mr. Mo Da took out a book of piano music without raising his head and handed it to Tianyu.

Tianyu told Mr. Mo Da that day that Qu Yang would go to the Jinpen Washing Banquet today.

So Mr. Mo Da stayed on the road and had a fight with Qu Yang.

Although Qu Yang's martial arts is good, it is still not good enough under Mr. Mo Da's hands.

He originally thought that this time was a misfortune, but in the end, Mr. Mo Da only wanted the music score he wrote, which made Qu Yang look like he was constipated.

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Tianyu took the sheet music and stuffed it into his arms.

"Ding, you have obtained the complete score of "The Swordsman". After completing the hidden tasks, you can join the evaluation system. After completing the tasks, you can receive mysterious rewards."

A large tavern in Luoyang City.

Countless people from all walks of life gathered early in the morning, and the place was noisy.

"Have you heard? Today is the day when swordsman Lin Pingzhi Lin Daxia challenges the Zuo Lengchan Zuo leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect."

"Of course I know, this is the hottest thing in the world recently."

"Tsk, tsk, I heard that this Great Hero Lin has mastered the art of swordsmanship and mastered the magic when he was less than twenty years old. Is it true or not?"

"If you are not convinced, you can try it."

"Huh? What do you say?"

"Hehe, several masters were dissatisfied with him and went to challenge him, but he killed them all with one sword strike."

"So cruel?"

"More than that, before the Qingcheng faction went to Fuzhou City to bully the Fuwei Escort Agency for some reason, and now Yu Canghai has just passed his first seven years."

"Does Tian Boguang, who travels alone for thousands of miles, know? He is a master of swordsmanship! In the end, he was also killed by his sword."

"He also drew his sword in anger at the golden basin hand-washing banquet of Liu Zhengfeng and Liu Sanye of the Hengshan faction. He stabbed Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, and Fei Bin, the Dasongyang Hand, to death on the spot. Ding Mian, the Tota Hand, was too frightened to take action. , and fled."

"Be careful what you say. This is Luoyang, and the Songshan sect is right next to it. Even if they can't do anything to Daxia Lin, why do they want to deal with you casually?"

"Ah, that seems right. I have a stomachache, so I won't bother you today."

In the corner of the wine table, two men were eating the famous Luoyang water banquet, but their expressions were uncertain.

One of them was wearing a black robe and the other was wearing a white robe. They were tall and thin, giving people a very unlucky feeling.

If you hold the mourning stick and extend your tongue, you can go to COS Black and White.

The Jianghu people still have some taboos, and whether intentionally or not, they sit farther away from them, which makes it easier for them to talk.

"This won't work. The hot topic recently is this sword madman Lin Pingzhi. We, the Black and White Demons, have done so many things, but we still don't have much reputation."

"Cooking is the original sin! Look what they do. What about us? We either go to exterminate bandits or go to other people's martial arts gyms to compete. I feel embarrassed!"

"Even the prestige mission is like this! How can you complete it if you are not thick-skinned? I also want to pass the level comfortably!"

"Hey, that's right."

"But it's a damn thing. We dress with such personality and do a lot of things. In theory, it's very topical. We should at least have a reputation as a second-rate expert. Who is this Lin Pingzhi? He's trying to steal traffic from us! "

"I don't know. This person is not mentioned in the online guide. Could he also be a Chosen One?"

"Are you stupid? This is only the second level. The Chosen One is at most Black Iron Level. From the description, does this sound like something a real Black Iron Level One can do?"

"Maybe it's a Chosen One genius picked out of a billion."

"Bullshit, why don't you say it's God Tianyu?"

"If it's him, I want to ask him for an autograph."

"Don't dream! Let's get to work after dinner. There's an old boxer named Ma in Luoyang City. He seems to be a master of Xingyi Tai Chi. He's so fancy and you can tell he's a noob. Luoyang is a big place. Let's beat him up. A meal, I guess I can get some reputation. "

"It's not good to beat the old man, it's not martial ethics."

"If we don't have enough reputation, when we accept the punishment, will the space praise us for martial ethics?"

"That makes sense! Then who will we bully after we beat this old man?"

"There are many people in Luoyang who can get attention. Look, the Golden Blade Wang family seems to be pretty good, with a good reputation and a weak strength. It's a good place to brush points."

"Yeah, it's right to follow the big brother."

"Finally, I don't have to deliberately make trouble."

Tianyu looked at the plaque of "Songshan School" and felt a little tired, all because of the reputation requirement.

Tianyu is not a good man, and he has no taboos when killing people, but the reputation requires fame, which means that these things are destined not to be done secretly.

Even if it is to eliminate violence and protect the good and do justice, the cost-effectiveness must be maximized, and the kind that everyone in the world knows.

There is no Internet these days, so it can only be spread by word of mouth.

As a result, Tianyu was a little crazy in order to build a reputation.

Oh, he could only be crazy in his heart, and he had to maintain a cool style on the surface.

Tianyu even imitated the popular idol Ximen Chuxue and created a persona of a white-clothed sword god.

But people in the martial arts world call him a sword maniac.

Of course, this title is not bad.

He is dressed in white like snow, looks handsome, and no one survives under his sword. He acts flamboyantly, which is also very topical.

He even became the dream lover of countless female martial arts heroes.

In the past few days, he deliberately showed his saintliness in front of people several times, killed a few so-called martial arts masters who didn't know what was good for them, and also made some reputation wool by the way.

With his current popularity, he has already ranked among the top few in the martial arts world of this world, and now he finally doesn't have to deliberately improve his reputation.

Except for the masters on the challenge list, the rest of the martial arts world will be taken for granted by the martial arts world, and there is no room for improving reputation at all.

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