Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 31 Killing Zuo Lengchan

"Songshan Sect is closed today, and tourists are not allowed to enter. Who are you? Are you on the list of people invited to watch the battle?"

Under the plaque of Songshan Sect, several disciples were waiting in full battle array. After seeing Tianyu, one of them asked.

"You didn't invite me to watch the battle, but please tell your sect leader Zuo that the sword maniac Lin Pingzhi came to pay his respects to the mountain." Tianyu smiled and said calmly.

Finally, I can see the upper-class martial arts of this world.

The top of Songshan Mountain was called "Junji" in ancient times. The Junji Zen Temple on the top of Songshan Mountain was originally a Buddhist temple, and then changed to Taoism. It has become the residence of the head of Songshan Sect for nearly a hundred years.

Although there is a word "Zen" in Zuo Lengchan's name, he is not a disciple of Buddhism, and his martial arts belong to Taoism.

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In fact, among the Five Mountains Sword Sects, only Hengshan Sect belongs to Buddhism.

Tianyu walked into the hall. At this moment, there were already 20 to 30 people sitting in the hall. It was silent and the atmosphere was solemn.

"You are the sword maniac Lin Pingzhi, right?"

Seeing Tianyu enter, a burly middle-aged man at the end of the hall stood up and said in a deep voice.

"That's right."

"Okay, I am Zuo Lengchan of Songshan. Today, I will fight with you as you wish." Zuo Lengchan snorted coldly,

"It is true that heroes have always been young since ancient times."

"I am Jie Feng of the Beggars' Gang. I have come here to notarize the duel between the two of you. These friends in the martial arts world are here to watch the battle. Do you two have any objections?"

An old man with white hair dressed as a beggar asked loudly.

As the world's largest gang, the Beggars' Gang has disciples all over the world. Although this generation does not have top talents like Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong, its size is still huge.

As the leader of the Beggars' Gang, Jie Feng has a large family and a large business, and he doesn't really buy Zuo Lengchan's account.

Even when the Five Mountains Sword Sect made a fool of itself, he was secretly happy.

"Zuo has no objection." Zuo Lengchan said in a deep voice.

"It's an honor."

Tianyu looked at the crowd. There were more than ten people wearing yellow robes, and Ding Mian, who was seen that day, was among them.

The remaining ten or so people were dressed differently. There were monks, Taoists, nuns and Confucian scholars. They were probably masters from various sects who came to watch the battle.

Yue Buqun, Mr. Mo Da and Tianmen Taoist, who were seen that day, were among them.

But it seemed that Shaolin Abbot Fangzheng and Wudang Headmaster Chongxu were not here.

"Young Master Lin, should we compete in palm skills or sword skills?"

Zuo Lengchan looked at Tianyu deeply and said in a deep voice.

He really hated Tianyu. He had painstakingly planned for more than ten years and arranged a plan to deal with the four major sects, but it was completely destroyed by a few words from the young man in front of him.

These things also involved the secrets of Songshan Sect. Zuo Lengchan still couldn't figure out how the news was leaked.

What's even more annoying is that people have motives for doing things!

If the other party negotiated with him based on this, or even used it to threaten him, Zuo Lengchan could understand it.

The problem is that he sold himself out in front of nearly two thousand people without caring.

Even intelligence shows that he met Yue Buqun, Tianmen Taoist and others for the first time.

Afterwards, apart from some reputation, he did not gain any benefits.

After all, Yue Buqun and Tianmen were a little scared of this style of behavior.

Subconsciously, they didn't want to have anything to do with him.

This is ridiculous.

Is there really such a madman in the world who harms others and does not benefit himself?

Zuo Lengchan felt that his three views were a little overturned.

But since he was a madman, Zuo Lengchan was too lazy to negotiate conditions. There was only one way to make a madman keep his mouth shut.

Kill him, that's it.

"I only know swordsmanship, so let's compete in swordsmanship."

"Swords have no eyes, and life and death are unpredictable."

"No problem."


A trace of murderous intent flashed in Zuo Lengchan's eyes, and with a swish, he drew out his long sword.

When he drew out his sword, he secretly used his internal force, and the blade and the inner wall of the scabbard kept colliding, vibrating and making a loud noise.

The long sword was unsheathed, like thunder, and the sound kept echoing in the hall.

Everyone watching the battle changed their faces slightly, and they were shocked.

"Is it so cool to draw a sword?"

Tianyu's cheeks twitched slightly, and he was really a little envious.

If he learned this technique, he probably wouldn't have to say so many dirty words, and he could also fill up his reputation.

He might not lose to Zuo Lengchan in swordsmanship, and he was not inferior in strength, but when it came to high-end things like internal strength, he was a little blind.

Next time I watch a martial arts movie, I must get a set of advanced internal skills to practice, Tianyu secretly made a wish.


Zuo Lengchan tapped the ground with his toes, and suddenly accelerated off the ground, rushing towards Tianyu like a sports car.

In mid-air, Zuo Lengchan's long sword slashed from left to right, and the sword body seemed to be curved and straight, sometimes bending and sometimes advancing.

Under the infusion of internal force, a dead sword suddenly disappeared like a spirit snake and dragon.

Songshan Divine Sword——Heavenly Jade Dragon!

Almost at the same time, Longquan Sword came out, and the sword whistled. Tianyu's long sword turned into a continuous sword shadow, crashing into Zuo Lengchan's sword.

The sword light was bright, and the sword energy rushed to the sky! Evils are easy to ward off!

Zuo Lengchan's eyes suddenly widened, his internal force was agitated, and layers of frost appeared on the long sword.

This was the ice qi he rarely used, and it was also his biggest trump card.

Now the two of them were facing a life-and-death battle within one move. Zuo Lengchan felt that it was much more important to survive than to keep a trump card, so he had no reservations.

The faces of the onlookers changed drastically, and they were extremely shocked when they saw the two men's actions.

Zuo Lengchan's swordsmanship was solemn and majestic, like a thousand troops galloping, with long spears and halberds, and yellow sand for thousands of miles.

As for Tianyu's swordsmanship, it was hard to describe. The sword moves were extremely strange, not invulnerable, and even the turning points of the moves seemed to have flaws.

But it was extremely fast, unimaginably fast, as long as it was fast enough, it didn't matter whether there were flaws or not.

The sword whistled, and a ray of blood appeared. It was Zuo Lengchan who was careless and got hit by a sword.

The blood beads were still in the air, and they were frozen into frost, and they went up and down in the sword circle, which was extremely beautiful.


Zuo Lengchan roared, and rolling cold air scattered.

A series of extremely cold air swirls around him, piercing people's bones, and the cold air suddenly exploded.

The martial arts of the masters present were not weak, but they trembled all over, shivered, and silently used their internal energy to drive away the cold, and then they felt some warmth.

"I'm broken too!" Tianyu shouted.

The sword lights in the sky suddenly gathered and turned into a light spot, which exploded after a moment.

Along with it, Zuo Lengchan's burly body exploded.

"This Zuo Lengchan is really something."

Tianyu exhaled a breath of cold air and cursed in his heart.

When he was fighting with Zuo Lengchan just now, Zuo Lengchan used the ice qi to the limit, and the surroundings were full of cold air, piercing people's bones.

I fought with him for a few swords, and I felt very uncomfortable. When I finally killed him, I was hit by his palm from a distance.

Now the blood in my body is as if it has been frozen in the refrigerator, and it is very uncomfortable.

The worst thing is that this ice qi is somewhat similar to magic attack, and Tianyu can only gradually recover with high physical strength.

"Big Brother!"

Ding Mian and others hurriedly surrounded him.

Zuo Lengchan is now only a pile of fragments. One look at it and you can see that there is no need to rescue him.

"Kill this kid! Revenge for my senior brother!"

Nine-curved sword Zhong Zhen pointed at Tianyu and said angrily.

"Come on, I'll kill you first."

Tianyu glanced at Zhong Zhen with disdain.

Although his current condition is not very good, Tianyu will not be afraid of these guards if he really fights.

The mission is completed anyway. Even if he can't win, he can just return to the space.


Zhong Zhen was stunned for a moment and took a step back subconsciously.

Zuo Lengchan's martial arts are so high that even if five or six guards join forces, they have no chance of winning. But now he has been defeated by this young sword maniac.

If the others come together, they may not be able to avenge him. Even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory. The Songshan Sect will inevitably be in a slump, and he may not even see that day.

If this young man is determined to kill him, he doesn't know whether he can win. Most likely, he will die like a boiled chicken after a while.

Ding Mian and others looked at each other and hesitated.

If Lin Pingzhi was really at the end of his strength, then everyone from Songshan Sect would have rushed forward without hesitation.

But the two men just moved too fast, and everyone couldn't see clearly. It only seemed that Zuo Lengchan was defeated and died in more than ten moves.

In this situation, it would be a bit dangerous to force a move.

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