Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 29 This is a madman

"Based on your two actions, I guess you don't dare to attack alone. The three of you should go together.


Fei Bin's cheek twitched.

Originally, he really planned to add: "There is no need to talk about the rules of the world with this kind of evil heretic, let's all join in!"

But Tianyu said it first, so he couldn't shout out the words, otherwise it would be clear that he was giving up.

A lifetime of fame would inevitably be ruined, and the Songshan sect would also be embarrassed.

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The Songshan Sect has been humiliated so much today that it canโ€™t afford to be embarrassed.

"Hmph! You, a junior, are sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued. I can handle you alone." Fei Bin gritted his teeth and made a big Songyang hand.

His nickname is "Da Songyang Hand", and his skill with his hands is better than his sword skills.

"That's fine." Tianyu reached out and pulled out the Longquan Sword, shaking his hand with confidence.

The bright silver sword shadow shot through the sky like lightning shooting stars.

"What kind of sword technique is this?" Fei Bin's face changed drastically and he didn't dare to block the sword at all.

Pointing his toes to the ground, he jumped back hastily, but a bloody arrow shot out suddenly, and it was Fei Bin's chest that was scratched by the tip of the sword.

He channeled the internal energy of the Songshan Sect, and the internal energy remained after being hit by the sword in the chest, forcing blood to spurt out from the wound.

"Come again!"

Tianyu used his sword to the fullest extent, swung his long sword smoothly, and performed another "playing the flute on the river" style.

Just as Fei Bin took a breath, he was hit hard on the shoulder, bleeding profusely.

Although Tianyu doesn't know internal strength, his physical fitness far beyond ordinary people is no joke, especially the double speed bonus given by the evil-fighting sword manual!

Although Fei Bin's martial arts skills are not bad, they are actually not as good as Yu Canghai's, and he is just barely at the top of the class.

After a while, the competition turned into Fei Bin running and Tianyu chasing.

The two chased each other and ran more than ten meters in an instant.

No matter how fast Fei Bin accelerated, the opponent's sword was still swinging at his vital point.

From time to time, a bloody hole would be poked out, which scared him to pieces.

"This swordsmanship is incredibly fast. I don't know how to practice it." Lu Bai looked at it in fascination and wondered.

"What a nonsense! Save people first!" Ding Mian groaned and jumped up.

Lu Bai woke up from his dream and hurriedly followed.

"Withdraw the sword!"

The two of them used four palms to slap Tianyu in the back.

"Let's go together? Then we won't play."

Tianyu smiled slightly and stabbed Fei Bin with the sword very quickly. Fei Bin was hit by the sword in the throat and fell to the ground cleanly.

The next moment, Tianyu responded with a backhand, and the sword flashed, piercing Lu Bai's heart.

Before the long sword could turn around, Tianyu simply raised his left hand and met Ding Mian's palms.

Palm collision!

Ding Mian immediately groaned, his face turned red, and he took five or six steps back before he could barely stand still.

Almost at the same time, the bodies of Fei Bin and Lu Bai fell heavily.

Although Tianyu doesn't know internal strength, he is now so powerful that he can be considered as a "natural power".

If you take action seriously, ordinary experts will not be able to resist it.

"Lin Pingzhi! If you kill two of my senior brothers, the entire Songshan sect will be at odds with you!" Ding Mian stared at the corpses of Lu Bai and Fei Bin, his eyes cracked, and roared.

Originally, he expected that the worst outcome would be for Liu Zhengfeng to escape, but now two senior brothers have died. It is a completely unbearable price!

"Aren't you dead yet? There's no need to wait until later. Let's have another fight. You will be killed within five moves."

Tianyu flicked his sword and made a dragon roar.

Strictly speaking, he also suffered a few internal injuries when he fought against Ding Mian.

But he has more than 50 points of physical strength, and his healing ability is invincible. He can recover as before if his chest feels tight.


Ding Mian was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously shrank his neck.

Although his martial arts skills are good, he was beaten two times by Tianyu in a three-on-one fight.

If we still take action now, the only outcome will be death.

Ding Mian looked around for a long time. The whole place was quiet, as if a bunch of primary school students were waiting for the teacher to assign homework.

The Songshan Sect did indeed arrange for a lot of people to mingle among the guests this time and wait for opportunities to help.

But just a few words from Tianyu made the Songshan Sect the target of public criticism, and Zuo Lengchan's reputation was also tarnished.

As a result, people who have only a moderate friendship with the Songshan Sect really dare not speak for the Songshan Sect.

After all, who among those traveling around the world these days doesnโ€™t have some secrets?

This young hero Lin even knows Zuo Lengchan's secrets very well. If he goes up to the Songshan Sect to show off, he will be casually said and the dirty things he has done will be exposed.

Who will you cry to then?

"Amitabha, Young Master Lin, please be merciful to others."

After a long time, Master Dingyi sighed.

"Even if the Songshan sect has its faults, it is still a well-known and upright sect. The Fuwei Escort Agency is a righteous sect, so why should we let our loved ones hurt our enemies?" Seeing someone taking the lead, Yue Buqun also advised.

Zuo Lengchan's reputation is already notorious, but the Songshan Sect is after all a member of the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

The end was too ugly. The other four factions were not only disgraced, but at least their faces were dull.

"Forget it, since someone intercedes, I won't kill you today."

"Go back and tell Zuo Lengchan. Give him a chance to avenge his sect. Ten days later, I will go to Songshan in person and ask him to fight. We will live and die according to our destiny." Tianyu thought for a while and said with a smile.

Zuo Lengchan seems to be the weakest in the challenge mission, so letโ€™s attack him first.

But it's really strange, why did Lin Pingzhi have to issue such a task.

Fortunately, he chose the advent mode, otherwise Tianyu really had no confidence in this task.

The whole audience was in an uproar.

Zuo Lengchan is a top martial arts master, one of the top three masters of the righteous way, a figure like Mount Tai and the North Star, and it is said that he has not personally taken action for more than ten years.

But the young man Lin Pingzhi in front of him, although he has not risen for a long time, is also unfathomable in martial arts.

He just challenged the three great Songshan Taibao, and even stepped on the face of the Songshan Sect and officially ranked among the top masters.

This kind of martial arts obviously has the qualifications to challenge Zuo Lengchan.

For a while, the heroes had different thoughts.

"Well, I will go back and tell Brother Zuo. Ten days later, I will learn your skills at the Shengguan Peak of Songshan." Ding Mian snorted coldly and waved his hand.

"Uncle, do we still care about this golden basin hand-washing banquet?"

A Songshan disciple asked hurriedly.


Ding Mian glared at him hatefully and walked out without looking back.

Songshan Sect came here this time to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Now Songshan Sect has become the chicken, being stepped on by others and becoming famous.

Songshan Sect's reputation has collapsed anyway, so why bother!

Isn't it embarrassing enough?

The disciples of Songshan Sect suddenly woke up, quickly picked up the bodies of the two guards, and followed them out at a trot.

"Mr. Lin, I will repay you for saving my life today."

Seeing Songshan Sect leave, Liu Zhengfeng hurried to Tianyu and thanked him in a low voice.

He is also an old man, and he has seen a lot. Originally, Songshan Sect rushed in in a swarm, which made him a little confused.

After reacting, he realized that they were probably here because he made friends with Qu Yang. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and was extremely grateful to Tianyu.

"Don't be too polite, just give me a copy of your "Swordsman" score." Tianyu glanced at Liu Zhengfeng and said calmly.

"So, Mr. Lin is also one of us? There is absolutely no problem with this, but I only have the score for the flute."

Liu Zhengfeng showed a look of surprise.

"I am not one of you, don't get me wrong, the flute is the flute." Tianyu waved his hand and walked away.

Who would play music so crazy? The life of a family is not as important as a music friend. In the previous life, the star-chasing fans were not so exaggerated. Tianyu really couldn't understand it.


Yue Buqun, Tianmen Taoist and other famous people subconsciously glanced at Tianyu, and then quickly looked away, as if there was a great danger in looking at him.

But in their hearts, the fact is also true.

Although Tianyu looks handsome, he is a madman!

He dared to kill two Songshan Taibao for a disagreement, and challenged Zuo Lengchan! He didn't play by the rules at all!

It's simply not something a normal person would do.

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