Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 28 Angry at Zuo Lengchan

This is the so-called killing of chickens to scare monkeys.

No matter how good Liu Zhengfeng's martial arts skills are, he can only act like a chicken. There is no risk in messing with him.

Tianyu was really impatient to watch Liu Zhengfeng perform a low-quality ethics drama, so he simply fast-forwarded the plot at his own pace.

To be honest, for a person like Liu Zhengfeng, who is so sad and undisputed, his whole family is also very unlucky, but this is indeed his private matter.

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Originally, it was just to watch the excitement, and there was really no need to show off, but Tianyu didn't have enough time left in order to build up his reputation.

If you want to challenge high ratings, you need to create something sensational and hot.

In this case, slapping the Songshan Sect in the face would definitely be much more effective than helping the Songshan Sect to eliminate Liu Zhengfeng's entire family.

Therefore, even if the Songshan Sect is unlucky this time, the Songshan Sect is not a good thing anyway, so Tianyu feels at ease.

"You are Lin Pingzhi, Shaoxia Lin, right? I've heard your name before on the way."

"Yu Canghai, the head of Qingcheng, has no grievances against you. I heard that your Excellency killed his son, which led him to seek revenge from the Fuwei Escort Agency."

"Your Excellency, your attack on the Qingcheng people is so harsh, don't you think it's too much?" Fei Bin chuckled and said sadly.

Tianyu said that Zuo Lengchan was not a thing. Fei Bin thought about it and felt that it was not easy to argue with this point.

The Songshan sect can't say that Zuo Lengchan is a thing, right? People are not things in the first place

"Yu Canghai behaved in a dirty way, even worse than Zuo Lengchan. His son was not even a good person. He actually molested a good girl in broad daylight. I just killed him when I saw injustice on the road. But what's wrong with him?"

Tianyu smiled and said, "Huashan sect disciples Luo Denuo and Yue Lingshan were both present at that time. Can you two testify for me?"

"Ah? Yes! This young hero Lin is right." Yue Lingshan blushed and couldn't help but say.

Nowadays, Lin Pingzhi is extremely famous and has become the number one master of the younger generation.

Even Linghu Chong admired his martial arts greatly and marveled in admiration in front of all the disciples of Huashan Sect.

When Lauderno saw Yu Canghai's body afterwards, he was covered in cold sweat and was filled with fear.

Yue Lingshan thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why Lin Ping deliberately acted like he had mediocre martial arts when he met him.

But she couldn't help but think wildly.

My thoughts have obviously gone astray these days.

"Thank you very much, Young Master Lin, for helping my little girl that day." Yue Buqun pondered for a moment and said with a smile.

He was deeply scheming and knew that his plans for evil-proofing swordsmanship were probably discovered by Tianyu, so he took the initiative to show his kindness and apologize.

Of course, this is because Tianyu has shown sufficient strength. Now Tianyu's status in the world can be equal to that of Yue Buqun.

If it were the original three-legged cat Lin Pingzhi, Yue Buqun would probably just smile slightly and would never express his attitude so easily.

"Let's not talk about it for now. The Qingcheng sect will settle Yu Canghai's matter with you."

"But if you insult me, the leader of Songshan, if you don't get an explanation, I will make you splash with blood today."

Fei Bin, Ding Mian and Lu Bai looked at each other, nodded slightly, and looked at Tianyu with a sneer.

They came under orders to deal with Liu Zhengfeng's friendship with Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect.

The original plan was that if Liu Zhengfeng refused to give in, he would wipe out his entire family, which would be a good opportunity to establish his authority and build momentum for the Five Sacred Alliance.

As a result, a young man emerged who was much more arrogant than Liu Zhengfeng.

Liu Zhengfeng only secretly befriended Qu Yang, but this guy simply scolded Zuo Lengchan!

If we can't force him to kneel down and apologize today,

Even if Liu Zhengfeng's entire family was killed, the gains would still outweigh the losses.

Not only does it not have the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, the Songshan sect may also have a bad reputation of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

The Songshan Sect became a laughing stock and completely lost the meaning of this trip.

"Young man, I understand that you have spoken uprightly, but this is indeed a family matter of my Five Mountains Sword Sect. You'd better give in and leave early."

When Liu Zhengfeng saw the Songshan sect's murderous intent, he couldn't bear it and tried to persuade him.

"General Liu Shen, don't get me wrong. I just don't like Zuo Lengchan, and it has nothing to do with you. The Songshan sect wants to kill your whole family, and you don't care. What do I care about?"

Tianyu glanced at Liu Zhengfeng and said calmly.


This sounds awkward, but it seems to make sense.

Liu Zhengfeng gave a bitter smile and stepped aside, thoughtfully.

"Junior, since you are not a member of the Five Mountains, you still dare to talk about the leader of the Five Mountains Alliance?"

"Why don't you kneel down and kowtow three times to the flag of the Five Mountains!"

"If that's the case, we might be able to be more generous and take you to Songshan Mountain to find the leader of the Left Alliance to plead guilty and plead for mercy."

"Zuo Lengchan acted underhandedly. Isn't it true that everyone in the world knows about it?" Tianyu said disdainfully.

"How presumptuous! Senior Brother Zuo is such a person, how can you, a junior like you, speak nonsense?" Mian was furious.

"Let's start with the Huashan faction. The leader of the Left Alliance sent his disciple Lao Denuo to apprentice with Yue Buqun many years ago as an undercover agent."

"He also supported the masters of Huashan Sword Sect by the way. Is the leader named Feng Buping or Feng Bujue? Anyway, it won't be long before members of the Sword Sect are sent to Huashan to seize power."

The whole place fell silent.

Yue Buqun:

Disciples of the Huashan Sect:.


Ding Mian and three others:.

Well, now it is true that no one knows and no one knows.

There were nearly two thousand people present, and no matter how high their martial arts skills were, Ding and Mian could not silence everyone.

There are many things that can only be done behind the scenes and cannot be put in the open.

Even if Liu Zhengfeng can be killed this time, Zuo Lengchan's reputation will be completely ruined.

Even "Five Mountains Sword Sects, the same blood and branches" has become a joke.

"Second Brother, are you really a traitor?" Yue Lingshan was stunned and said angrily.

"I" Lao Denuo subconsciously glanced at Tianyu.

Seeing the other party's indifferent expression and a look of indifference, he couldn't help but panic in his heart, and his mouth full of sophistry stuck in his throat.

Clearly, they met in Fuzhou a few days ago, and he still looked green and green, but he went to slaughter the Qingcheng Sect without saying a word.

Even the layout of the Zuo Alliance Leader was clear and clear. How good acting skills are needed to perform this?

Lao Denuo, who is also an acting master, sighed that he was not as good as him! I can't imagine it at all.

"Denuo, this time, you should go back with the brothers from Songshan Sect. By the way, tell the leader Zuo that Buqun's martial arts skills are low and he can't teach his disciples well." Yue Buqun's face was livid.

He was scheming and had known that something was wrong with Lao Denuo. He originally planned to take advantage of the situation and trick Zuo Lengchan at a critical moment.

In fact, in the original novel, Yue Buqun used Lao Denuo to give Zuo Lengchan a fake "Sword Technique of Exorcism".

During the Five Mountains Competition, he unexpectedly blinded Zuo Lengchan.

But now that the matter has been exposed, if you still want to make a fuss, it can only be said that you look down on the IQ of both sides.

This time, Songshan Sect was indeed very disgusting, and Yue Buqun was secretly depressed.

"How about my Taishan Sect?" Tianmen Taoist, the head of Taishan Sect, suddenly asked.

"Taishan? Yujizi, Yuqingzi, and Yuyinzi are all your uncles, right? Do they not get along with you?"

"These three are all Zuo Lengchan's men. If you don't want the Five Mountains to merge in the future, they will get rid of you. You'll have to pray for good luck then." Tianyu said casually.

"What nonsense! I will go back and investigate this matter in detail to clear the name of all the uncles and Zuo Mengzhu."

The Taoist of Tianmen changed his expression several times when he heard this. He said something harsh and then changed the subject.

"Young man, you killed Tian Boguang and saved my disciple. I am grateful to you. I won't say anything else today." Master Dingyi put her hands together and saluted Tianyu.

"Okay." Tianyu smiled slightly and said nothing more.

"You are so eloquent that you are trying to sow discord among the Five Mountains. You have ulterior motives! I think you are probably a member of the Demon Sect."

"Good and evil have always been incompatible. The Demon Sect and the Five Mountains Sword Sect have a deep hatred and cannot live together. Today, Fei Bin will learn from your superior's tricks."

Ding Mian and the other two were no longer concerned about dealing with Liu Zhengfeng.

Killing Liu Zhengfeng was just to establish his authority, but Tianyu had no idea how many secrets of the Songshan Sect he had mastered.

If this person were alive, everyone in the Songshan Sect would be worried about what was more important. There was no need to think about it.

"I heard that masters like Yu Canghai and Tian Boguang were defeated by you. I am not talented, but I want to learn from you." Fei Bin said in a deep voice.

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