Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 27 Find a way to show up

The next day in the Liu Mansion, there was a banquet with gold basins to wash hands.

Liu Zhengfeng was very generous and hospitable, even though some people entertained him with wine and meat just to catch the autumn wind.

There are already one or two hundred seats inside and outside, with more than a thousand people sitting densely packed, and there are also guests from far away arriving outside the door like a stream.

No one came to register their name at all, so Tianyu randomly picked a seat and sat down, poured a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"This little brother, I see how nervous you are. I wonder which master you studied under?" The person sitting next to you was an old man with a shiny red face and asked with a smile.

"I'm not good at studying and it's a disgrace to my master, so I won't say more." Tianyu glanced at the old man and said casually.

This is his third copy, but he does not have a nominal master yet.

"Oh, I understand." The red-faced old man was slightly startled and showed admiration in his eyes.

Watertight! Those who fight against the autumn wind must keep everything clean before and afterward. This is the kind of person we are!

"Brother, it's not good to hang around like this all the time. There are quite a few great masters here today. You are handsome and respectable. If you have a chance, find a way to show your face. It's best to compete with those masters. Let’s chat a few words.”

"Whatever happens in the future, it will be easy for others to do, but you will suffer from it for the rest of your life." The old man smiled when he saw Tianyu drinking tea by himself.

"Look at the people sitting at the main table. Not to mention the great hero Liu Zhengfeng who is sitting with him. The red-faced Taoist is Tianmen Taoist, the head of Mount Tai, and the elegant scholar next to him is Jian Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan. Both of them are He is a great figure in the world."

The old man pointed and introduced Master Dingyi and others one by one.

"I've heard of it." Tianyu's thoughts moved and he looked at Yue Buqun.

It really sells very well. He looks like a gentleman, elegant and easy-going.

"The imperial edict has arrived, and Liu Zhengfeng is listening to it."

At this moment, an official in official uniform walked in boldly and took a tray covered with yellow silk from the government servant beside him.

He opened the yellow silk with his own hands and took out a scroll.

The whole hall suddenly became quiet.

"The Emperor Fengtian Chengyun issued an edict: According to the report of the governor of Hunan Province, Liu Zhengfeng, a common man in Hengshan County, is eager for justice and has a good service in Sangzi. He is proficient in bow and horse and can be used for great purposes. He has been given the post of general. From now on, he will serve the imperial court and live up to his expectations. I hope and admire this.”

"Weak minister Liu Zhengfeng thanks you. Long live my emperor."

The two answered one-on-one, and in an instant Liu Zhengfeng transformed from a commoner to a military commander.

"This imperial edict is most likely false." Tianyu was secretly amused and shook his head.

The format of the imperial edict is full of loopholes, and the content is too imitation. The actual teaching staff does not even have a place where he takes office!

You can indeed donate money to get an official position. The rank of general may sound inconspicuous, but it is a real third-grade official position.

Who can buy such a big official at once?

Even if he could buy it, he would be a man whose wealth could rival the country and whose wealth could lead to the gods.

Zuo Lengchan might not be able to offend that kind of person. Although it was possible that Liu Zhengfeng didn't know the inside story and planned to buy an official position, but he was deceived.

But the greater possibility is that Liu Zhengfeng had a good idea.

The imperial edict itself was just an excuse for him to escape.

It would be better to make it a little copycat.

In this way, if the court investigates, it can also be interpreted as singing and playing.

When the time comes, you can spend a sum of money and drink three drinks as a penalty, and you can get away with it.

It’s not like he had just escaped the grievances in the world, only to be sentenced to death by the court for falsely passing on the imperial edict!

To be honest, this plan is still possible. It is not a big problem to deceive ordinary people.

But it is a pity that Zuo Lengchan was also a well-informed person and was not fooled by this matter. He still sent people to kill Liu Zhengfeng's family.

Liu Zhengfeng seemed to be relieved as he saw off the officials, and spoke a few more words to the occasion.

Then a disciple held a golden basin filled with water and placed it on the coffee table.

"Dear friends, from now on, Liu Zhengfeng will never interfere with the grievances and disputes between the sects. If this is not the case, there is such a sword."

Liu Zhengfeng pulled out a long sword, pulled it with both hands, and the blade broke into two pieces.

Liu Zhengfeng released his hands and dropped the dagger, inserting it into the green bricks under his feet. It turned out to be a sharp sword.

"What a sword! What a skill! Amazing!" The red-faced old man sighed softly.

Liu Zhengfeng smiled, rolled up his sleeves, stretched out his hands, and was about to put the gold basin into it.

Suddenly, someone outside the gate shouted loudly: "Stay here!"

Before he finished speaking, five men in yellow clothes walked out of the door. The leader held up a five-color banner in his hand. The flag was studded with pearls and gems and gave off a brilliant light.

"Uncle Liu, by order of the leader of the Left Alliance of the Wuyue Sword Sect, Uncle Liu's important matter of washing his hands in the golden basin, please postpone it for the time being."

At the same time, more than a dozen people came out of the back hall, but they were Liu Zhengfeng's wife, his daughter Liu Qing, his two youngest sons, and seven disciples of the Liu family.

Behind each person is a Songshan disciple, holding a dagger in his hand, holding it against the back of Mrs. Liu and others.


All the guests present were startled and subconsciously closed their mouths.

Suddenly, there was silence.

"What do you mean, Leader Zuo?" After a moment, Liu Zhengfeng composed himself and frowned.

"This junior is just following orders, and knows nothing about the others." The disciple holding the flag of the Five Sacred Mountains sneered.

"General Liu, there is no need to talk nonsense to these little minions, they don't know anything."

"Ding Mian, Lu Bai, Fei Bin, you three are so dumb, why don't you get out?" Tianyu smiled, left his seat, and walked forward.


Damn it, I didn’t ask you to show such a face!

The red-faced old man turned pale with fright and lay motionless on the table.

"Shaoxia Lin!" Linghu Chong was also surprised and uncertain.

Then he was glared at by Yue Buqun.

"Is it Lin Pingzhi?"

"The one who killed Tian Boguang and Yu Canghai?"

"Linghu Chong, the first disciple of Huashan Mountain, has spoken. It is most likely him."

"Tsk, tsk, so young, Yu Canghai is as old as a dog."

"Listen to what he wants. Ding Mian, Lu Bai, and Fei Bin are here too?"

"I don't know. These three are all masters in Songshan Mountain second only to Zuo Alliance Leader. They are all very famous in the martial arts world. I didn't expect them to come together."

"I'm afraid that the person who comes is not kind and the person who is kind will not come."

"Today is a private matter of the Wuyue Sword Sect, so don't get involved."

"Yes, yes!"

People in the arena started talking about it one after another, making a "buzzing" sound, as if thousands of words of flies had gathered together.

The solemn atmosphere that the Songshan Sect had managed to create suddenly became like a farce.

The Songshan disciples present were all startled and cursed in their hearts.

"Today is a private matter of my Five Mountains Sword Sect. Don't be ignorant of life and death, junior!"

A thin man in his forties jumped from the roof with an extremely ugly face. He was Zuo Lengchan's fourth junior brother, Da Songyang Hand Fei Bin.

Not only is he good at both civil and military skills, but his set of Da Songyang Hands is also famous in the world.

The yellow shadow shook, and the two people followed and stood at the entrance of the hall, but there was silence when they landed.

The one at the east end is a fat man with a tall build. He is Zuo Lengchan's second junior brother, Ding Mian, the pagoda hand.

The man in the west is extremely tall and thin. He is Lu Bai, the crane hand ranked third in the Songshan sect.

The three of them were extremely depressed.

The original plan was to come out at the right time, catch Liu Zhengfeng by surprise, and establish his authority in one fell swoop.

But to their surprise, someone actually took the lead and broke their bank, and said, "Get out of here, you cowering!"

When you hide, you become a coward, and when you jump out, you feel like you are really "getting out".

The three of them were disgusted when they thought of this.

The Songshan School is famous all over the world, and people from all over the world, black and white, will give them some face.

Apart from the Sun and Moon God Cult, I have never been ridiculed like this before.

"Of course the private affairs of the Wuyue Sword Sect have nothing to do with me."

"But Zuo Lengchan of yours is nothing as the leader. His behavior is disgusting, despicable and shameless. So what if I just scold him a few times?" Tianyu was not afraid.

The plot behind it is really a bit bloody, and Liu Zhengfeng himself is a weirdo.

Although Fei Bin was clearly captured, he was never able to kill him and was not even used as a hostage.

He watched his wife and children being slaughtered by the Songshan sect, and then sighed and let Fei Bin go.

Finally, he said to the remaining youngest son, "Brothers and sisters are so stubborn. They will die if they die. What are you afraid of?"

It is probably because of this kind of steamed stuffed bun personality that Zuo Lengchan eats him to death.

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