Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 105 Subsequent Development

"Amitabha, I think it's easy to make enemies but hard to resolve them. When will the cycle of revenge end?"

Ge Sang was panicking, but he had to walk out.

The Taoist on the opposite side could actually kill King Jinlun with a heavy sword, so he was definitely not his opponent. Wouldn't it be better to be alive?

And King Jinlun's death might not be a bad thing for him.

After returning to Mongolia, he will take over as the leader of the Vajra Sect, and then inherit the position of the national teacher left by King Jinlun, and join forces with the Tantric Sect to put pressure on Kublai Khan and others.

At that time, tens of thousands of Mongolian troops will be sent to encircle and suppress the Quanzhen Sect. Even if they can't kill this Taoist priest, they can burn this place to ashes. Only in this way can I get what I want!

Thinking of this, Ge Sang was slightly happy in his heart, and a sneer appeared on his face.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

"That's exactly what I mean!" Tianyu nodded and said, "More friends, more paths. It's really not good for everyone to make enemies."

"That's right!"

"So. If all of you die here, there will be no enemies!"


Ge Sang was stunned and saw a huge black sword slapping down on his head. He was so scared that he stepped back several meters in a hurry.

Tianyu didn't care and slapped the long sword straight down. A sword energy swayed along the long sword and cut Ge Sang's demon-subduing pestle into two pieces.

"It's not bad to be able to block my sword."

Tianyu praised casually, but his hand was merciless. The black long sword stabbed out again, and the sword energy broke through the air and hit Ge Sang's head.

Gesang's head exploded like a huge egg, and blood splattered.


"Kill them all, leaving no one alive!"

"Kill all these lamas!"

"Come some people to support the other disciples outside!"

Qiu Chuji and others looked at each other and jumped up. They were old and smart, and although their martial arts were average, they were still very good at saving time and seizing power!

The Vajra Sect was defeated at this moment, and their morale was weak. They quickly used their swords to beat the drowning dog.

"This sword energy is really exciting!"

Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Tianyu took a deep breath and felt a little tired.

Although the power of the black iron heavy sword was great, it was too heavy and required more internal strength.

If he used all his strength, he could only sustain the consumption of more than a dozen swords, and his internal strength would almost be exhausted.

If he overdraws his physical strength and strikes out with a sword similar to the one that killed the giant python, then after two or three strikes, his internal strength and physical strength will be almost exhausted, and he will have no endurance at all!

But there is no good solution for this for the time being, after all, the main consumption is internal strength, even if his physical strength is strong enough, it doesn't matter much.

Fortunately, the Xuantie Heavy Sword can only be used in this mission world, and Tianyu can't take it out.

Otherwise, after leaving this mission world, Tianyu himself will have no internal strength, and the Xuantie Heavy Sword is just like a fire stick to him!

Tianyu didn't do it afterwards, but the other elders and disciples of Quanzhen Sect would not show mercy.

After this battle, all the masters of the Vajra Sect died, and the inheritance of the first-class sect was almost cut off.

After the retreat of the Mongolian army, the Quanzhen Sect counted the number of people, and more than a hundred disciples were killed and injured, which was a heavy loss!

Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi and other older generation figures were furious and cursed!

Ma Yu and others were afraid that the Mongolian court had a backup plan, so they ordered everyone to stay in Quanzhen Sect. Except for daily purchases of supplies, they closed the door and almost did not go out.

But the expected revenge did not come until two months later, when a man doing business in Mongolia brought a piece of news that made everyone laugh.

It turned out that because the King Kong suffered heavy losses and the leader Jinlun Dharma King died in the Quanzhen Sect, the people of the Tantric Sect were very dissatisfied. They felt that Jinlun Dharma King was embarrassing, so they jointly wrote to the Mongolian Emperor to impeach Jinlun Dharma King's position as the national teacher.

Of course, the Mongolian Emperor could not speak for the dead, so he agreed to it and asked the major sects of the Tantric Sect to appoint another national teacher.

This operation caused chaos in the Tantric Sect. Several major sects fought openly and secretly. In the end, it was the founder of the Qinghai Black Sect and the Blood Knife Sect who competed for the position of the national teacher.

The Black Sect does not belong to Buddhism or Tantric Buddhism, so they are even more incompatible with each other, which led to a direct fight between the Black Sect and Tantric Buddhism.

The Black Blood Knife Patriarch chopped off the heads of several Tantric masters in one breath. After the Tantric Buddhism suffered a great loss, it retreated obediently and never said a word.

If King Jinlun’s martial arts were low, the Blood Knife Patriarch might come to attack Quanzhen Sect for the sake of reputation.

But King Jinlun was a master of his generation, and his martial arts swept across Mongolia. The Blood Knife Patriarch estimated that although his martial arts were high, he was at most on par with King Jinlun.

In his eyes, Quanzhen Sect was able to destroy the Vajra Sect, which was not much different from the dragon’s den and tiger’s lair!

Therefore, with his profit-seeking character, he was naturally too lazy to avenge King Jinlun and came all the way to Quanzhen Sect to cause trouble.

Most of them thought that Quanzhen Sect did a good job and did it in seconds, and King Jinlun died well and died even better, leaving him a good position!

Time flies. After resting for a while, Tianyu told Yang Guo all the past events of Ouyang Feng, Guo Jing, Wanyan Honglie, Yang Kang and Mu Nianci.

After all, he is already fifteen or sixteen years old, and he is not a child in any way. There is no need to hide many things and find a bunch of excuses to conceal them.

Moreover, Yang Kang had brought it upon himself, and he deserved to die. Yang Guo could accept this kind of thing if he could, but Tianyu was too lazy to go for psychological counseling if he could not accept it.

Of course, Tianyu was also indifferent, so he was extremely indifferent. If Yang Guo had a grudge against him for killing his father, he would probably just kill him directly.

After Yang Guo knew the truth, he cried for several days, and then he calmly accepted the result, and even his original prejudice against Huang Rong gradually understood.

Two months later, Ouyang Feng came to Wang Chongyang in a frenzy. Qiu Chuji's people could not resist him, and Ouyang Feng killed several disciples in succession, breaking through all the way to Chongyang Palace, as if he was in an empty space.

Although Tianyu still admired Ouyang Feng, although he usually did many evil things, he was always very trustworthy, and he was as bad as heaven!

But there has always been a great hatred between Quanzhen Sect and Ouyang Feng. He is not only Wang Chongyang's mortal enemy, but also Tan Churui, one of the Seven Quanzhen Sect!

Therefore, Tianyu challenged Ouyang Feng based on his own position.

The two fought in front of hundreds of Quanzhen disciples. In the end, Tianyu killed Ouyang Feng with a sword, which was regarded as revenge for his fellow disciples.

Yang Guo was in a complicated mood at the time, but he didn't say much. Although Ouyang Feng was very good to him, the death of his father Yang Kang was also greatly related to Ouyang Feng.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng and Quanzhen Sect and Guo Jing were both considered to have deep hatred. For a warrior, dying in a battle with his master was a worthy death.

Moreover, Tianyu was powerful and did not take any sneak attacks. He won completely head-on, giving Ouyang Feng enough dignity!

To ​​die at the hands of a strong man like Tianyu was definitely not a burial for Ouyang Feng!

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