Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 104 Killing the King of France

"Don't worry, Dharma King, I will solve it soon!" Tianyu saw Jinlun Dharma King's embarrassed look, smiled slightly, and kindly offered words of comfort.

But at this time, Fan Monk's Zen staff had already arrived in front of Tianyu, and Tianyu stabbed him lightly with the black iron heavy sword.

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With a soft "click" sound, the black iron heavy sword and the Zen staff collided together, directly splitting the Zen staff in two as if they did not receive any force.

Then the Xuantie heavy sword didn't stop at all, and still slashed straight at the general, splitting the monk into two pieces.

Although the Dark Iron Heavy Sword has no edge, it is extremely strong. After the internal strength is increased, it can cut iron like mud!

Unless the enemy is holding a magic weapon and his own martial arts is not inferior to Tianyu, once the weapons in his hands collide, the end will be miserable and it will be difficult to keep his own weapons!

"The bastard has been interrupted, Dharma King, it's your turn now!"


King Jinlun snorted coldly, and suddenly threw a dusty lead wheel towards Tianyu's face.

Tianyu sharpened the black iron heavy sword in his hand, intending to destroy it, but the lead wheel circled behind him, spinning in the blind spot of his vision.

Unfortunately, Tianyu was already prepared, and he easily dodged with just a slight move.

The next moment, there was a loud buzzing sound, golden light shimmering, silver light shimmering, and five wheels flying over from five directions!

King Jinlun has a unique skill. These five wheels are scattered among each other, but they can be properly connected to prevent them from being prepared!

Facing Jinlun Dharma King's fancy moves, Tianyu secretly smiled in his heart, and the black iron heavy sword in his hand turned into a ray of light and shadow, speeding away towards the five wheels in front of him.

Such fancy moves are naturally useful against other people, but facing him, isn't this asking for death?

The five wheels of King Jinlun are very strong, but can they be stronger than the black iron heavy sword, or can they be stronger than the sharp knife in his hand?

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

Three crisp sounds came in succession, and there were already three broken wheels on the ground in front of Tianyu.

Only the two wheels of gold and silver arrived late because they were the last to take action, and did not arrive at Tianyu Young, so nothing happened for the time being.

"You are a magic weapon!"

The King of the Golden Wheel gave a strange cry, strode forward, quickly grabbed the gold and silver wheels, and retreated back to the original place with a sway of his body.

His expression was uncertain at the moment. It was not easy to build this set of five rounds. It would take a lot of energy to start the furnace again!

Of course, spending some money is nothing. After all, as a national advisor of a country, he doesn't care about the human, material and financial resources.

However, this wheel was extremely strong and was a product of hundreds of refinements. However, it was split into two by the Dark Iron Heavy Sword, which made King Jinlun very wary.

Since it is a divine weapon, there is probably nothing I can do to compete with this heavy sword.

"Master Imperial Master."

Seeing the King Jinlun's hesitation, another monk knelt on the ground and took out a new set of five wheels, waiting for the King to use them.

"Dao Zhang Zhao, are we going to compete in real kung fu, or are we just sparring a few moves to warm up?"

Jinlun Dharma King looked at Tianyu, with a gloomy look in his eyes. He did not pick up the wheel, but said lightly.

"In that case, let's forget about this acrobatic clown stuff and just decide the winner!" Tianyu clenched the black iron epee and was not prepared to drag it on any longer.

"Okay, just what I want!"

Jinlun Dharma King roared, stepped forward quickly, raised his weapon and smashed it down. At this moment, he no longer dared to take off his weapon.

Moreover, his footwork is extremely weird. When moving sideways, his weapon can attack flexibly, making a whining sound as it breaks through the air.

Tianyu didn't fall behind in the slightest. He had the Quanzhen Sword Technique at his fingertips, and he knew how to use it at a glance, but the pace made him a little confused.

"One step, two steps, one step, two steps, one step like a devil!"

During the fight, for some reason such a lyric popped up in Tianyu's mind, and he felt it was very consistent with Jin Lun Dharma King!

I shook my head to get rid of these strange thoughts. Now is the time of fighting, so I can't be distracted.

But Jinlun Dharma King still keenly caught the moment when Tianyu was distracted, shouted loudly, and the two wheels in his hands were already heading towards the Xuantie Heavy Sword.

The two wheels approached quickly, and because of the huge internal power of King Jinlun, he even began to tremble slightly.

"You crazy person, what age are you in, who is still competing with you for your inner strength?"

Tianyu pushed his inner strength to the limit, and a huge black heavy sword appeared in front of him, and then the sword energy hit Jinlun Dharma King with lightning speed.


"Sword energy?!!"

Jin Lun Dharma King was so frightened that he didn't care about anything in a hurry. He pushed his power to the limit and blocked it forcefully.

A violent roar sounded, and the entire Chongyang Palace shook. After the smoke dissipated, the two wheels in the hands of Jinlun Dharma King had been broken.

His tiger's mouth exploded and blood oozed out, and his tall and thin body couldn't help but shake.

A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. Although he blocked Tianyu's full blow, his whole body was blinded, causing his reaction to become slower now.

To be honest, King Jinlun also suffered from his lack of experience. If Huang Yaoshi, Zhou Botong and others saw this kind of sword energy, they would not choose to block it hard, but would directly try to dodge it and then fight again.

In this case, Tianyu's consumption is far greater than theirs. If their skills are comparable, it is still unknown who will win?

But King Jinlun was invincible in Mongolia and had never met an opponent. Therefore, he was extremely arrogant and felt that if he took the initiative to dodge against the younger generation, he would lose half a move, so he relied on his decades of internal strength to force it.

However, Tianyu's skills had nothing to do with his age, and the sword energy was enhanced by the black iron heavy sword, which was as majestic as mountains and seas.

By the time King Jinlun found out that something was wrong, he had already suffered a great loss.

"Say hello to your two disciples for me!"

Tianyu took a breath to recover his strength, took another step, and then the black iron heavy sword suddenly slapped down and hit King Jinlun's bald head.

Although he has a strong internal force, King Jinlun is still a human. How can a simple head withstand the attack of the heavy black iron sword?

So the next moment, his entire head exploded like a watermelon, and his body fell heavily to the ground.


"This martial arts"

"Can the master do it in the past?"

"I don't know."

"Can we block this sword together?"

"Hehe, just a few of us?"


Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi's people exchanged a few words very quickly, and then shut up.

Even if they could block the sword energy, they would be smashed to pieces by the heavy black iron sword!

Fortunately, this master is one of us, not a deadly enemy. Otherwise, the other party can pick up the Quanzhen Sect with one sword! !

Thinking of this, Ma Yu, Wang Chuyi, Qiu Chuji and others secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

"Your boss is dead, who has the final say now?" Tianyu looked at the foreign monks with a stern look. These people are also masters among the Vajra.


Although no one spoke, they all looked at the great lama in the middle.

This is the great lama Gesang, who is the deputy leader of the Vajra Sect and the deputy of King Jinlun.

His status in the Vajra Sect is second only to one person and above a thousand people, and his martial arts are unfathomable!

Of course, this unfathomable martial arts is for other people in the Vajra Sect. Everyone knows that this person's martial arts is far inferior to King Jinlun.

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