Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 106 Sending troops to aid Xiangyang

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. On this day, the bells and drums in the hall were ringing, and all the Quanzhen sect members were summoned.

Tianyu even made a special trip to bathe and change clothes, put on a brand new Taoist robe, and stood in the position of the chief disciple.

As the guardian beast of the Quanzhen sect, the divine eagle is also wearing a Taoist robe and stands behind Tianyu like a human.

"Since the establishment of the sect by the Chongyang Immortal, my Quanzhen lineage has placed chivalry first and has taken chivalry and righteousness as our duty!

Since Master Chongyang passed away and I took over the position of headmaster, I have been lamenting day and night, fearing that I would be unworthy of the trust I had entrusted to Master Chongyang.

Nowadays, there is a disciple of Yuyangzi, Zhao Zhijing, the master of purification, has taken the position of walking in the world of our sect. He is extremely skilled in martial arts, wise and brave, and has saved our sect from fire and water several times.

The position of the leader is too heavy for me. Now I order Zhao Zhijing, the master of the Qing Dynasty, to take over the position of the leader of the Quanzhen Sect! "

Ma Yu's voice was soft, obviously very happy.

"Thank you so much Master, my disciples will do their best and live up to their trust!"

Tianyu took over an ancient sword from Ma Yu. This was the sword worn by Master Chongyang back then, and it was also a symbol of the Master of the Quanzhen Sect!

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Zhou Botong, the ancestor of Tianyu, Hong Qigong, the former leader of the Beggar Clan, and Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi and Guo Jing, the current leaders of the Beggar Clan, all expressed their congratulations.

Although the leader of the Quanzhen Sect is the leader of the Taoist Alliance, originally only Huang Rong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, and the hero Guo Jing came to congratulate him, which was already a great honor.

Huang Yaoshi and others respected their status and rarely participated in such things. However, whether Tianyu was gambling with Huang Yaoshi or killing Jinlun Dharma King and Ouyang Feng, Tianyu had already faintly shown his strength beyond the Five Ultimate Skills.

Later, Zhou Botong came after hearing the news and competed with Tianyu for a few times. Until the point was made, it was difficult to determine the winner.

With strength, everything is easy to talk about. Even Huang Yaoshi, who has always been aloof, nodded after meeting Ma Yu and others. After meeting Tianyu, he even chatted and laughed, showing such kindness that Ma Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

On one side of the guest seat, Xiao Longnu was dressed in white, smiling lightly and looking extremely beautiful.

Although she is the only one left in the Ancient Tomb Sect, considering the past friendship between Lin Chaoying and Wang Chongyang, the Quanzhen Sect still treats her as an honored guest!

The last time the Quanzhen Sect encountered a disaster, Ma Yu's people really didn't care about dealing with the ancient tombs, so they let Xiao Longnu live next door to Tianyu for half a month before they found time to break the Dragon Broken Stone and take it out. .

It didn't matter to Xiao Longnu, since Grandma Sun and Li Mochou had already settled into the sarcophagus.

Even if the two women turned into mummies, she didn't care, as long as they didn't turn into zombies.

In the days that followed, Xiao Longnu would run to Tianyu's yard every now and then with a jar of honey in her arms, claiming to come to see the sacred eagle. Then she would play chess and eat with Tianyu, staying there for a day or two.

Although there was some gossip in the Quanzhen sect, Xiao Longnu was used to going her own way and didn't care at all.

Tianyu has made too much contribution now, and has been appointed by Ma Yutan to take over as the head coach. Naturally, he doesn't care much about these small things.

After all, he stayed in the Quanzhen Sect only because of the mission of selecting the space, not really to become a Taoist priest!

Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and others had no choice but to severely reprimand the disciple who came to complain; but on Tianyu's side, they could not come up with a good result.

Ordinary disciples can still be said to be not doing their job properly, but Tianyu's martial arts is so strong that he doesn't need to practice at all!

However, the Quanzhen sect only forbids marrying a wife. Playing chess and having a meal with fellow Jianghu sects would not violate the canon.

In the end, the result of everyone's discussion was that as long as these two people didn't kill anyone, it didn't matter; if they did, it would be enough to make up for the ancestor's debt to Lin Nvxia!

This is the cause and effect of enlightenment, and this result is very happy for everyone.

In July, the Mongolian army commander Kublai Khan led an army of 200,000 Mongolians to march south, and supported the war with war. As if they were in an uninhabited country, they headed straight for Xiangyang!

Tianyu ordered the abandonment of Zhong Nanshan Quanzhen Taoist Hall, and Quanzhen sent all its disciples to Xiangyang for rescue; and passed down the decree that no matter whether this battle is successful or not, the Quanzhen lineage will spread its business in the south in the future, and will not return until Mongolia retreats beyond the Great Wall. Zhongnan Mountain!

Historically, the Quanzhen sect was close to the Mongolian and Yuan empires. Not to mention this, the Quanzhen sect of the Golden Book system was discontinued in the Yuan Dynasty.

From the beginning of "Eternal Dragon Sword", the Quanzhen lineage has not appeared. Although it is not stated explicitly, it is speculated that it was also targeted by the Yuan Dynasty, causing the original No. 1 sect of the Taoist Alliance to turn into dust.

In this case, Tianyu simply took a gamble and let the Quanzhen sect disperse in various places. Even if the scale becomes smaller, the inheritance should not be cut off!

Anyway, it won’t be worse than the result of group destruction in the original work!

Of course, he just made the allocation casually. If after he returns to the selection space, the Quanzhen sect is dissatisfied with his opinions and refuses to adopt them, Tianyu will not care, since he is not the one who suffers anyway.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhang Sanfeng also appeared. Because of the appearance of this great master of Qianqiu, Taoist martial arts did not decline with the collapse of the Quanzhen sect!

Therefore, even if the Quanzhen Sect is really gone, Tianyu will not feel uneasy.

After Xiao Longnu found Lin Chaoying's wedding dress under Tianyu's prompt, her understanding of this patriarch was somewhat subverted.

After thinking about it, he used the excuse that national affairs trumped the sect's regulations, sealed the ancient tomb, and rushed to Xiangyang with the Quanzhen sect to fight.

Anyway, she was the only one in the Tomb Sect, and no one could question her decision.

Everyone went without delay and arrived at the outskirts of Xiangyang in less than a day.

After arriving here, everyone only heard the sound of horns one after another. From a distance, they saw flags fluttering and horses running back and forth. Xiangyang City seemed to be wrapped in a cloud of sand.

The Mongolian army had not yet encircled them, so Tianyu opened the way with his black iron heavy sword, but he easily cut a bloody path and rushed into the city.

"Amitabha, brother Botong, long time no see!"

In the discussion hall, Master Yideng smiled slightly and clasped his hands together.

Master Yideng and Huang Yaoshi were originally masters who were aloof from things and ignored worldly affairs. But the survival of Xiangyang City is of great importance. The Han and the Hu are fighting here. They can't help but watch!

After all, if the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed, Dali would also be gone. When Huang Rong went to invite him, Master Yideng came to Xiangyang City in person to help.

"Oh my god, Mr. Duan!"

Zhou Botong's expression changed drastically. He glanced cautiously at Yi Deng, who had an indifferent expression. He felt a little guilty and stood aside honestly.

He always had a playful smile with Huang Yaoshi, Tianyu and others, but he had great respect for Master Yideng. Not only did he respect him, he was even a little afraid!

Master Yideng has been a monk for a long time, but he still calls him Prince Duan. This shows how profound the memory left in that era of simple people, even after so many years.

Huang Mao met the master of suffering, but still felt guilty.

"How's the matter?" Tianyu looked at Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi and asked.

"It's not a big problem. I, Huang Laoxie, have been training my troops here for half a year, and Jing'er Rong'er is also stationed here. Even if we can't win now, there will be no problem in defending Xiangyang for a few years!" Huang Yaoshi has always been proud of his military skills. , said proudly.

"But what about the twenty-eight-constellation formation?" Tianyu asked.

"Exactly, in the past, the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai responded to the celestial phenomena and assisted Han Guangwu in the resurgence! Although our twenty-eight-year-old formation is not as powerful as Han Guangwu, it is still an upright division in resisting the enemy's detours and defending the country. , Well. No! "

Huang Yaoshi blew a few words and suddenly felt something was wrong. He stared at Tianyu and asked, "How did you know?"

"I've read it in the book, it should be divided into five groups of troops, right?"


"Give me all the way?" Tianyu said casually.

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