Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 103 The Embarrassed King Jinlun

At this moment, outside the Chongyang Palace of the Quanzhen Sect, there was already a fight in the sky and darkness, and there were corpses everywhere. Among them were Quanzhen sect disciples and Mongolian soldiers!

In the Central Palace, Ma Yu was vomiting blood and sitting weakly on the ground, surrounded by Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and Liu Chuxuan.

They were better than Ma Yu and could still hold the sword, but their hands were trembling slightly.

Behind them were hundreds of Quanzhen Taoist priests, and all of them were injured!

Standing opposite them were dozens of tantric monks. Their eyes were shining and their temples were bulging. It was obvious that they had extraordinary internal strength. This was the Vajra Sect that ranked first in tantric martial arts!

Many monks surrounded a tall and thin monk wearing a yellow robe, with a body like a hemp pole, like stars over the moon.

This was King Jinlun, the leader of Mongolia’s King Kong Sect and the greatest master outside the Great Wall!

Jin Lun Dharma King is standing with his hands behind his hands, but it feels like he is facing a majestic mountain peak, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, no one in the Quanzhen Sect could take his casual palm; even the Tiangang Beidou Formation was easily broken through by him, and Ma Yu, who was in charge of the sword formation, was injured with one palm.

"Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, I want to ask you one last time, where did the man named Zhao Zhijing go?"

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Jin Lun Dharma King glanced at Qiu Chuji and others, showing a hint of disdain.

With this little strength, do you still dare to call yourself the number one sect in the Central Plains? They are just a bunch of chickens and dogs!

"Jinlun Dharma King, don't say that my nephew Zhao is not here. Even if he is here, I will not hand him over to you. How can there be people in our Chongyang Sect who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi were angry. shouted.

"Today is the day when your Quanzhen sect will be exterminated. Whether we make friends with you or not, it's all the same."

The King of the Golden Wheel stretched out his hand and took out a huge golden wheel. It turned with awe and majesty, making people feel like their hairs stood on end.


Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi combined their swords and attacked Jinlun Dharma King at the same time.

"Ants also want to shake the sky? They don't overestimate their own capabilities!"

King Jinlun sneered, waved the golden wheel in his hand and collided with the long sword. The long sword suddenly broke inch by inch and fell to the ground.

Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi turned pale at the same time after enduring such a huge force, and quickly retreated several meters away. The energy and blood in their bodies continued to surge, and they could not calm down for a long time.

"Kill them all." Jin Lun Dharma King waved his hand.


A group of monks were holding swords, vajras or Zen staffs, and all of them stepped forward with murderous looks on their faces.

"Jinlun old bald donkey, wait a minute! Every wrong has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. I killed your disciple. It doesn't seem right for you to come here to cause trouble for my fellow disciples, doesn't it?"

Screams continued one after another, and several Mongolian soldiers guarding the gate fell into the door one after another. They were killed on the spot before they even landed.

A Taoist priest stepped on their corpses and slowly walked into the hall, holding a dark heavy sword in his hand, and the blood could be vaguely flickered.

"Are you Zhao Zhijing?"

Jin Lun Dharma King waved his hand to signal the tantric monks to stop.

He came to Zhong Nanshan after leaving seclusion this time just to avenge his two disciples. The destruction of the Quanzhen Sect was just a casual act.

Now that the real owner has appeared, he doesn't bother to trouble Qiu Chuji and others.


"You are only in your 30s, how can you defeat Dalba and Huodu?"

"You have to ask them both about this. Maybe it's because they are such useless people!"

"That's nonsense!"

"Then when you see them later, just ask them yourself." Tianyu said nonchalantly.

"See them? People can't be resurrected, how about... eh?"

"What a sharp-tongued young man, I will let you die without a burial today!"

Jin Lun Dharma King was stunned for a moment before he reacted, and his expression became even more gloomy.

He is the leader of the Mongolian Tantric Vajra Sect and the Mongolian national master. After achieving great martial arts, he has never encountered an opponent!

This made him extremely arrogant. Now that a junior dared to ridicule him like this, Jin Lun Dharma King couldn't help but feel very angry.

"I would like to report to Master Ma, Master Qiu, Master, and Master Liu. When our disciples rushed back to Quanzhen, they were blocked by more than a thousand Mongolian soldiers. Therefore, the rescue was late. Please forgive me!"

Tianyu didn't bother to talk to Jinlun Dharma King at all, but instead said hello to Ma Yu and others.

"Just come back. Today we are completely defeated. The survival of the Quanzhen Sect is in your hands." Ma Yu smiled bitterly, his eyes a little complicated.

A few months ago, Ma Yu had never thought that the survival of the Quanzhen lineage would depend on a third-generation disciple.

But now things happened like this, which seemed very unexpected, but also reasonable.

Recalling the scene in the past when my master Wang Chongyang was invincible in the world, and then looking at myself as brothers, it turned out that being weak was the original sin! ! !

It’s so heartbreaking!

Ma Yu felt aggrieved. After thinking about it for a while, he smiled bitterly and couldn't say anything.

"This old bald donkey. Well, the old monk's martial arts is very powerful. You have to be careful. If you can't beat him, then leave. I am an old man, and I can still stand up for a while!" Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and others also smiled bitterly. said.

"Don't worry, my disciples will definitely fulfill their mission!" Tianyu looked serious.

Quanzhen Sect is the target to please. After all, the SSS rating may require the position of the head. No matter how high the martial arts of King Jinlun are, can he increase his rating?

No, it seems that it is possible

The mission seems to require killing Mongolian masters. If King Jinlun is killed, the value is already very high!

After all, he is the only master of the Five Absolutes level among the villains in the original work.

Thinking of this, Tianyu's heart moved, and his eyes looked at King Jinlun eagerly.

"Let me see what you are capable of!"

King Jinlun saw that Qiu Chuji and others did not dissuade Tianyu, and his heart moved slightly, and his face became a little solemn. The other party's posture shows that in their hearts, this young Taoist has the ability to compete with themselves.

While thinking, King Jinlun reached out with his right hand and pulled out five wheels from his robe, one gold, one silver, one copper, one iron, and one lead.

The King of the Golden Wheel held a pair of gold and silver wheels in his left and right hands, and the remaining three were circling around him in the air.

The weights of the five wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron and lead were different, and their sizes were also different.

The King of the Golden Wheel caught and threw them, and the wheels flew left and right, and the five wheels turned like flying. This was the unique skill of the King of the Golden Wheel - the five-wheel rotation.


Tianyu held the Xuantie heavy sword in his hand, and a sense of domineering aura surged in his heart. He didn't care much about a strong enemy like the King of the Golden Wheel. "Wait! What qualifications do you have to fight with the state master? I'll learn your tricks first."

Beside the King of the Golden Wheel, a foreign monk holding a Zen stick stood out from the crowd and said with a sneer.

"It was your state master who wanted to challenge me. You have to ask your state master whether you are worthy or not. The master didn't say much, but the lackey jumped out and complained." Tianyu glanced at him with disdain.

"Little Taoist priest, you are so insolent, take my stick!"

This foreign monk seemed to have a very high status, so he naturally couldn't stand Tianyu's provocation. In a rage, he rushed towards Tianyu in one step, swung his Zen stick and smashed it down.

Looking at the foreign monk's actions, Tianyu almost laughed out loud.

The weapon of King Jinlun is the five wheels, which rotate like flying, like light and shadow.

When fighting, all five wheels are used together, rising and falling with each other, as if they have three heads and six arms, so they are extremely powerful.

But now, when King Jinlun just rotated the five wheels, someone suddenly came up and asked to play for him.

King Jinlun didn't react for a while, and when he reacted, he could only stand there awkwardly.

Looking at King Jinlun's embarrassed look, Tianyu wanted to laugh.

He didn't retract or rotate the five wheels, and the way he fiddled with them alone was like a clown in a circus.

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