
Seeing Tianyu's face was a little ugly, Xiao Longnu gritted her teeth and followed him with Qinggong.

The Tomb Sect was originally known for its Qinggong, which was unparalleled in the world, but she had just recovered from her injuries and her limbs were weak, so her speed was far slower than Tianyu. After walking two miles on the mountain road, cold sweat broke out on her face.

"Come up, I'll carry you."

Tianyu stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Longnu, who was directly carried on his back and sprinted towards the mountain.

"Huh? Huh?"

Xiao Longnu reacted a little late, staring blankly at Tianyu who was running at full speed, and suddenly felt a little shy, and subconsciously buried her head.

The two passed through a valley, and on the only way for Quanzhen Sect to go up and down the mountain, they saw densely packed Mongolian soldiers, more than a thousand people, surrounding the entire mountain road.

"Kill the men, leave the women!"

Seeing Tianyu wearing a Quanzhen Taoist robe and carrying a beautiful woman on his back, a Mongolian soldier dressed as a centurion hurried over, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ordered the people below.

"Who are you, stop!"

More than a dozen Mongolian soldiers heard the command and quickly surrounded them, drawing their long swords and pointing them at Tianyu and Xiaolongnu.

"Get out of here!"

Tianyu was too lazy to say more, he drew his long sword and waved it at these cannon fodders, and saw the light turned into stars, like a dream.

After the soldiers felt a pain in their throats, they fell to the ground and died!

This sword, let alone ordinary soldiers, even ordinary Jianghu masters, have no power to resist.

"You will die together!"

Tianyu looked back at the centurion, and a sword energy slashed out in the air, like a dragon and a tiger, directly hitting the centurion's body, tearing him into pieces.

From beginning to end, Tianyu didn't know the man's name. It didn't matter anyway, he was just a cannon fodder.

After killing those Mongolian soldiers, Tianyu carried Xiaolongnu on his back and continued to move forward. He swung his long sword repeatedly, and all the Mongolian soldiers who intercepted him along the way died suddenly.

"Woo woo~!"

The military horn sounded, and hundreds of Mongolian soldiers formed a military formation and blocked Tianyu.

"There are too many people. You'd better let me down. I'll go back to the cave and wait for you. They may not be able to catch up with me." Xiaolongnu gritted her teeth and said leisurely in Tianyu's ear.

She always distinguished between gratitude and resentment. Others saved her life, and she couldn't continue to drag others down anyway.

"You may not be able to rush out in your current state. These garbage can't hurt me even if they die." Tianyu thought about it, but still shook his head and refused.

These Mongolian soldiers on the side were extremely cruel beasts. With Xiaolongnu's peerless appearance, if she was left here, I always felt that the end would not be too good.

Tianyu thought about the plot and thought it was better to forget it. Anyway, the girl was not heavy and would not affect his ability to cut people.


"Although they have a lot of people, more people may not be useful." Tianyu smiled and immediately opened fire.

His figure was like a ghost, shuttling back and forth among the Mongolian soldiers, the long sword in his hand dancing, and after each flash, one person fell to the ground.

At the same time, the skill that had been acquired a long time ago, the Qi-controlled sword, was also activated.

After the Mongolian soldiers killed by Tianyu fell to the ground one after another, the long swords in their hands shuttled through the battlefield like spirit snakes, constantly heading towards their flesh and blood.

Like a vampire greedy for blood, every flash of sword light must be sprayed with blood.

The Mongolian soldiers who had not yet surrounded them in the distance were suddenly stunned, and then their bodies were covered with cold sweat. They couldn't hold the long swords in their hands steadily and fell to the ground involuntarily.

After a while, Tianyu found the captain of the central army, and with a sword, he split the trembling captain in half, causing the Mongolian army to be completely chaotic.


"He is a devil, a devil!"

"He must be sent by Changshengtian to punish us!"

"Help, I don't want to die!"

Thousands of Mongolian soldiers were running around like headless flies. Tianyu roared and cut through the thorns and pierced through the general formation.

From time to time, he swung his sword and stabbed a few lucky soldiers who blocked the way. This way, it didn't affect the speed at all!


Xiaolongnu looked at the scene in front of her, and her originally cold mood became a little excited.

The military might is like a tide, I go against the current, and thousands of troops can't stop it!

When she was a child, Grandma Sun told her some stories of ancient people, such as Zhao Zilong's seven ins and outs on Changbanpo; such as Xiang Yu, the King of Western Chu, who took the head of the enemy general from the army.

Originally, she thought that those were just stories and legends, but she actually found some signs of overlap in Tianyu.

"Is this the courage that cannot be stopped by ten thousand men? The legendary peerless warrior is just like this!" Xiao Longnu thought absentmindedly.

"Ga? Ga!"

As if hearing Tianyu's voice, the Divine Eagle on the top of the mountain poked its head out from afar, and then saw Tianyu's appearance, and the Divine Eagle suddenly became happy.

It jumped on the spot and slid down violently, just like a huge bowling ball, knocking all the Mongolian soldiers who blocked the way in front of it all the way to fly everywhere.

"What is this?"

Xiao Longnu seemed a little scared when she saw the mighty appearance of the Divine Eagle, and subconsciously hugged Tianyu's neck tightly.

"It's okay, this is Brother Eagle, you sit on its back first, go to my courtyard to hide, and help me gather my fellow disciples along the way, I'm going to the main hall to kill people first!"

"This bird."

"It doesn't bite, Brother Eagle?"


"See, he said so too."


Chongyang Palace was right in front of him, and Tianyu put Xiaolongnu on the back of the Divine Eagle.

The Divine Eagle seemed to be a little excited, jumping a few times on the spot, until Tianyu patted its head heavily, and then it became honest.

Then he took a long step, took Xiaolongnu and rushed to Tianyu's private courtyard at a very fast speed.

If he encountered Mongolian soldiers blocking the road on the way, the Divine Eagle would peck the Mongolian soldiers to death.

The Divine Eagle is still very powerful, even a master of Li Mochou's level may not be able to beat it.

It's not difficult to just protect a Xiaolongnu who has not recovered from her injuries!

In order to complete the task, Tianyu still pays attention to his reputation. The Quanzhen Sect is very particular about the rules and regulations, and even wives cannot be married.

Xiaolongnu is a stunningly beautiful girl, not an old woman. If he directly carries her on his back in front of a group of single men,

it would seem too intimate, which is not a good thing!

The sect may not necessarily punish him, but the position of the head that is about to be obtained is probably gone, and the resentment of single men is still very strong!

So now it is the most appropriate choice to let the Divine Condor settle Xiaolongnu!

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