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"Someone taught you? Could it be Master? I didn't expect Master to be so kind to you, that he even taught you basic exercises.

In the past, we only had the opportunity to receive the master's teaching after we had learned the basic exercises here. "Xiao He said enviously.

When the surrounding students heard this, they also looked at the little fat man with envious eyes, and they all felt the difference between the core disciples.

"No...it wasn't taught by master, it was taught by my summoned beast." Little Fatty hurriedly explained.

"Your summoned beast? The stone man? He actually knows so much?"

Xiao He was shocked. Under normal circumstances, although bronze-level summoned beasts can speak, their intelligence is not particularly high, and they cannot crack particularly profound exercises.

But I didn't expect that Fatty's summoned beast would even explain Fire Spirit Art, which is really surprising.

"Yes, Brother Stone is very powerful and knows a lot. He is different from other summoned beasts, and he has a lot of personality."

The little fat man felt very depressed when he thought of Li Xuan's temper and the pain that remained on his face.

Although he could learn the exercises with Big Brother Shitou, the feeling of being beaten was too uncomfortable. The key point was that he couldn't refute it. He could only listen to Big Brother Shitou's words, otherwise it would be another fat beating.

The feeling of being picked up and smashed to the ground, the little fat man never wanted to experience it again.

"Your Golem is so nice, if only I had such a summoned beast." Xiao He said enviously.

The surrounding students also looked at Fatty with envious eyes, obviously wanting to have a summoned beast like Big Brother Stone.

In the eyes of everyone's envy, Little Fatty's heart is even more bitter, there is no way, others think he is very lucky, only he knows how miserable he is.

The feeling of the face touching the ground was really sour.

The depressed little fat man didn't want to say more, closed his eyes and practiced Fire Spirit Art in the corner, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

the other side.

Refining class.

Twenty or so students sat in the classroom waiting quietly. Outside the classroom stood a row of summoned beasts. It seemed that summoned beasts could not enter the classroom.

Li Xuan didn't care and walked into the classroom with big stone feet. Under the strange eyes of everyone, he sat in the last row, sitting next to a small and cute girl.

His three-meter-tall figure, even sitting down, was taller than these students standing, so his appearance attracted the attention of all the students.

"Hello, my name is Han Ling'er, that... summoned beasts are not allowed in the classroom, so... so..."

Beside her, a fair-faced girl walked up to Li Xuan pretty and said softly.

As a result, after being glanced at by Li Xuan, she lowered her head embarrassedly and her voice was much lower.

"This is my token, and I am also a student here."

Li Xuan took out a token, which he just bought with spirit stones, and with this token, he can study here.


Han Linger looked at the token, she blinked her big blue eyes, her little head was a little confused, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Because it was the first time she saw summoned beasts learning to refine, so she couldn't help being a little surprised.

The surrounding students also gathered together and whispered, very surprised that the summoned beast could learn to refine.

The main reason is that the intelligence of bronze-level summoned beasts is not high enough for them to learn advanced knowledge, so the appearance of Li Xuan broke the cognition of these students.

In their impressions, only the wisdom of silver-level summoned beasts can be compared with humans, but they generally don't see that level. Now that they see Li Xuan, they are very surprised.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were a student here."

Han Linger apologized embarrassedly, her two slender and fair hands clenched the corners of her clothes tightly, looking very introverted.


Li Xuan waved his hand indifferently, and then placed the token on the upper right corner of the table, so that people could see that it was a student token.

With this token, no one will disturb him, and he can study with peace of mind.

"Well, you came late, so you probably didn't buy the basic artifact refining book. I have one for you here."

Han Linger took out a booklet from the space bag and handed it to Li Xuan a little embarrassed. The reason why she was embarrassed was that her personality was like this, she was more introverted.

"Well, thanks."

Li Xuan took the booklet and looked at it carefully. The first thing that caught his eye was the words "Detailed Explanation of Refiner Basics". He gently opened the first page, and instantly a line of information appeared in his field of vision.

The basic requirements of the refining tool: material identification, tempering technique, fire control technique, fire spirit art, spirit pattern and rune.

The spirit pattern is the basic pattern of the rune. The rune is drawn with a special spirit pattern, and the rune is carved on the embryo, which can be used to make various spiritual tools and spirit armor.


Looking at the large amount of information in the book, Li Xuan was gradually attracted. The content of the book opened Li Xuan's horizons, and at the same time he thought of the art of refining weapons that he had learned in the world where Jiang Yun lived.

The aura sword and aura armor in that world are similar to the current refining tools, but they are not as detailed and comprehensive as they are now.

However, with the previous foundation, plus Li Xuan's knowledge of materials, as well as his own talent and strong soul power, this knowledge is quite simple for Li Xuan.

However, there is very little content in this book. It is only a general description of the refining tool. There is no fire control technique or the cultivation method of the tempering technique.

Those spells that you want to practice need to be specially purchased before you can learn them.

In addition to these, there are also the material map of the refining tool, the map of the spirit pattern, and the map of the magic symbol, all of which need to be purchased with money.

"No wonder it is said that refining tools cost money. These things add up to a lot of money. It is estimated that it can spend a little scraps of digging mountains."

Li Xuan murmured secretly, there was a lot of leftovers in his carry-on space, and he just took this opportunity to deal with some of it, and it would take up space anyway.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan turned to look at the small and exquisite Han Linger next to him, and asked in a loud voice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Where can I buy the material map of the refining tool, the map of the spiritual pattern, the map of the amulet, and the technique of tempering, fire control Skills are also needed, as well as the carving knife for refining, the spirit pen, spirit ink, and various tools for drawing with the formation method. "

"That... you can exchange your points for... in the quest hall, but I have everything here except for the amulet map, which can be lent to you."

Han Linger took out a bunch of things from the space bag and put them in front of Li Xuan, including a whole set of unused refining tools.

"Won't you be punished for doing this to others?"

Li Xuan frowned at the spirit pattern map. Although these things are basic, they are not given to others casually, and they may be punished.

When he was in the Spirit Rune Guild, he also needed to join the Guild to get the Spirit Rune Ceremony, and there must be requirements in terms of confidentiality.

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