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When Li Xuan saw this scene, his space ability was activated instantly and disappeared in an instant.


Ripples of water ripples appeared in the space, and a white-haired old man suddenly appeared from the ripples, and his falcon-like eyes glanced around.

"No one? Why does the barrier touch? Breath probe!"

The old man's right hand suddenly folded, and a transparent circle continued to spread with him as the center, and then it stopped after expanding for a hundred meters.

"No breath was detected, strange, is it because of the enchantment problem?"

The old man carefully checked the barrier and found that there was nothing unexpected, but the next second, his hands suddenly slapped the ground, and a line of footprints appeared on the ground in an instant.

"It seems that there is really no one, only my own footprints."

The white-haired old man nodded, turned his head and walked back, quickly passing through the circles of water ripples and disappearing into this area.

But only a moment later, the old man suddenly appeared again, his sharp eyes scanning the four directions.

Whoosh whoosh!

The figure of the old man flickered quickly, and he checked it a dozen times in all directions before stopping the exploration.

"It seems that there is really no one. Ordinary disciples dare not come to the forbidden area. If it is a monster, it will definitely leave a breath. Now there is no breath, it seems that there is indeed no one."

The old man muttered, walked into the water ripples again, and disappeared completely.

Soon after.

A mouse hole suddenly appeared in the ground, and a chubby black mouse emerged from it.

At the same time, the water ripples swayed again, and the old man slowly walked out.

"How?" the old man asked.

"Master, I didn't find anything, I didn't feel any wrong breath." The black mouse said.

"It seems that no one is really there. Let the sect check the enchantment. I guess there is something wrong. Let's go."

The old man waved his hand, and the black mouse fell into his hand in an instant, and then walked into the water ripples.

This time no one appeared again. Obviously, the old man was very confident in his detection methods.

ten kilometers away.

Li Xuan's transformed pigeon stood quietly on the branch of the tree, looking in the direction of the forbidden area, then flapped its wings and returned to the small courtyard.

"What exactly is in the back mountain? That kind of breath, and the cautious attitude of the white-haired old man, this back mountain may hide a big secret."

Li Xuan muttered, and at the same time he understood what he had hit. It was actually an enchantment, but around the enchantment, it was hidden with special things, so that no one could find the enchantment.

"This kind of hiding method is really mysterious, and it actually hides my God's perspective. It's amazing."

Li Xuan once again realized the extraordinaryness of this world, and felt that it was very difficult here.

"The long-horned monster that the iron puppet encountered before was blown up several times without being killed, and finally let the other party run away,

It wasn't long before I came to the Imperial Beast Sect, and I was almost discovered. It really is a powerful world, and I have to be cautious in the future. "

Li Xuan decided to be more cautious in the future, and develop a wave of stability first. Anyway, he will obtain extraordinary fruits, and the same is true for the exchange of refining equipment.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan went out again to ask if the Imperial Beast Sect could let the summoned beasts learn to refine.

After some inquiries, Li Xuan came back and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's actually possible, I was worried that summoned beasts can't learn to refine weapons, but I didn't expect that the beast-controlling sect was quite human, so it wasn't forbidden,

In this way, the little fat man does not need to learn to refine, but I can learn it by myself. If I had known it earlier, I would not have smashed him, making mistakes and mistakes. "

Li Xuan muttered secretly, thinking about going to the refining class tomorrow to sign up.

There is a special deacon to teach the refining tool, and it only takes a small amount of spirit stones to sign up.

Li Xuan didn't have much else, except that there were many spiritual stones. He had dug up all the spiritual stones from the mountain at the beginning, and now they are still piled up in the auction house at super high prices.

The entire carry-on space is full, and even the auction grids that the auction house can call are full. Fortunately, these grids can be stacked with spirit stones, otherwise these spirit stones cannot be taken away.

Li Xuan muttered secretly, exchanged some space fruit from the auction house, and began to eat a lot.

The space fruit can increase the size of teleportation and carry-on space. Li Xuan will eat a batch when he is okay, and continue to eat when he is finished digesting it.

Under the long-term eating, the carry-on space has become larger and larger, but the distance to reach the super-class carry-on space requires a lot of space fruit.

Fortunately, Li Xuan now has enough honor points, and someone from a territory is earning honor points for him.

With so many honor points, it is not a big problem as long as you give him time to build up extraordinary portable space and teleportation.

So Li Xuan continued to eat until the little fat man came back.

"Brother Shito, I brought back the artifact refining exercises, please read." The little fat man hurriedly took out the three books he brought back and carefully presented them.

One of the three books is a fire-attribute exercise called Huo Linggong. The exercise focuses more on weapon refining, so its combat effectiveness is slightly weaker.

The second book is a fire attribute spell, in order to increase the combat power and make it more convenient to refine.

The premise is that you need to find your own pet and cultivate it with all your strength, which will consume a lot of resources.

Zongmen have pet eggs to buy, but the high price makes many people discouraged.

"It's not bad, it's a very delicate exercise and the method of fighting beasts."

Li Xuan carefully flipped through the three books, his tyrannical memory combined with the talent for strengthening his memory made him memorize the contents of the three books quickly, and had a deep understanding of the three books.

At this time, seeing the injury on the little fat man's face, Li Xuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, I will personally instruct you. The content of these three books is very simple, you listen to me..."

Li Xuan took the book and started teaching. Since the cultivation method is the most important thing, Li Xuan first explained the Huo Ling Gong.

This exercise is actually very simple, just absorb the spiritual energy according to a specific cycle, there is no difficulty.

Li Xuan explained such a simple exercise naturally and thoroughly, and even mixed with Li Xuan's analysis in the explanation, pointing out some key points, which benefited the little fat man a lot.

Even after Li Xuan's detailed teaching, the little fat man learned Fire Spirit Art in half a day, and had a deeper understanding.

"Okay, it's almost done, you can practice on your own, don't disturb me if it's all right." Li Xuan waved his hand and returned to his house, closing the door directly.

The little fat man nodded hurriedly, he didn't dare to provoke Li Xuan, there was no way, he couldn't afford to provoke him.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to all things.

The little fat man who practiced all night walked out of the room and wanted to tell Li Xuan that he should go to class.

But when he walked outside, he realized that Li Xuan had no idea where he was going.


The little fat man had to come to the basic practice class, sit inside and prepare to listen to the class.

There were fifty people who signed up for Shanshui Peak yesterday, and many of them were disciples with outstanding aptitude, but they didn't have any powerful summoned beasts, so they could only be ordinary disciples.

Now seeing the little fat man coming, everyone couldn't help but look envious.

The little fat man could feel the alienation of these people. He did not speak, but sat quietly cross-legged and practiced Fire Spirit Art.

Tata Towers!

The footsteps sounded slowly, and soon Xiao He walked in with the Huo Ling Gong book and stood at the front of the crowd.

"Next, I will teach you how to practice Huo Ling Gong. Let me first explain that although Huo Ling Gong is a basic practice, it is not difficult to practice.

With your qualifications~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It is not bad to learn in ten days, so you must study hard, otherwise you are likely to be pulled down, eh? "

While talking, Xiao He suddenly turned his head to look at the little fat man, feeling the faint fire spirit power around the little fat man, Xiao He's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Little Fatty, you actually learned the Fire Spirit Art? How is it possible? This art is obscure and difficult to understand. If no one teaches it, it will be difficult to learn.

You only received Huo Ling Gong yesterday, how did you learn it today? Have you learned similar exercises before? "

Xiao He asked incredulously, her aptitude is very strong, and her understanding is not bad, but she only learned it after three days, but Fatty learned it in one night, which is really shocking.

"I...I didn't learn it myself, I was taught by someone, otherwise I would have learned it." The little fat man scratched his head and explained a little embarrassedly.

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