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"No...no, you are the summoned beast of the core disciple, you are qualified to have these, and my grandfather is the eighth elder, so I won't be blamed." Han Linger pinched the corner of her clothes a little embarrassedly.

"Well, thanks."

When Li Xuan heard this, he didn't say anything more. Since he was the third generation of the rich, there must be no shortage of this thing. Li Xuan didn't say more, and picked up the spiritual pattern map and looked directly at it.

After ten minutes.

An old woman who lacked her right arm walked in slowly with a cane. She stood on the podium and glanced around with sharp eyes.

When she saw the stone man transformed by Li Xuan, the old woman paused. After seeing the token, she glanced at Li Xuan in surprise and said.

"Today I will explain the fire control technique. This spell is an important spell for extracting materials, and it is also the spell that requires the most precise control.

I know that this will be very difficult for you, but I still hope that you will work hard and master this spell within half a year. "

When the old woman said this, she glanced at Li Xuan and said again.

"Of course, this spell is more difficult. If it is a summoned beast, mastering it within a year is considered excellent. As long as you work hard, everything is hopeful. Let's start explaining..."

The old woman began to explain slowly. This time, unlike the past, she explained the basics very carefully, including some special terms.

For the students here, these terms have long been learned, but the old woman still said it again, obviously for Li Xuan to hear.

This also led to the old woman's lecture for a long time, and it took a full morning to finish the lecture.

"Okay, today's class is over. I'm in a good mood today, and I'm allowing you to ask a few questions." The old lady said calmly.

"Mother Liu, does the convolution technique in fire control must be accurate to 72 rounds? Can you increase the temperature of the fire control technique and reduce the application of the convolution technique?" Han Linger asked shyly.

"Yes, yes, but this requires extremely high temperature control of fire control techniques. It is not recommended to do this in the initial refining stage.

You can try it when your refining level is upgraded to the second level. "Granny Liu explained.

"So that's the case, thank you Granny Liu." Han Ling'er bowed gratefully.

"Mother Liu, how big is the difference between people with fire attributes and those without fire attributes, who use fire control techniques at the same time?

Is there no future without fire attributes? ' asked a determined young man.

"The gap will be very large. If you have the fire attribute, you can easily display the fire control technique, and the control power of the fire control technique is also very strong.

Especially under the support of strong mental power, it can play the role of fire control. On the other hand, without the fire attribute, it is even more difficult to use fire control.

The lack of basic attributes can only be performed by mobilizing the fire attribute spiritual power from the outside world. No matter in terms of speed, accuracy, and power, it is much worse.

Of course, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is still hope that you can successfully use the fire control technique. You don't need to think about the battle, but the refining is enough. "Granny Liu explained slowly.

"I understand, thank you Granny Liu for clarifying the confusion." The determined boy bowed and returned to his seat.

"Any questions?" Granny Liu asked again, looking at Li Xuan.

The surrounding students shook their heads instinctively when they saw this scene.

Because they all learned the knowledge of refining equipment since childhood, identifying various herbs, spiritual patterns and other knowledge.

Now a stone man who has just started to learn, I am afraid that he does not even know the first knowledge. There is no need to waste time and answer questions for the stone man.

Therefore, everyone wants to leave get out of class early, and is not willing to continue to wait and waste time.

In such a mood, Granny Liu watched.

Li Xuan opened his mouth and said in a stern voice.

"I want to ask if fire control can be performed through runes, and if it is depicted on the rune disk, can it accurately pass through the rune disk to control the time and position of the flames."

He thought of making a refining tool in a stream. If the flame can be accurately controlled, it is possible to use the rune disk to make a large-scale spiritual tool during the refining process.

Through the control of the array, you can also make fire-breathing guns, various fire-breathing equipment, and even fire-breathing machines.

However, such an idea is too advanced, Li Xuan will not say that he intends to make the production line, just ask some basic questions.

"You asked a very good question. This has already involved the formation technique, and it is also the knowledge that only advanced refiners can use." Granny Liu said with admiration.

"Senior Refiner? Granny Liu, does this question really involve an Advanced Refiner?" Some students couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes, the rune is the metamorphosis of the spirit pattern, and it is also the basic plate of the formation. Only by mastering the rune can you better learn the formation and related enchantments.

That's why I said, this problem is very advanced. "Granny Liu explained with a smile.

"so smart."

The students were startled and looked at the Stone Man with astonished eyes. They did not expect that a Stone Man who had just joined the sect would know so much. This was simply unimaginable.

It should be known that the Bronze-level Stone Man is not very intelligent, and it stands to reason that he should not know so much.

The girl named Han Linger tilted her head and looked at Li Xuan curiously.

"Okay, now I'll answer your question, I can tell you clearly that fire control can be performed on the rune disk, or it can be depicted,

But it is very difficult to accurately control the time and position of the flame through the rune disk.

Moreover, the power of the spiritual tool refined by this method is not strong, the elder Taishang once studied this aspect, and finally gave up..."

Granny Liu talked incessantly, and said a lot of knowledge in this area, and Li Xuan also gained a lot from hearing it.

"I understand, thank you for clarifying the confusion." Li Xuan thanked.

"It's alright, if you have any questions, you can go to the deacon area and ask me, okay, that's it." Granny Liu nodded and left with a cane.

When Granny Liu left, the students dispersed in a hurry and ran out with their books.

Only Li Xuan and the girl named Han Linger were left.

"Hello, can you tell me your name?"

Han Linger asked pretty lively, she was very curious that Li Xuan could ask such a profound question.

"You can call me Li Xuan, by the way, this Granny Liu has a good attitude towards me, do you know the reason?" Li Xuan asked.

"I know, after Granny Liu's previous summoned beasts reached the silver level, their intelligence greatly increased, and then she fell in love with the refining tools, and often learned the refining tools from Granny Liu.

Unfortunately, when Granny Liu went out on a mission, she encountered a strong enemy, and the summoned beast died in the battle to save Granny Liu. Although Granny Liu survived, her strength dropped to bronze.

Since then~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Granny Liu has been teaching her students. Today, when she saw you learning about crafting, she must have thought of her summoned beast, and that's why she is so kind to you. "Han Linger explained softly.

"I see."

Li Xuan nodded, and finally understood the reason. At this time, when he thought of the talisman map, Li Xuan said again.

"Where do I need to buy the amulet map, do I need to redeem points?"

"Yes, there are many subordinate tasks in the sect. After completing them, you can get points and exchange them for points. You can actually try to do some advanced tasks.

With your bronze-level strength, you should be able to quickly accumulate points, unlike our weak and weak, who can only accumulate points through refining. "

Han Linger explained softly, her little face was delicate and fair, like a white porcelain doll.

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