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"Huh? Humans within a thousand miles are dead?"

Chen Hao frowned. Although he often heard Old Ming talk about disasters and polluting creatures, this was the first time he heard that humans within a thousand miles would die.

"Do you know why I asked you to come to Shendan Sect?" Old Ming continued.

"Why?" Chen Hao wondered.

"In order to save lives, when the space cracks appear, there will be a tide of polluting monsters. At that time, there will be basically no living things within a thousand miles.

The Shendan Sect was the only place that could survive, and the gold-level Supreme Elder was an existence that no one dared to ignore. "Ming Lao said quietly.

"You mean, there will be new space cracks nearby? Don't you mean that space cracks have always been by the sea?

Moreover, the space crack is closed, and Tianjianzong has been guarding there. "Chen Hao was shocked.

"It was really like this before, but just now I discovered a space crack and hurriedly notified Shendanzong in a special way,

Although the top management of Shendan Sect immediately set off and began to prepare to disperse the human beings within a thousand miles, the time was too late, and the space crack had already erupted. "Ming Lao sighed.

"It broke out? So fast? Humans have no time to escape in such a short time, no, I have to help them!" Chen Hao hurriedly said.

"It's useless, your strength is too weak, and you may die even if you go to the silver level. The most important thing for you now is to hurry up and improve your strength, and wait until the first wave of undercurrents stabilizes before killing monsters." Elder Ming hurriedly said.

"However, I can't just watch so many people die, you said, I am the protagonist of heaven and earth,

If I don't stand up at this time, what qualifications do I have to be the protagonist of the world? "Chen Hao clenched his fist tightly.

"Sure enough, I know it." Old Ming sighed and continued.

"Since you want to go, then I will pass on you the same explosive secret technique, and with my assistance, you may be able to fight against silver-level powerhouses."

"Thank you Ming Lao."

Chen Hao was grateful, and hurriedly ran towards the sect, preparing to go down the mountain.

After he ran back to the sect, he found that the atmosphere of the sect had changed and became a lot more depressed.

The walking disciples looked in a hurry, and no one dared to delay the time. They were desperately buying various combat supplies to prepare for the next battle.

Chen Hao was not idle either. After purchasing the supplies, he ran back to his residence and started to prepare.

To his surprise, Li Xuan's house was very quiet, not even the usual sounds of perceptual beasts.

"Li Xuan has already gone down the mountain, just now in the Giant Python Valley, he should have found that the atmosphere of the sect was wrong,

The first time I flew back to the sect to ask about the situation, I didn't even bring the perception beast, so I quickly went down the mountain. "Ming Lao explained.

"In such a hurry? Is he going to kill the polluted creatures?" Chen Hao wondered.

"It shouldn't be, but since he leaves the sect, he will definitely kill the polluted creature, no matter what his purpose is." Old Ming shook his head.

"Yes." Chen Hao no longer thought about it, but started to act when he was ready.

the other side.

Above the sky outside Shendan Sect.

Li Xuan changed into an eagle and kept flying, heading towards the Hei Pao Gate. He was going to take the master Xiao Jian away to prevent this kid from being killed.

From his God's perspective, densely packed monsters run wildly on the ground, madly strangling all human beings and creatures.

There are many kinds of these monsters, most of them are kobolds, pig-headed people, gnolls, stitch monsters and other weird creatures.

And they all have one thing in common, that is, there is pollution around the body, and the vitality dissipates wherever they pass.

"This kind of pollution is very similar to the pollution giant. It should be from the same world, but these monsters are weaker than the pollution giant, but there are too many, eh? Silver level?"

Li Xuan swept the distance from God's perspective, and saw a pig-headed man with a body like an iron tower carrying a heavy hammer, moving forward step by step, and every step forward shook the earth.

In addition to this pig-headed man, there are also many silver-level powerhouses, such as the huge double-headed flame dog, the ugly and huge suture monster, and the pale giant bear.

These monsters moved forward step by step as if they had received orders, rushing frantically to the areas where all human beings lived.

"There are too many, wait, this is Xiao Jian?! Why is he here?"

Li Xuan suddenly saw a lot of people with weapons standing on the wall of the cliff city below. Among these people, there was actually the master Xiao Jian.

"This kid is not staying at the black robe door, what is he running around? If he hadn't seen him here, he would have been finished."

Li Xuan was afraid that if this kid died, the contract would be affected, and the ancient blood might be incomplete.

This made Li Xuan very dissatisfied. After so many masters, Xiao Jian boy was the most disgusting.

But now I don't care about this kid, it's the key to block the polluting creatures first, otherwise this city will be finished.

Now that he has found Xiao Jian, Li Xuan has no worries, he can naturally kill and make a little contribution to the human race, otherwise he will be very upset.

When he thought of it, he did it. Li Xuan suddenly swooped down from the sky, and a boundless black mist rippled around his body.

These black mists traversed the ground like a highway. With Li Xuan's flight, a poisonous mist isolation belt was formed.

Zi Zi Zi!

The polluting creatures have always lived in a harsh environment, and they are not afraid of the black mist at all, and they rush directly into the black mist.

And then no more.

After the densely packed pollutants washed away the black mist, they fell directly to the ground, and even the bones were corroded and exposed.

This terrifying black fog finally stopped the army of pollution that had been advancing.

On the walls of the cliff city.

All the practitioners held weapons and stood on the city wall in horror, looking at the terrifying polluted creatures from afar.

There are too many of these hideous creatures, so densely packed that it is impossible to see the head at a glance.

The key point is that wherever these polluting organisms have passed, the grass withered, the trees fell, the animals disappeared, and even the insects were not spared, and they continued to die in the pollution.

Looking at such a terrifying polluted creature, looking at the mighty, like a black cloud over the city, the polluted army that came.

Everyone is desperate, even the city lord of Cliff City is desperate.

He originally thought that this place was relatively close to the Shendan Sect. As long as they could hold on for a while, they would be able to get the rescue of the Shendan Sect.

However, the number of the Pollution Legion is too large, and with such a terrifying number of monsters, they simply cannot insist on rescue.

"It's over, it's over now, I said run away quickly, it's over now."

"It's useless, our physical strength is not comparable to that of the Pollution Legion, and it will be dead at that time, and my parents are still here, and I can't abandon them!"

"Yeah, according to records, the first dark tide of polluted creatures will sweep thousands of miles away, and it won't stop for a single step. When we escape, we die faster."

"Then what do you say? Now that the polluted creatures are approaching, even the city owner is desperate, and we can't insist on the arrival of Shendanzong."


Everyone looked at the polluted creatures rushing like waves outside the city, and at the terrifying monster, the last hope in everyone's heart was shattered.

And Xiao Jian, at this moment, also stared blankly at Cheng, panic and fear filled his heart.

"what is that?!"

Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

Following this man's voice, everyone saw a black mist coming quickly from a distance, suddenly passing in front of the Pollution Legion, and rushing into the distance.

And where the black fog passed, the pollution army actually stopped, like a dividing line, blocking the pollution creatures.

Such a reversal, such a sudden turn of events, surprised everyone in despair.

"Just now, I seem to see an eagle flying?"

"It is indeed an eagle. I can see it clearly. You can see that those black mists are actually corroding and polluting creatures."

"What a terrifying poisonous smog, now the pollution corps has finally stopped, wait, the pollution corps is attacking again."

Bang bang bang!

The terrifying elephant monsters slowly walked forward, spewing a lot of black water from their noses, constantly pouring those black mists~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The effect of these black waters is not strong, but a lot of terror Elephant spit, gradually began to pour the black mist down, and slowly opened up the road ahead.

Such a scene made the hearts of everyone on the city wall sink, and the hope that had just risen was broken again.


An eagle flew quickly from a distance, and finally flew in mid-air in front of the city wall, quietly looking down at the pollution army in the distance.


The shape of this eagle began to change, from an eagle to a lovely young man, and the robes on his body were impressively the robes of Shendan Sect.

The young man didn't speak, just looked at the elephants with cold eyes, and then in the eyes of the public, he gently snapped his fingers as countless people watched.

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