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"It's true, if you have to go, this is also a profound willpower experience for you." Old Ming said in a low voice.

"Experience? Then I have to go over and see what kind of scene it is. Even you are worried."

Chen Hao took a deep breath and strode forward with a steady pace.

There was a breeze in the woods, and the lush green leaves swayed gently with the breeze.

In such an environment, Chen Hao walked step by step on the weeds.

After a few minutes of walking, his nose moved and his eyes narrowed.

"It smells bloody!"

Chen Hao slowed down and walked along the **** route little by little, and finally came to the side of a collapsed tree and saw a giant python.

This giant python has no breath, and there is a fist mark on the giant python's body, which seems to have been punched to death here.

"This is!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao's face was solemn. After confirming that there was no danger around him, he quickly checked the body of the giant python, and with the careful inspection, Chen Hao's expression became more and more solemn.

"It turned out to be a giant python with black iron consummation. Such strength was actually killed by a punch. It is really a terrible attack."

Chen Hao was in shock and felt the pressure.

His strength has reached the lower rank of bronze, but it is not easy to kill the black iron giant python with one punch, and it takes a long time to do it.

"There's more ahead, keep watching." Old Ming's voice rang out.


Chen Hao's expression became more and more tense, and he continued to move forward quickly, and soon he saw the bodies of two giant pythons, which were also killed by a punch.

The key point is that the strength of this giant python has reached the lower rank of bronze.

"It actually killed the giant python in the lower ranks of bronze, and there are still two, such a terrifying strength."

Chen Hao's face became more and more serious, and he felt the horror of the person who shot.

Without hesitation, Chen Hao moved on and saw a few more python corpses, and these corpses were basically killed by a punch.

The key point is that there was actually a giant python in the middle of the bronze corpse, which frightened Chen Hao, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Keep going, this is just the beginning, just the tip of the iceberg." Old Ming said quietly.

"Just the tip of the iceberg? What's more terrifying?!"

Chen Hao was startled, the giant python's defense was amazing, to kill the giant python in the middle of the bronze with one punch, at least it needs the strength of Bronze Great Perfection.

With such a strong strength, even if Chen Hao practiced the Yin-Yang Collection, he felt the pressure doubled, but Old Ming actually said that this was just the beginning, just the tip of the iceberg.

This is a bit scary, Chen Hao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Old Ming, tell me who did this! I can handle it."

Chen Hao said solemnly, inexplicably panicked in his heart, mainly because he thought of Li Xuan.

Facing Li Xuan, even if Chen Hao broke through to the lower ranks of bronze, he still had no confidence.

Mainly because of the previous few secret contests, he lost a crushing defeat, and a shadow rose in his heart.

However, thinking of the strength improvement in the past half month, as well as the Yin-Yang Collection, he felt a little more confident, and at the same time he felt that Li Xuan could not surpass himself so quickly.

After all, the Yin-Yang Collection can automatically cultivate in the dark night. No one has ever surpassed such a speed. At this speed, he only reached the lower rank of bronze.

And Li Xuan is still a teenager, how can he surpass him Chen Hao.

Therefore, according to normal logic, the person who killed these giant pythons was not Li Xuan, there might be someone else.

Therefore, Chen Hao said half-jokingly, "It shouldn't be Li Xuan who killed these giant pythons, right?"

"You're right, it's Li Xuan!" Old Ming said quietly.

"What? Is that Li Xuan?"

Chen Hao was stunned, his brain buzzing like a hammer.

He just analyzed for a long time that it wasn't Li Xuan who did it, but after thinking about it for a long time, it was actually Li Xuan who did it in the end.

"Why? I have already practiced the Yin-Yang Collection, and the speed of my practice is unmatched. Why can he surpass me?" Chen Hao's voice was hoarse.

"It may be the effect of the extraordinary fruit, that's all I can think of." Old Ming sighed.


Chen Hao punched the big tree next to him, his voice still hoarse.

"Isn't it true that the extraordinary fruit provided by the sect is a partial sect? If it is a fruit in terms of strength or physique, how could the Shendan sect be willing to take it out?"

"I don't know, I just saw Li Xuan smash these giant pythons to death with my own eyes. Except for the extraordinary fruit, I can't think of anything else. Although I don't want to admit it, you have lost again!" Old Ming's voice was low.

"Did you lose again?"

When Chen Hao heard this, he staggered back two steps, and said sadly.

"In order to surpass Li Xuan, I lost everything, even the characteristics of a man, but I didn't expect that I would lose again.

In vain, I was still complacent about breaking through to the lower ranks of bronze, but I didn't expect that I would still lose a crushing defeat. "

Chen Hao looked up at the sky, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Leave, if you can survive this training, your strength will rise for a period of time." Old Ming persuaded.

"Let's go? If I don't go to see Li Xuan's true strength, wouldn't I be afraid when I leave? You underestimate me, today is crawling, and I also want to see what happened inside!"

After Chen Hao finished speaking, Meteor strode forward, running fast with his fists clenched, vowing to see the real gap between himself and Li Xuan.

Chen Hao's speed was very fast, and he ran to the entrance of the python valley in a moment, and then he stopped.

Because he found that the plants in the python valley turned from green to yellow, and even the stones on both sides of the entrance were constantly corroded by inexplicable black substances.

"What a domineering poison!"

Chen Hao inhaled a little bit of black poison, and immediately felt dizzy. He hurriedly took out the pill and took it, and then used his spiritual power to protect himself, which made him feel much better.

With deep curiosity, Chen Hao walked towards the python valley little by little, and slowly saw more scenes.

Withered grass, corroded boulders, dense corpses of giant pythons, and a strange black mist that filled half the valley.

This black fog is very terrifying, and everything it passes is dead silence.

Even the giant boa constrictor, who was in great perfection in bronze, died in the black mist, and his body was severely corroded and vanished in an instant.

If it wasn't for the black mist that deliberately left the corpse of the python, everything here might be corroded.

Looking at this terrifying scene, Chen Hao's scalp was numb, and his face was as pale as paper.


The black mist in the python valley rolled and came to the sky above Chen Hao like a surging ocean wave.

Gudu Gudu!

The black mist rolled slowly, and a fair-skinned youth figure flew out of the black mist and floated quietly in the air.

His face is handsome, his expression is calm as water, his eyes are slightly drooping, he glances at Chen Hao lightly, and then floats away.

And he was Li Xuan.

"Whirring whirring!"

Not long after Li Xuan left, Chen Hao slumped on the ground, gasping for breath, only then did he realize that his back was soaked wet.

"It's so scary! He is so scary! With that indifferent look, I feel like I'm looking at ants."

Chen Hao said in fear, and finally felt the huge gap between himself and Li Xuan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It was like the gap between heaven and earth.

Even he did not feel this terrible pressure from the silver-level powerhouse.

"It turns out that he is so strong. It's ridiculous that I still want to compete with Li Xuan in strength. Maybe he doesn't know me at all.

"Chen Hao, don't be discouraged, this experience is a good thing for you, you will definitely be stronger in the future, and your take-off time will start soon." Old Ming comforted.

"Ming Lao, you have comforted me, I know the gap between myself and Li Xuan." Chen Hao shook his head, completely giving up and competing with Li Xuan.

"What I said is true, in addition, it is also a good thing that Li Xuan is strong, the disaster is about to begin, there is such a powerful master,

Perhaps humans within a thousand miles will not die. "Ming Lao said quietly.

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