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Hu Hu Hu!

The gust of wind began to whistle, spinning rapidly in the pollution army, tearing the body of the pollution creature like a wind knife.

With the whistling wind, huge extraordinary tornadoes slowly took shape, with terrifying might, sweeping away large areas of polluted creatures.

When facing the gold level, the effect of the extraordinary tornado was very weak, and there was no sense of existence, but now.

In the face of these trash fish pollution legions, the extraordinary tornado finally showed its terrifying power.

The very large tornado, at the moment of its appearance, instantly strangled and killed a large number of polluting creatures, and the elephant that spewed black water was the first to suffer and suffered heavy casualties.

But this is just the beginning. The tornado carrying terrifying power continues to tear everything within its range, stirring up large swaths of creatures and rushing into the sky.

Even this terrifying tornado engulfed countless polluted creatures in a short period of time.

The entire extraordinary tornado has turned black, like a natural disaster, with the sky and the earth.

And there are six such tornadoes, and they form a huge barrier in front of the cliff city, sweeping across all directions.

Such a god-like might completely shocked everyone. Even the city lord of Bianya City was horrified by this scene and looked at the terrifying scene ahead in disbelief.

However, this was just the beginning. After the extraordinary tornado, the sky turned slightly red, and the clouds turned from white to red, rolling continuously.


An endless shower of meteors and fire fell from the sky, covering a large area of ​​polluted creatures, and it was like a purgatory.

However, this was not over yet. I saw that the handsome young man in the sky kept waving his hands, and one by one his strange abilities began to be released, sweeping away the tide-like polluted creatures.

But even so, there are too many polluting creatures, and they keep moving forward, roaring in **** eyes.

Even those silver-level polluting creatures began to rush forward, trying to block Li Xuan's various abilities.

"It's really stubborn, then I'll give you a big gift!"

The indifferent voice resounded in this area, and the boy in the sky suddenly moved a few times in the void, and soon three steel mantises condensed and fell from the sky.

The moment they fell, they dashed as fast as a gust of wind, rushing towards the three areas of the Pollution Legion.

Boom boom boom! !

A terrifying big explosion suddenly appeared, and billowing smoke rose from the three areas of the Pollution Legion.

Along with the smoke, three vacuum zones appeared, and all the polluting creatures in that area were blasted away, causing heavy casualties.

But the tide-like polluted creatures immediately poured into the three vacuum areas and refilled that area.


When they approached the area, the terrifying corrosive poisonous mist began to work, corroding their bodies, and the terrible poison was released with their breathing.

Bang bang bang!

One after another corpses fell down, their faces blackened on the ground, and there was no breath.

As these corpses fell, the polluted creatures that rushed to the explosion area died in large areas, making this area a Jedi.


Li Xuan's eyes are deep. When he made the steel mantis, he did not inject fighting instinct, but replaced it with self-destruction, steel body, and corrosive and poisonous black mist.

The combination of these three abilities makes the Iron Golem become a self-destructing truck. When it blows up a large number of creatures, it can also form a black fog area.

Li Xuan was very satisfied with such a record, and naturally continued to create three more steel puppets and ordered them to kill the Pollution Legion.

Boom boom boom!

On the cliff city.

Everyone stared at this terrifying scene, looking at the thin figure in the sky, watching him block the pollution army with his own power.

Look at the terrifying explosion cloud that is constantly rising in the polluted creatures, and look at the silver-level powerhouses in the polluted creatures who are afraid to move forward and retreat in fear.

Everyone swallowed and felt the horror of the boy in the sky.

"It's too strong, it's too terrifying, it's just a war machine." Someone said in horror.

"More than a war machine, it should be a war artifact. It is the first time I have seen such a terrifying powerhouse."

"Look at the clothes on his body. It's the clothes of the Shendan Sect. Is it the Supreme Elder of the Shendan Sect? The legendary gold level?"

"It's possible, I can't think of anything other than gold."

Everyone secretly guessed, especially looking at the tide-like pollution army, which was divided into pieces by the explosion.

Everyone thought that this was a battle of gold-level powerhouses, and the awe in their hearts became stronger and stronger.


The figures in the sky danced and slowly landed in front of the city wall, before the city lord of the cliff city.

Such a move made the city lord of Bianya City feel so frightened that his heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help but bow quickly: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Take him to Shendan Sect, this is an identity token."

Li Xuan threw a token to the lord of the cliff city, and then a **** hand suddenly appeared, grabbed Xiao Jian and threw it directly in front of the lord of the cliff city.

"Dispatch everyone in the city and go thousands of miles away. The battle has just begun."

Li Xuan faintly left words, and suddenly flew into the air.

dong dong dong dong!

A dull voice resounded through the sky.

With this sound, the stone-like behemoth slowly appeared from a distance, exuding heart-pounding power.

Roar! ! !

The roar of the sky resounded in all directions, and the terrifying sound shook the eardrums of everyone on the city wall, and they were terrified.

"Is it the Great Consummation of Silver? Or is it a half-step gold level?" The city lord of Bianya City looked at the terrifying stone man in horror.

"No, the powerhouses of polluting creatures are gathering." The intelligence captain's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly reminded after detecting the intelligence.

"Hurry up and evacuate the people in the city, hurry up!"

Dianyacheng was completely busy, and the people kept running outside the city, and under the guidance of the city guards, they fled to the city thousands of miles away.

Huh! !

The sound of birds resounded in the sky, and a giant black eagle as large as a 30-story building appeared, its blood-colored body exuding a strange red light.

Bang bang bang!

All kinds of strange sounds kept appearing in the Pollution Legion. With these sounds, the Silver Rank in the Pollution Legion began to converge, and they continued to gather from all directions.

The spatial crack based on the cliff mountain no longer spreads the polluting creatures in all directions, but instead flocks to the direction of Li Xuan.

A life-and-death battle is about to break out.


Li Xuan saw such a scene, and saw that the polluted creatures that spread to the four directions began to return, rushing in his direction.

But Li Xuan's expression remained the same, even though the number of silver-level powerhouses had reached dozens, Li Xuan was still very calm.

Even Li Xuan still has time to use the perspective of God to observe the center of the space crack in the cliff.

over there.

A giant golden hand abruptly passed through the space crack, then grabbed the twisted space crack and tore it to the side.

This giant hand exudes a golden light, which is exactly the same as the golden light, and this light makes Li Xuan feel palpitations.

"Gold level? And it's a complete gold level."

Li Xuan murmured secretly, not afraid in his heart, but looked at the wrist of the golden giant hand.

There is a strange bracelet there, and the bracelet is inlaid with six extraordinary fruits, six extraordinary fruits of different colors.


The giant golden hand turned into a fist, smashing the cracks in the space like crazy, tearing constantly.

Under the attack of the giant golden hand ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the crack in the space expanded slightly.

Under the golden giant hand, the polluting creatures poured in frantically, entering this world one after another, charging towards Li Xuan's position like a tide.

Looking at this scene, looking at the polluting creatures that continue to pour in like a tide.

Li Xuan was not afraid, but looked up at the sky, towards the sky gradually covered by the polluted birds.

"That's fine! Somebody has to do something."

Li Xuan smiled slightly, and the smile looked very nice and gentle.

After the smile, Li Xuan's figure moved forward quickly, quickly flew above the pollution army, and looked at the pollution army below.

In the next second, Li Xuan clasped his hands together suddenly and shouted, "Open for me!!"

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