"Is the polluted giant tree really dead? How could such a huge giant tree be dead?" Someone asked.

"Yes, this is a giant tree of pollution. It has existed for so many years, and no one can solve it. How could it die?"

"Captain Qi, tell me what's going on!"

Everyone gathered together to discuss and looked at Captain Qi with curious and horrified eyes.

"Well, naturally someone shot and killed the polluted giant tree." Captain Qi said solemnly.

"Killed the giant polluted tree? Who is so powerful that he actually killed the polluted giant tree!" Everyone was shocked and continued to ask.

"This person is none other than the well-known silver-level master Li Xuan," Captain Qi explained, with admiration in his eyes.

"Lord Li Xuan? You mean Lord Li Xuan?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and they all looked in the direction of the city gate. Although no one could be seen there, everyone still looked there.

"No wonder, no wonder the girl dared to reveal the bounty quest. It turns out that they have already completed the quest."

"Yeah, you can kill even polluted giant trees, doesn't this prove that Lord Li Xuan is stronger than Lord Sword Saint?"

"That's for sure, wait, Lord Li Xuan doesn't seem to have been to our city, he shouldn't know about this bounty mission, right?

Could it be that Master Li Xuan slaughtered the polluted giant tree on the way, and when he came back, he saw the bounty quest, and this was the quest he accepted? ' someone hurriedly said.

"It seems really possible, mother, slaughtering the polluted giant tree on the way, this is too fierce."


Everyone was talking about the scene just now, and Captain Qi couldn't help but ask about the situation.

After learning that Lord Li Xuan had entered the city, the military vehicle immediately started and hurriedly entered the gravel city.

City Lord's Mansion.

The originally quiet city lord's mansion soon became lively, and the city lord, who was playing leisurely, was horrified when he learned that the polluting giant tree had been destroyed.

When Li Xuan did it, he was even more shocked.

So the city lord acted immediately, and hurriedly went to look for Li Xuan with a heavy gift.

civilian area.

In a small tea shop.

Xueer and Li Xuan are sitting here to rest, drinking tea and watching the customs of the city.

"Grandpa Zhang, you have a lot of knowledge. Can you tell me what that little Renren is? Why is he so small?"

The intersection of the tea shop.

The two little girls ran to an old man cutely and asked in a crisp voice.

It seems that this old man named Grandpa Zhang has seen many scenes.

"Is this..."

Grandpa Zhang was a little dazed. It was the first time he saw such a small person, and he was also very surprised.

However, he likes to brag, likes to talk about his glorious deeds, and doesn't like others to say that he is ignorant.

So he directly changed the subject and said, "That may be a special race. Let's not talk about it, do you want to hear the story of me killing the pollution giant?"

"I want to hear it!"

The two little girls nodded in unison, and their little hands raised their chins and listened quietly.

"Listen, five years ago, when we went to Gravel City, we were attacked by an ordinary-level pollution giant.

Although this is the lowest-level pollution giant, we are all weak humans, not supernatural beings. Faced with such an enemy, everyone is terrified.

One child was so frightened that he cried on the ground and did not dare to move. Seeing that the child was about to die at the hands of the pollution giant, at the critical moment, I took action.

At that time, I rushed over like crazy with a hoe, and smashed it wildly according to the big feet of the pollution giant.

The pollution giant smashed by the **** howled wildly, the sound was very scary, and turned around and chased after me.

Facing such an enemy, I can only fight while retreating.

Fortunately, the pollution giant's foot was injured, and I was knocked off the cliff during the battle, which solved the crisis. "

Grandpa Zhang spoke confidently, his head held high.

"Grandpa Zhang, you are so powerful that you can even kill a pollution giant. That's amazing." The two little girls adored.

"That's right! I was rewarded back then." Grandpa Zhang pointed to the medal on his chest and said.

"That grandfather, can you kill the black iron pollution giant?" The two little girls asked again.

"Uh! Then we can't do it. The black iron level is too scary. Even 100 of me can't beat such a monster." Grandpa Zhang hurriedly shook his head.

Just kidding, when he killed the lowest-level pollution giant, it was because of an accident that the giant himself fell into a cliff and died.

And the black iron level pollution giant is much stronger than the ordinary pollution giant, so let him kill the black iron level, isn't this a death sentence, so Grandpa Zhang hurriedly shook his head.

"Is the black iron level so powerful? Can't even beat you?" the little girl asked stupidly.

"Of course, a small city at the black iron level can become a city lord, and in our city, it can also reach the level of a sheriff.

That is second only to the city lord, I can't beat it. "

Grandpa Zhang continued to shake his head, he didn't dare to brag about this kind of brilliance, he really couldn't afford to offend him.

"I see." The two little girls suddenly realized that they finally realized the horror of the black iron level.

Also at this time.

The dull footsteps suddenly sounded.

A large number of soldiers rushed over from a distance, and the leader was a black iron-level sheriff.

Looking at the well-trained soldiers, everyone in the tea shop became nervous, stood up cautiously, and walked to the edge.

The grandfather Zhang was also frightened when he saw so many soldiers and the black iron-level sheriff. He hurriedly brought the two girls to the corner and watched nervously.

But soon, their eyes widened.

Because the city's strongest city lord, a bronze-level city lord appeared, and slowly walked out of the soldiers, holding a small box at the same time.

"Look, Grandpa Zhang, it's the city lord, what is it that even the city lord is alarmed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's really the city lord, he is the most respected and most powerful person in the whole city, Why are you here?"

The two little girls were talking pretty, and while they were puzzled, they also looked at the city lord with admiration.

Grandpa Zhang was also very surprised, because the city owner was always busy with official business and rarely appeared here.

But I didn't expect it.

The fact that such an important person appeared here was shocking to everyone.

The main point is that a sheriff is scary enough. Now that even the city lord has appeared, it is even more shocking.

At this time, in the awe of everyone.

The city lord walked forward cautiously with the sheriff, and when he came to a villain, he bowed flatteringly and saluted.

"Meet Mr. Li Xuan."

Following their salute, a large number of soldiers in the rear saluted in unison, shouting respectfully, "Meet Mr. Li Xuan."

The loud voices of the soldiers, the bowing and salute in unison, and the flattery on the faces of the city lord and the sheriff, this scene directly stunned everyone.

That grandfather Zhang, who was bragging just now, stared blankly at Li Xuan. He was completely dumbfounded. He never thought that there would be an existence that even the city lord would be in awe of.

You must know that the city lord is at the bronze level. He is a powerful city lord. Even the city lord is in awe, which means that this little man is likely to be beyond the bronze level.

Thinking of this, Grandpa Zhang trembled, because the silver rank surpassed the bronze rank, and now, there is a silver rank not far away from them.

In such a scene, Grandpa Zhang was so frightened that he didn't move, and the whole person was frightened.

The two little girls also stared blankly, their big eyes flickering, and their little heads fell into confusion.


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