[Hint: Discover the abyss multicolored stone. This stone can absorb all the power of a specific world crazily through the medium. If it is absorbed for a long time, there is a certain probability of destroying a specific world. 】

[Hint: Summoned Beast World can exchange an extraordinary fruit for the abyss colorful stone. Is it exchangeable? 】

The melodious prompt sound also made Li Xuan frown.

"The abyss multicolored stone, something that has a chance to destroy a world, is really incredible."

Li Xuan's eyes flickered and he hesitated whether to exchange it. After all, it was very exciting to be able to exchange it into an extraordinary fruit.

However, Li Xuan thought about it, and took out the extraordinary fruit from the auction house, then looked at Xueer.

"Hurry up and adjust it, and take this colorful stone later."

"Eh? Oh, okay."

Xueer nodded her head, she had a lot of questions in her heart, but she didn't ask aloud, but nodded obediently.

Even though she was a little scared, she still didn't ask the reason, she just sat cross-legged and recovered as soon as possible.

Seeing that Xueer was so obedient, Li Xuan nodded secretly. The reason why he did this was to test the colorful stone.

Since this abyss multicolored stone can absorb the power of this world, it can continue to become stronger.

Then if you let the stone absorb it for a while and make it stronger, wouldn't it sell for a higher price?

Although it will cause damage to the world, Li Xuan feels that the impact is not too big. After all, the pollution tree man has owned this stone for so long, and it has not caused a huge impact.


Killing the polluted giant tree by yourself can be regarded as helping the world. It is always possible to get a little reward back, right?

So Li Xuan asked Xue Er to hold the stone for a while longer. It is impossible to say that the stone will grow bigger again, and it can be exchanged for more benefits.

But Cher couldn't recover for a while, and it was time to buy supplies, so they just sat for a while and left here, heading for the nearby base city.

Shortly after.

Gravel City.

Because a lot of gravel was used in the construction of this city, and the appearance was really bad, it was named a gravel city.

At this moment, there are many notices of bounty tasks posted at the gate of the gravel city. One of the notices is blood red, which looks very eye-catching.

People entering and leaving the city shook their heads when they saw the red font and the terrifying mission.

"This notice has been posted for two years, and no one has taken it. I guess no one dares to take it."

"Yeah, this is to kill the polluted giant tree. Even the Sword Master failed at the beginning. Who would dare to take this task?"

"But this reward is really too generous. There is a small villa, 10 beauties, a lot of money and potions, and most importantly, various materials. It's really good."

"Don't think about it, who would dare to take on such a task? That would be death."

The passers-by kept shaking their heads as they watched the notice. No one dared to accept a task of this level, not even a master at the city master level.

Only the silver level has the confidence to accept the mission, but even the Juggernaut has failed, and the other silver levels will definitely not follow at will.

This also led to this mission going on for a long time and becoming the most difficult mission in the history of the gravel city.

"Lord Li Xuan, what are the people over there doing? It seems very lively."

A crisp and sweet voice sounded, and with this voice, Xue Er raised her tender little hand and pointed to the notice that everyone was watching.

"It's a bounty quest, Xue Er, go and take it off. Let's ask the city owner to exchange the quest rewards. These rewards are too low." Li Xuan yawned.


Xue'er nodded obediently, walked to the notice area, and then, in front of everyone's eyes, in the astonishment of everyone, she stretched out her little snow-white hand and revealed the notice.

"Little girl, what are you doing? Put the notice back quickly, you will be punished for messing with the notice." Sister Yu, a good counselor, reminded.

"It's okay, this task is very simple, my family has completed it."

Xue Er smiled slightly, her big eyes curved into crescent moons, and she looked very beautiful.

"It's done? What nonsense! This is the task of killing the polluted giant tree, even the Sword Master can't do it, how can your family do it?

Hurry up and put it back, and go quickly before the sheriff finds out. "Sister Kindness reminded again kindly.

"What I said is true, my lord is Li Xuan, oh." Xue Er tilted her little head, and her ponytail danced along with it, making her even more youthful and beautiful.

"Lord Li Xuan? Why is it so familiar?" Sister Kind Yu murmured suspiciously, unable to remember who it was.

"Wait a minute, could it be that it was Mr. Li Xuan who arrested 200 pollution giants?" A well-informed businessman couldn't help but said.

"Yes, my lord is amazing, it's just a small polluting giant tree, don't worry about it." Xue Er waved her hand and left with the notice.

Everyone watched Xue'er leave, and gathered together to discuss again.

"It turned out to be Lord Li Xuan, look over there, it's really the legendary villain."

"This is a silver level. Keep your voice down. No wonder you dare to reveal this notice. With the power of Lord Li Xuan, it is really possible to kill the polluted giant tree."

"That's not necessarily true. Don't forget, all the Sword Saints have failed." The businessman shook his head, feeling that this task was not easy to accomplish.

"What happened to the Juggernaut? The Juggernaut failed to capture the shape-shifter, but Master Li Xuan succeeded, which shows that Master Li Xuan is stronger." The kind-hearted sister said.

"No, Master Li Xuan can catch the shapeshifter, which proves that he is very capable of detecting, but the Sword Saint is better at attacking, and he is quite scary in terms of attacking.

Now that even the most powerful Sword Saint has failed, Master Li Xuan will probably fail too. ' The businessman shook his head again.

His words made everyone fall into silence, because the Juggernaut has a great reputation, and the whole world knows that the Juggernaut is best at attacking power. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And what the Juggernaut can't do, there's almost nothing the whole world can do.

That's why everyone fell into silence, not knowing how to answer.

Also at this time.

A military vehicle came quickly from a distance. The military vehicle was tied with a huge log, and a lot of dust was swept along the way.

When the military vehicle reached the gate of the city, everyone took a closer look, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

Because this piece of wood turned out to be a huge wooden arm, the arm was so long that the military vehicle could not fit it at all, and most of the wood was slipping behind, so so much dust was swept up.

But such a big wooden arm shocked everyone, because it was so rare that everyone had never seen it before.

When the businessman saw the driver, his eyes lit up. Because he was an acquaintance, the businessman hurriedly said.

"Captain Qi, what are you pulling on your car? It's the first time I've seen such a long wooden arm."

After the businessman finished speaking, he immediately handed a cigarette and looked at the captain in the car expectantly.

"Hey, be curious, listen carefully, this is the arm of the pollution giant tree." Captain Qi said loudly.

"The arm of the polluted giant tree? You said the arm of the polluted giant tree?"

"Yes, this is its arm. The pollution giant will transform twice, and it can become very powerful.

It's a pity that it died, and its body was shattered, leaving only this complete arm. "

Captain Qi said with a sigh, he was very shocked by what he saw today.

"Dead? The pollution giant tree is actually dead? How is that possible?" The businessman was stunned and stood there dumbfounded.

When the people around heard this, they were also frightened, and hurried over.

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