"sit down."

A faint voice sounded, and Li Xuan pointed to the seat and looked at the city lord.

"Thank you sir."

The city lord saluted respectfully, walked to the crude tea table with the gift, and carefully placed the gift on the table.

"Lord Li Xuan, thank you for helping the city of gravel to kill the polluting giant tree, on behalf of the city of gravel, I sincerely thank you.

I heard that you like space stones. I happen to have some here, which were also given by the blind mother-in-law back then. "

The city lord said respectfully, and slowly opened the small box.

In an instant, a large pile of space stones appeared in the box and appeared in Li Xuan's field of vision.

Seeing so many space stones, Li Xuan's eyes flickered, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, I'm very satisfied."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he touched the box without hesitation, and the box disappeared in an instant.


The city owner's pupils shrank sharply when he saw this scene, and he immediately realized that Li Xuan had some kind of special ability of storage.

However, the city lord did not dare to ask, he just bowed respectfully.

"Okay, that's it, Cher, let's go."

Li Xuan waved his hand, came to Xue'er's shoulder, and walked farther and farther with her.

Everyone was left watching solemnly, all of them in shock.

Wait until the city lord is gone.

That grandfather just recovered, thinking of the respectful attitude of the city lord, and then thinking of the polluted giant tree in the gravel valley that even a swordsman can't beat.

Grandpa Zhang fully understood and realized that Li Xuan was terrifying.

"I was drinking tea with the silver class in a tea shop, it was scary, but I will have the capital to brag in the future.

After all, I drank tea with Lord Li Xuan in a tea shop. Hmph, no one would be envious of others. "

Grandpa Zhang was elated, feeling that such an experience was more legendary and attractive.

Without mentioning Grandpa Zhang's thoughts, his eyes came to Li Xuan's side.

At this moment, Li Xuan and the others left the city. After walking for a while, they came under a big tree outside the city and saw the armored pollution giant sitting on the ground.

Seeing such an obedient mount, Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction, then led Xue Er to jump on the shoulders of the armored giant, and drove it to the distance.

the other side.

By the clear lake.

The blind mother-in-law and the swordsman were sitting on the grass, eating and talking about the situation in the dark dungeon.

"Juggernaut, the dark dungeon is very dangerous, we might as well bring Li Xuan to explore the dungeon together, his detection ability should be very good." The blind mother suggested.

"There is no need, we have been to the dark dungeon many times, and we have rich experience, so there is no need to increase the number of people.

Moreover, the dark dungeon is very dangerous. Li Xuan needs to be distracted and take care of him when he goes there, which is too much time-consuming. "The Sword Saint shook his head and refused.

"Although we have rich experience, we still need to pay attention to the last layer. There are unknown horrors hidden in it. I lost my eyes when I didn't find each other back then.

If Li Xuan is brought along, his observation ability should be able to detect the enemy in advance. "The blind grandmother thought for a while.

"The last layer is indeed a bit troublesome, but our strength is not what it used to be, plus my perception of danger, this time it won't be the same as before,

And there must be treasures hidden on the last floor, I don't want someone to **** the treasures from me,

Especially Li Xuan's reconnaissance ability can only provide auxiliary help, and his combat power is weak, so there is no need to take him. "

The Sword Saint shook his head and again rejected the blind mother-in-law's proposal.


The blind mother-in-law frowned, feeling that what the swordsman said was indeed reasonable, so she could only nod her head and said, "Yes, what you said makes sense."

Drop drop!

The Juggernaut's ultra-long-distance communication ring suddenly sounded, causing the Juggernaut to look down. The next second he stood up straight, his eyes filled with horror.

"What's wrong?"

The blind mother-in-law was puzzled, and the juggernaut, who was shocked and calm, stood up.

"He... he actually killed the pollution giant tree! Such a terrifying giant tree was killed by him, how is it possible? How is it possible?" The swordsman couldn't believe it, his face changed.

"Huh? Who are you talking about?"

The blind mother-in-law asked in doubt, but the next second she turned her head to look at her ring, which also flashed light.

After a few minutes.

The blind mother-in-law and the swordsman sat silently on the grass and didn't speak for a long time. They all realized that Li Xuan was not easy.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong, he could even kill a polluted giant tree. I underestimated him." The swordsman shook his head and said.

"It's really not easy. His strength is likely to surpass yours and reach the same silver level limit as me, which is the Great Perfection of Silver." The blind mother-in-law said earnestly.

"That's the only explanation. By the way, according to the information, Li Xuan's direction is the dark dungeon. We have to speed up. There are treasures in the dungeon, but Li Xuan can't be preempted."

The Sword Saint immediately proposed.

"Don't worry, only the last floor of the dark dungeon has treasures, and the treasures in the other floors are gone.

And the last floor is very dangerous. Even if Li Xuan is not weak, he can't break in alone.

The key point is the first six floors of the dark dungeon. There are quite a few polluting giants. Li Xuan may need several days to kill these giants.

Although we are far away, as long as we speed up, we can definitely reach the dark dungeon. "The blind mother-in-law said calmly.

"That's right, then let's go and get to the dark dungeon as soon as possible~www.wuxiamtl.com~ OK!"


After the two agreed, they quickly headed towards the dark dungeon, speeding up several times.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five days, Li Xuan and the others did not cause any further waves, and they came to the dark valley smoothly and came to the entrance of the dark underground city.

What surprised Li Xuan was that there was always a strong black gas in this dark dungeon. The black gas not only polluted the earth, but also dyed the entire valley black.

Even Li Xuan could feel the power of heart palpitations from the entrance of the dark dungeon.

"It seems that Xue'er can't be allowed to continue."

Li Xuan sighed, looked at Xue'er next to him, then took out the colorful stone from the auction house and threw it to Xue'er.

"Hold it and improve your strength as much as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Li Xuan."

Xue Er nodded obediently. This is the fifth time she has held this colorful stone. She has held it in the past few days, and her strength has improved a lot.

It's just that at the back, the speed of improvement is getting slower and slower, and the impact on her is not as great as at the beginning.


Mysterious breath rippling, tyrannical power rippling from the earth, and began to inhale into the colorful stone through Cher.

With such inhalation, the size of the multicolored stone slowly began to grow. Although it only increased slightly, it still showed that its power was increasing.

And in this process.

Xue'er's supernatural powers are rapidly getting stronger, and she keeps increasing her level rapidly, and her aura is starting to be tyrannical, and even a lot of ice is rippling around her body.


PS: I'm in a bit of a bad state. I'll think about it tomorrow. I'll go to bed first. Good night everyone.

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