The roar of the sky resounded through the sky, shaking large areas and raising air waves.

The terrifying thousand-hand tree man roared wildly, and the densely packed hands raged wildly, killing Li Xuan like a demon.

But looking at this terrifying thousand-handed tree man, Li Xuan not only did not panic, but showed a hint of disappointment.

"That's it?"

Li Xuan's expression was indifferent, and he found that the tree man's ability was not very good. It seemed to be extraordinary, but in his opinion, it was just like that, and it was not even as good as the tree root state just now.

"Forget it, enough is enough, let's end it."

Li Xuan's giantization suddenly started at this moment, and at the same time, under the effect of speed enhancement, physical enhancement, steel body, and accompanying spiritual outfit.

Li Xuan's body swelled violently, like blowing a balloon, and began to transform into a terrifying figure like a hill, and it was still growing.

To be honest, Li Xuan has never activated so many abilities at the same time, at most, he has only activated gigantic and supernatural powers at the same time.

But now.

After all his abilities were activated, Li Xuan felt that his entire body was filled with terrifying power. When he stopped growing, he had turned into a terrifying human being that surpassed the Thousand Harvest Tree Man, and was still a huge warrior in armor.

at the same time.

Li Xuan also clenched his right fist, and the extraordinary power was activated at this moment.


The loud noise of the sky resounded through the sky, and the terrifying air waves like the destruction of the world suddenly rolled towards the four directions.

Thick black smoke covered the sky, casting a shadow over the area.

at the same time.

A terrifying shock wave suddenly penetrated everything, and slammed into the valley with a terrifying power like a natural disaster.

Rumble boom!

Terrible vibrations sounded one after another, shaking all directions like a terrifying explosion.

The tremor was so terrifying that even the patrolmen who were far apart were so frightened that their scalps went numb.

"Too strong! Is this Master Li Xuan's trump card? To be able to become so huge, too strong." A patrolman exclaimed in horror.

"Yeah, I originally thought that polluting the giant tree and turning it into a thousand-handed tree man would be more dangerous, and I would not dare to mess with it.

But I didn't expect that Lord Li Xuan would become so huge, too strong. "The patrol captain's eyes flashed white light in horror.

"Captain, what's the result of the battle now?" The vice-captain hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, Lord Li Xuan should have used a trick just now, and then the pollution giant tree collapsed.

However, it was blocked by the smoke and dust, and I couldn't see it, but the giant tree may be finished. "

"It's over? Captain, are you sure? This giant tree may be able to recover indefinitely!" The deputy captain asked hurriedly.

"There's a high chance that it's over. You don't have the ability to observe, so I don't know. I saw it clearly just now. That terrifying punch directly broke the tree man.

Moreover, Lord Li Xuan is still throwing his fists wildly. According to this calculation, the pollution of the giant tree is probably going to end. "The patrol captain said solemnly.

"If Master Li Xuan really solves the pollution tree, it will definitely be a terrifying battle that will go down in history, and it will definitely become famous all over the world."

The deputy captain looked into the distance and listened to the terrifying roar. The whole person was shocked, unable to calm down, and sighed that Li Xuan was terrifying.

the other side.

Xue'er also saw this terrifying scene, especially watching the scene where Li Xuan turned into a giant, she was even more shocked to open her mouth.

"How many secrets does Lord Li Xuan hide? It's too scary."

Xue'er's tender and fair little face couldn't hide a look of shock, the whole person was frightened by this battle, and her heart pounded with fright.

The armored pollution giant was also very frightened. He swore that he would never betray Li Xuan in the future, and would honestly be Li Xuan's mount.

Boom boom boom!

The roars continued one after another, Li Xuan's hill-like figure fought frantically, his fists fell like sky pillars, madly hitting in the smoke and dust, and the earth around him trembled constantly.

This crazy attack lasted for a full minute, and at this time, the roaring sound gradually stopped.

Then everything went silent.

A few minutes later.

Xue'er stood on the shoulders of the armored giant and saw a little man slowly flying out of the gravel valley. This little man was naturally Li Xuan.

It's just that Li Xuan was swaying, even holding a multicolored stone the size of a watermelon, which was flying fast.

Seeing this scene, Xue'er stepped on the shoulders of the armored giant suddenly, and her delicate body jumped down like a giant, running towards Li Xuan.

"Xue'er, help me hold this thing, this thing collides with me, and it affects my spirit all the time."

Li Xuan quickly opened his mouth with a multicolored stone, feeling dizzy. The key point is that this thing can't fit in the portable space, which proves that the stone is not simple.

"Okay sir, how are you, sir? Are you injured?" Xue'er asked from a distance, with worry in her beautiful eyes.

"No, the monster has been solved. This is a trophy. Unfortunately, some people don't understand what it is."

Li Xuan was puzzled, and after seeing Xueer running, he threw the stone directly to her.


The mysterious brilliance suddenly shone, and after Cher hugged the stone, a more dazzling multicolored light immediately appeared.

At the same time, the vast power rippling from the earth, through this colorful stone, began to pour into Xue Er's crazy to enhance her strength.

"I... my ability is actually increasing? How is that possible?!"

Xue'er felt herself inconceivably. The original strength of the black iron level was actually increasing rapidly. In a short period of time, she made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the perfection of the black iron.

But it didn't end there.

Because the power of terror is still pouring in, as long as it continues, it will be a matter of time before Xue Er breaks through to the bronze level.

However, her face suddenly showed pain, blood was overflowing from the corners of her rosy mouth, and her body was about to explode.


Li Xuan's figure flashed past, and he quickly took the colorful stone from Xue'er's hand.

Taking this away in time also made the painful Xue Er gradually recover, and the whole person knelt on the ground and panted violently.

"It hurts so much, Lord Li Xuan, what is this? I feel like I almost died, it's too terrifying." Xue Er said fearfully.

"I don't know, but the power contained in this stone should be enhanced. It seems that it can continuously absorb the power in the earth through the ability user." Li Xuan said solemnly.

"It turned out to be like this!" Xue'er was horrified, although she herself became stronger, she felt that the stone was very strange.

"Let me identify its function."

Li Xuan thought of the auction house. Normally, Li Xuan doesn't want to put particularly important things in the auction house. After all, the auction house belongs to the world of summoned beasts.

But at this time, it can only be placed in the auction house, because through the auction house, he can identify some items very well.

Just like the holy artifact last time, it was the name that was known through the auction house, so I can try it this time as well.

So Li Xuan was silent for a while, and carefully put the colorful stones into the auction house.


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