Whoosh whoosh!

A more terrifying tree root appeared, attacking rapidly from all directions, enveloping Li Xuan like a net of heaven and earth, as if to surround and kill Li Xuan.

"Interesting, but you think you can beat me like this? Ridiculous!"

Li Xuan's body suddenly turned into a body of steel, and the accompanying spiritual costume was also surging. The body was covered with a thick layer of scale armor, and the scimitars in both hands flashed like lightning.

Puff puff!

Li Xuan's whole body flashed in the air like a gust of wind, and the machete drew beautiful arcs in the blood, as eye-catching as a blood-colored waning moon.

The densely packed tree roots kept breaking, and the red blood flowed from the roots, spilling on the ground with a stench.

Li Xuan flashed quickly among the endless roots, walking through the dense attacks, while still having time to observe this towering tree.

The reason why he didn't use his ultimate move was to test his current combat effectiveness, and the second was to observe this big tree.

Li Xuan wants to understand why this big tree is constantly absorbing power from the earth to strengthen itself, and maybe it hides some treasures.


The tree roots like a net of heaven and earth were all broken, and Li Xuan's figure suddenly flew high into the sky, looking down at the common people with the attitude of ruling the world.

"Next, try my extraordinary tornado. I haven't used this ability much since it was upgraded to the extraordinary level. Now I just try it out to deal with this big guy."

Li Xuan smiled slightly and snapped his fingers gently with his right hand.


With the strong wind, a huge tornado began to condense and form, and became bigger and more terrifying.

Its size gradually increased from the original ten meters to the height of a five-hundred-story building, even surpassing the pollution giant tree, and directly turned into a behemoth.

And the appearance of this tornado also frightened the pollution giant tree to tremble wildly. The endless tree roots directly wrapped its body, protecting itself like a silkworm chrysalis in the center.

"Sure enough, there is wisdom, but do you think you can escape my tornado by doing this? Ignorance, really ignorance!"

Li Xuan sneered, and snapped his fingers again with his right hand.


Three equally huge tornadoes appeared and fell around the polluted giant tree. While blowing away all the fog, they also surrounded the giant tree in the center.

After these tornadoes appeared, they began to approach the polluted giant tree with the mighty power of a natural disaster, crushing and tearing the behemoth frantically.

Whirring whirring!

The wind howled and the smoke billowed.

The four giant tornadoes roared together with the heavens and the earth, and the gusts that contained the mighty power of the heavens and the earth continued to rage, crazily twisting and destroying everything.

Although the polluting giant tree tries to protect itself as much as possible, it draws power from the earth crazily to protect itself.

But under the violent tornado, the body of the pollution giant tree was torn apart quickly, and large tracts of branches and leaves were scattered, and shattered into dust in the strong wind.

However, the polluted giant tree is quite resistant, even in such a tornado, it still struggles and recovers.

At the same time, a strange face slowly condensed in its body, staring at Li Xuan with murderous intent.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to **** up everything from you and turn it into my strength."

The strange man's face was covered with distorted lines, and Sen Leng's voice roared constantly with a mental attack, resounding across a large area.

And such a terrifying sound also made the people around him feel extremely uncomfortable.

When Xue Er, who was waiting at the mouth of the valley, heard the sound, blood immediately overflowed from her small mouth, and even her body shook slightly.

Bang bang bang!

The armored pollution giant reacted the fastest, and immediately ran away, running for three kilometers before stopping.

When they got here, that strange sound finally stopped affecting them.

"What a terrible voice, is Master Li Xuan fighting against such a strange being?"

Cher wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, looked solemnly towards the gravel valley, and looked at the huge tornado that shot straight into the sky.

The tornado had already connected to the sky, and it was spinning wildly, bringing up a large cloud of smoke and dust, making the sky darken.

"What a terrifying power, is this the power of Lord Li Xuan? How powerful it is!"

Xueer's beautiful eyes were full of admiration. For the first time, she felt the power of Li Xuan and saw how terrifying the silver level was.

"I really hope to reach the level of Lord Li Xuan."

Xue Er secretly swore in her heart that she must achieve silver rank in the future and become a real powerhouse.

And when Cher swore in her heart

A group of patrolmen three kilometers away was standing dumbfounded, watching the violently twisting tornado in the gravel valley.

With the mighty power that day, this team of patrolmen was so frightened that their backs shivered and they were shocked.

"Why did four huge tornadoes appear when the gravel flashed?! Could it be that someone is fighting the polluted giant tree?"

"Captain, you have the ability to observe from a distance. What happened in the gravel valley? Why did it cause such a big battle! This is too spectacular." The deputy captain said in shock.

"You guys don't talk, I'll take a look first." The patrol captain waved his hand, then his eyes flashed, and he began to look carefully in the direction of the gravel valley.

In the end, it didn't matter when he saw it, his complexion changed greatly with fright, and his pupils shrank sharply.

"It's too strong, it's too strong, such a terrible tornado is actually controlled by humans, and it hits the polluted giant tree,

My God, that terrifying tornado almost ripped off a third of the polluted giant tree. "

The patrol captain said in horror, his eyes flickered, staring at the direction of the gravel valley.

"Captain, is someone really fighting the polluted giant tree? Isn't the giant tree silver? Isn't it absorbing energy from the giant tree continuously? It's not easy to deal with,

At the beginning, even Lord Sword Saint failed, and rushed out of the valley in embarrassment. If it wasn't for the pollution of the giant tree and unable to move, I am afraid Lord Sword Saint would have explained it here. ' said the vice-captain hurriedly.

"Yeah, Captain, is someone really fighting the polluted giant tree? That's a giant tree that even the Sword Master can't afford to offend."

Several patrolmen kept talking, terrified and wanting to know the answer as soon as possible.

"It's true. Someone is really fighting against the polluted giant tree. You have all heard of this person. He is the master Li Xuan who is in the limelight, and the master Li Xuan who arrested the shape-shifter."

The patrol captain hurriedly explained, his eyes fixed on the battle in the distance, the whole person was frightened by this kind of battle, and felt that the silver level was really terrifying.

"It turned out to be Lord Li Xuan, he is so strong!" Everyone was horrified and couldn't believe that Li Xuan was so terrifying.

"He is so strong. Let me tell you, Lord Li Xuan has condensed four super tornadoes and is wanton destroying the polluted giant tree.

Now half of the body of the pollution giant tree has collapsed, and it is dissipating little by little. "The patrol captain said again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Half of his body collapsed? This is too fierce. Someone said before that Master Li Xuan can only be ranked at the bottom of the top ten silver masters.

But now it seems that Lord Li Xuan is even stronger than Lord Sword Saint! "The vice-captain was horrified, feeling that his worldview was impacted.

"In the beginning, Lord Sword Saint was defeated in front of the polluted giant tree. Now that Lord Li Xuan is here, he can easily crush the polluted giant tree. The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance."

"It's a terrifying existence. I've never heard of Lord Li Xuan before, but as soon as he appeared, he was a blockbuster, and he directly became an existence that surpassed the Sword Saint. It's really amazing."

There was a lot of discussion among the people. They were horrified by the power of Li Xuan, and at the same time, they also waited with anticipation, hoping that Li Xuan could kill the polluting giant tree.

Because of this giant tree, many people have not lost their lives, so they often come here to patrol and investigate the situation of the giant tree.

"Not good! The giant tree is actually getting bigger, my God, the giant tree has turned into a tree man, and it's condensing armor, look at it!!"

The patrol captain shouted loudly and hurriedly reminded everyone.

With his voice, everyone found that at any time in the direction of the valley, the polluted giant tree that was torn apart by the tornado suddenly turned into a huge tree man.

The tree man's body was covered with thick armor, and at the same time, huge arms appeared around the tree man's body.

The number of those big wooden hands is terrifying. Roughly calculated, it is estimated that there are as many as a thousand.

So the tree man at this moment has transformed into a thousand-handed tree man like a mountain.

Roar! ! !


PS: Push the book "Starting Green Fat Hammer Blast Douluo", "Konoha One Punch Superman Template", "Konoha Super Saiyan" Book Friends Group: 906306329

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