Feeling the energy emanating from the ring, the blind grandmother was a little surprised. She moved her right hand a few times in the void, and the two illusory eyes slowly condensed and formed.

After the illusory eyes condensed and appeared, they quickly landed on the eyes of the blind mother-in-law.

In an instant, the blind grandmother turned her head to look at the ring as if she could see it.

"What's wrong?" The Sword Saint asked suspiciously.

"Someone sent me a super long-distance communication, let me see who it is."

The blind mother-in-law turned her head and stared at the ring with her blind eyes. After a while, a strange look appeared on her face.

"Who sent it? Why do you look like this?"

The swordsman was puzzled and couldn't understand why the blind mother-in-law showed such a look.

"Juggernaut, do you still remember the shapeshifter?" asked the blind mother-in-law.

"Of course I remember that although this guy is not strong, his deformation ability is very powerful. I chased and killed him for a long time, but failed to kill him. This is a very tricky character!"

The swordsman frowned, and he was always haunted by this failure, but he was very puzzled and did not understand why the blind mother-in-law suddenly talked about the shapeshifter.

"Why did you suddenly mention the shapeshifter? Could this guy be doing something wrong again?" the Sword Saint asked, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yes, the shapeshifter went to Little Golden Claw's city and wanted to do something to Little Golden Claw's daughter, but the problem was solved." The blind mother-in-law said calmly.

"It's solved? How could it be? The shape-shifter is so difficult, how can it be solved? Did the shape-shifter give up?" The swordsman asked in confusion.

"No, he didn't give up, he was caught by Li Xuan, and then he was divided into five horses." The blind mother-in-law said quietly.

"Caught? Li Xuan? Silver-level Li Xuan?" The swordsman frowned, looking at the blind mother in disbelief.

"Yes, just look at this information and I will pass it on to you." The blind grandmother smiled and passed the information to the Sword Saint.

As the ring on Juggernaut's hand lit up, he solemnly began to watch.

After watching it, the Sword Saint said with a solemn expression.

"It's unbelievable, this Li Xuan is so good, he actually caught the shape-shifter. I tried so hard at first, but I couldn't catch the shape-shifter. It's really surprising."

"It's really surprising. I guess he may have the ability to see through falsehoods, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy." The blind grandmother guessed.

"It is indeed possible. He is really an amazing person. I said before that Li Xuan is not as good as me. I didn't expect him to surpass me so quickly in terms of observation."

The Juggernaut was a little bit shocked, but thinking of his attack power, the Juggernaut's face showed confidence again.

He admits that Li Xuan's observation ability is strong enough, but the swordsman also believes in his sword, and believes that no one in this world is his opponent except the blind mother-in-law.

Therefore, although the Sword Saint was hit, he still did not regard Li Xuan as an opponent of the same level, but regarded him as a good junior.

In such a mood, the two continued to move forward, step by step in the dark and quiet forest.

Their purpose this time is the dark dungeon, ready to investigate the final mystery there.

But before that, they are going to go to the gravel valley to destroy a very terrifying polluted giant tree.

This giant tree can absorb the power of the earth and keep getting stronger. It has grown from a small tree to a towering tree that is even bigger than a 500-story building.

The key point is that this big tree can absorb the power in the earth and repair its own injuries all the time, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

half year ago.

The Juggernaut personally took action and fought against the polluted giant tree in the gravel valley for seven days and seven nights.

In the end, the swordsman chose to leave, but he couldn't bear it any longer.

Although the Juggernaut's attack is extremely strong, the recovery ability of the polluted giant tree is even more abnormal. No matter what kind of injury he receives, he can quickly heal.

Although the Juggernaut has hit the giant tree many times, the giant tree can always recover quickly. Even if it can't move, he still uses the endless roots to fight back frantically, and the Juggernaut can't help but leave.

This time, the Juggernaut invited the blind mother-in-law to join forces to kill the polluted giant tree and exterminate this formidable enemy.

Time passed, and five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Gravel Valley.

This is a mysterious forbidden place. A strange mist pervades here all the year round. Some people try to walk into the fog and enter the gravel valley, but they never come out.

The gravel valley is a kilometer away.

Xueer held Li Xuan in her little hands, stood on the shoulders of the armored giant, and walked towards the dark dungeon.

In the past few days, Xue'er found that Li Xuan's state was not right. She always liked to sleep. It seemed that she was affected.

This also made Xue Er very worried, so she protected Li Xuan with her little hands as much as possible, and carefully protected her.

Also at this time.

Li Xuan, who was sleeping soundly, felt something, and suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Lord Li Xuan, you are awake." Xue Er hurriedly asked.

"Well, how long did I sleep this time?"

Li Xuan asked, and at the same time locked a giant tree in the gravel valley with God's perspective, a towering giant tree.

"This time you slept all day and night, are you sick? I don't think you are in a good state." Xueer asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry."

Li Xuan shook his head, the reason why he slept was because of the curse.

He had been cursed once in another world before, and was later suppressed by the people of the Moon Clan.

It's just that the power to suppress the curse has weakened in the past few days, and Li Xuan needs to use his soul to start resisting the curse. Although he has a strong soul now, he is not worried about hurting himself.

But he was inevitably affected by some influences, such as wanting to sleep. If he hadn't felt a threat just now, he wouldn't have woken up suddenly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ And this threat came from the gravel valley, from a lush towering tree .

"Xue'er, wait for me here, I'll take a look at the valley over there." Li Xuan pointed to the gravel valley in the distance.


Xue'er nodded, her ruby-like eyes filled with curiosity, and she wanted to follow along to see it, but she didn't do that, but waited obediently.


Li Xuan flew quickly, his figure flashed away like a fright, and quickly headed towards the gravel valley.

After a few minutes of fast flight, Li Xuan came to the gravel valley through the layers of fog, and came to the center of the gravel valley.

From the perspective of God, these mists have no effect on him, they are purely decorations.

But when he got here, Li Xuan stopped and said loudly.

"what are you?"

Li Xuanfei was in the air, squinting at the towering tree in front of him, he felt the crisis from the tree, and felt the vigorous strength and vitality.

And this big tree has been absorbing the power of the earth. At this speed, this big tree is likely to grow to a very terrifying level.

Just like now, even if Li Xuan felt the crisis, this was the first time he came to this world and felt the crisis.

Although the sense of crisis is very weak, Li Xuan still attaches great importance to this matter.

Whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of sharp tree roots suddenly rose from the ground, drilled out of the ground abruptly, and suddenly stabbed Li Xuan in the air.

The dense roots of the tree disappeared like lightning, and the speed was unimaginable.

Whoosh whoosh!

Two machetes appeared in Li Xuan's hands, cutting off hundreds of tree roots between the lightning and flint, easily extinguishing the attack.

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