
Get away from the middle of nowhere outside of the city of Night City.

It's like the ocean above the land,

Blocking the connection between civilizations,

Armed convoys from other cities are like lonely boats on the sea,

Wandering through the badlands is full of dangers.

Because in addition to bad weather,

Clans of wanderers who gather in groups will also usually rob passing vehicles.

In the absence of any security patrols,

The ruthless wanderers are like wolves foraging for food,

Won't let go of any smell of blood in the wind.

"And the car is running out of the city at such a night?"

A camp on the leeward slope of the highlands,

The wanderer in charge of watching the wind narrowed his eyes slightly, looking out at the road in the distance.

With the help of night vision devices and scanning devices with prosthetic eye implants,

He clearly observed that a few kilometers away,

A "Mizutani Hayabusa" is speeding down a smooth road.

"It's a wolf modified version, it's a "four-zero-three" big fish!"

The wanderer scolded and threw down the night vision device,

"Brothers, come to life!"

"Hurry up and get up and get a vote!"

As a city sports car,

"Mizutani Hayabusa" is not suitable for the Badlands

This is mostly a rough terrain area.

But the "Wild Wolf" model in the series is a special upgraded version,

Strengthened and improved body suspension,

To be able to meet the laser knife to cut butter the same,

Traverse harsh terrain with ease......

But the price is much more expensive than the original "Mizutani Hayabusa".

That's why these wanderers are so excited,

Even if there are no additional gains,

This car alone,

That's enough for them to sell for a good price.

Merely...... The group of wanderers apparently selectively ignored a question.

He who dares to sail into the bad ground in the night.

Either you are a fool, or you have absolute confidence in your own strength.

Naturally, Lane couldn't be a fool.

“...... It turned out to be just miscellaneous fish. "

Retract your attention from the perspective of the drone flying with the vehicle,

Lane said casually.

"Where did we just go?"

“...... Ricky Batmoss. "

Lucy, who was driving, said lightly.

"What were you doing just now?"

"It's nothing, there's just a little bug on the road trying to get in the way. "

Hearing Lane's response, Lucy raised her eyebrows slightly.

She did hear a few fleeting explosions just now.

The Badlands is rife with wanderers and robbers,

As a mercenary who wanders the dark side of Night City,

Lucy must have heard of it.

But she didn't expect Lane to solve the problem so lightly.

No wonder the road was so peaceful.

"Why do you want to be a mercenary if you have such ability?"

She couldn't help but ask.

"What's more, you're still studying at Arasaka Academy. "

"After graduating, you can join a behemoth like Arasaka. "

"This is something that many people cannot hope for. "


Lane shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

"It's not qualified for me to work for it yet. "

In particular, the Arasaka Company in Night City is nothing more than a subsidiary.

Arasaka's base camp is in the Sakurashima country of this world.

Night City is just because the young master of Arasaka is here,

That's why it's more important.

With Dawn's strength, let alone working for Arasaka.

As long as he wants, he can directly destroy the Arasaka Company!

It's just that the process can take a lot of time......

And there's no benefit to doing that.

"Yes, if you're happy. "

Lucy apparently didn't believe much of Lane's words,

Although she fled from Arasaka,

But there is still an instinctive fear of this complex collection of interests in my heart.

Especially after truly realizing the resource-driven and profit-driven relationship between "companies" for the entire human society,

She felt even more desperately suffocated.

Lucy was not interested in delving further into this boring topic.

"Back to Buttermoss, little one. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She stared at the dark highway that stretched under the headlights.

"If what you just said is true, you can really find the relics of Buttermoss. "

"Do you know what that means?"

Speaking of this, Lucy's tone was even a little excited trill.

She was chosen by the Arasaka Company since she was a child,[]

Cultivated as a "deep diver" who explores cyberspace,

Outside the "black wall", there are countless broken data,

and dangerous channeling AI,

As long as you are watched by these wandering AIs that are not controlled by humans,

The brain of the "deep diver" will be burned directly,

Died in excruciating pain.

Lucy is the only one who has escaped from the purgatory-like laboratory.

She witnessed her companions go crazy and die one by one in their quest.

That's why there was such a violent reaction to this.

Because...... Ricky Batmoss,

It is the culprit who has shattered the network of this world!

In the context of this world.

More than 70 years ago, new network protocols appeared.

Officials and companies around the world,

Began to try to operate a new type of "global Internet",

It aims to digitize and store all human data on the network.

In order to save public resources,

And a variety of strict specifications have been adopted to ensure its safety.......

After more than ten years of rapid development,

This kind of network of "world harmony" has begun to emerge.

The world is becoming more and more dependent on the network,

However, in the 2020s, a legendary hacker was born - Ricky Buttermoss.

It is difficult to describe his brilliant talent and talent in any positive adjective.

According to Lane's memories,

To this legendary figure who only exists in the background,

There are only extreme descriptions such as "dangerous", "efficient", and "paranoid".

In the Fourth Corporate War,

Buttermoss shows his skills,

Collect money for countless enterprises to eliminate disasters.

Legend has it that he was even able to make all the moons around Earth available to his own use!

Anyone who poses a threat to him will be directly wiped out by "space-based weapons"!

But Bartmoss still doesn't have any sense of security,

Because he is in his place,

There are countless people who want him to die quietly in the gutter,

So, in order to cope with their own death,

He developed several extremely destructive electronic viruses.

The now popular "puppet" is compared with it,

It's like the difference between plain water and cyanide!

And, Buttermoss binds these viruses to his own vital signs monitoring,

Once something happens to him, all the viruses will be released in one fell swoop, destroying everything!

"Since the world has become like this, it means that he hung up decades ago. "

Lane shrugged.

"It's just a dead man, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Also, you don't seem to be 4.5 old enough to call me a little brother. "

seems to have been influenced by Riene,

Lucy's shoulders gradually relaxed,

She lifted her brow and glanced at Rien in the rearview mirror.

The corners of the mouth can't help but rise in a graceful arc.

"Yes, who knows if you're really small. "

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched, and Lucy clearly meant something.

As a man, how can you allow a woman to say that she is small?

"Huh...... You'll find out when the time comes. "

"Tsk, I hope you're not just hard-mouthed. "

As he spoke, the "Mizutani Falcon" had already driven into a garbage disposal site surrounded by abandoned vehicles.

It has been abandoned for many years and is long filled with all kinds of scrapped electronic devices.

However, as soon as Lane approached,

A quest prompt popped up in front of me.

【You have entered the quest area】

[You have obtained the hidden quest "Miracle in the Freezer"!].

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