"It's here. "

Lucy slowly stopped the car,

With the help of the headlights, I looked at the surrounding garbage mountain,

"That's where you say?"

"How could a legendary hacker die here. "

Dawn pushed the door and got out of the car, looking calm.

When receiving the [Miracle in the Freezer] quest,

He was sure he wasn't looking for the wrong place.

Although there are several large garbage disposal sites in the Badlands,

But the ...... that can trigger this quest

Only the real burial place of "Bartmoss"!


[Hidden Mission: Miracles in the Freezer]

+degree: X

+Ming: No matter how you find this place, you are aware of the mysterious signal emitted here, and follow the source of the signal to find its owner...... You might find a priceless treasure chest, or open a Pandora's box full of scourges

+ Target: Find a special target in the current area (unfinished)

+Inspiration: Anything you can find

+ Note: "Error number 001, release of the forbidden spell." "


"Why don't you try it?"

Lane closed the door and looked around.

The next moment, the field of mechanical power unfolds!

The void power containing the will instantly filled the surrounding space,

Dawn focused his 16 will on the investigation of the flow of energy,

Within a few moments, he found a place that didn't fit in with his surroundings.

"Over there......"

Li En rolled his eyes slightly, stretched out his palm,

Snatching at the air, it was like grasping some kind of authority!

- Technique: Grip of Space!

Originally, this was just the space power fur technology he researched from "killing hearts".

But after many version changes,

In addition, Dawn has mastered the knowledge of secondary space application technology.

can already be used as a mature skill,

From the effect of "You can only drag the target to a specified location at a fixed coordinate position",

Improved to "Directly lock onto the space around the target and teleport to the designated location"!

It's just that this adds an extra step to block the space around the target.

Therefore, it is only suitable for teleporting dead objects, but not for working on living targets.

At this time, it comes in handy.

Bang dang!

A white freezer with a surface full of dirt and scratches,

Appeared in front of Rien out of thin air, making a heavy landing sound.

Lucy, who had just gotten out of the car, didn't see this scene,

I heard only a loud noise,

Subconsciously cast his gaze towards Rien's side.

When she noticed the freezer in front of Lane,

I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"It's ...... Cooling equipment when cyber hackers perform deep diving operations?"

"It's such a bulky size, and it's fully enclosed...... At least the version from a few decades ago. "

"Yes. "

Lane nodded,

Lucy's explanation confirms the origin of this freezer.

In the age of implant proliferation,

Cyber hackers, with prosthetics implanted in their bodies,

It can realize all kinds of intrusion, Internet access, and programming operations.

Far more convenient than operating computer equipment,

However, the temperature of the computer hardware will gradually increase under high load.

It can even reach seventy or eighty degrees Celsius!

And the same goes for the implants in the hacker's body.

The safe body temperature of the human body is only 36 degrees Celsius.

In order to cope with the serious consequences caused by the overheating of the prosthesis,

"Freezer" is the most direct and effective cooling method for cyber hackers.

In layman's terms, it is "water cooling and heat dissipation".

Rien walked over to the freezer and fumbled for a way to open it,

Lucy frowned slightly, watching Riene's movements.

"You...... Do you want to open it?"

"Or else?"

Li En replied without looking back.

"I don't think it's a good idea. "

Lucy looked at the dirty freezer with disgust.

"God knows if there will be a corpse inside that has been decomposing for decades. "

"It doesn't ...... You see. "

With a soft "snap" sound.

Dawn finally opened the freezer.

A cold breath instantly escaped from it.


At the moment of opening, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The indicator light inside the freezer is still flashing!

"Its life-sustaining module is still working?!"

"Could it be that the hapless hacker inside is still alive?"

Lucy leaned in, stunned.

But soon showed a regretful look. []

"Tsk, it looks like he's been dead for years. "

"The brain was burned directly...... The home of most cyber hackers. "

What appeared in the sight of the two of them was a somewhat blue corpse.

Thanks to the life-sustaining module of this cooling freezer, which was considered the top of the line in the old era,

The body was not decomposing or decomposing.

But that's all,

Because its owner died more than 50 years ago.

Or rather, because of the death of this corpse......

The world's network will become what it is today.

"Do you recognize who he is?"

Lai summoned a spell unit to provide the lighting.

Looking back at Lucy, the hacker girl with the help of the light,

Finally, the true face of the corpse was clearly seen.

Her face was finally no longer indifferent,

"This face...... Fack!"

Lucy couldn't help but burst out with a foul mouth,

Suddenly grabbed Rien by the collar,

"I've seen this face countless times in textbooks more than ten years ago!"

"I didn't expect it to actually fucking appear in front of me today...... Grass!"

"This is, this is really that Buttermoss?!"

Riene's head shook as well as Lucy's trembling hands.

He said helplessly.

"Calm down. "

"Calm down, how do you tell me to calm down?"

Lucy let go of a hand and grabbed her hair indiscriminately,

The originally cold beauty looked a little crazy at this time,

Suddenly, she pulled Lane directly in front of her,

Kissed it deeply.

After a long time, in the sound of heavy gasps,

The two slowly separated.

"Calmed down?"

Li En doesn't know when he has turned against the customer,

hugged Lucy's slender waist and took the initiative to let go of the other party.

"Huh...... Pretty good, boy. "

Lucy said meaningfully.

"It seems that you are not as honest as you seem. "

"Calm down and get down to business. "

Li En didn't want to dwell too much on the topic of 960,

He took out a pair of mechanical gloves and put them on.

Looking at the corpse of "Ricky Buttermoss" soaked in ice water,

"You're nothing more than a biologically dead organic body now, anyway......"

"I'm not welcome what you left behind. "

Then, Li En reached directly into the freezer,

After groping for a moment, his eyes lit up,

Slowly removed a palm-sized device.

[You have obtained the "Bartmoss's Internet Access Pod"]

[Hidden quest "Miracle in the Freezer" has been completed.]

Two lines of prompts pop up.

There are no rewards for this quest, and it's a bit of a tiger's head.

But Lane knew...... This thing in his hand.

That's the biggest takeaway from this trip!

"It's ...... Eluith!The best network access pod in its class!"

As an online hacker, Lucy instantly recognized the model of the device.

"I don't know what Batmoss has in here...... Wait?!"

Lucy's voice stopped abruptly.

There was a terrifying guess in her mind.

"Looks like you're aware of that, too. "

Rien carefully placed the network access pod into the Space Ring.

Then he breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Lucy, who was silent.

"As I said before. "

"Buttermoss tied his vital signs to a virus that could destroy the world's network. "

"After his death, these viruses poured out of their nests and destroyed all the networks in the Old World......"

"In this network access cabin, it should be the source file of those viruses!".

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