"Fool ......"

Dawn looked at the mysterious pattern on the walls of the factory and was moved.

Although he had already gotten out of the hidden achievement conditions in the dungeon book,

Knowing the existence of the [Destiny Tarot],

But when it appears before your own eyes,

But it's a more real shock!

"What's the matter, get in the car. "

Rebecca jumped over,

She just came out of the battlefield of bath ~ blood killing,

There was also a strong smell of gunsmoke and blood.

But his face was very cheerful,

Full of innocence and liveliness that belongs to her age.

It's hard to imagine a few minutes ago,

She used her own guns to blow up the heads of a dozen members of the Six Street Gang.

"Is it the first time I've seen a dead person, and I'm scared to pee my pants?"

"Not really. "

Li En responded thoughtfully,

"By the way, can you see the pattern on that wall?"


Following the direction that Lane pointed,

Rebecca showed a blank look,

She turned her head in confusion,

"There's nothing there. "

"Is your prosthetic eye too old and out of order?"

"If you need to update the plugin, I can introduce you to a prosthetic doctor......"

"Oh yes, I forgot I'm a prosthetic doctor. "

"By the way, will the prosthetist perform surgery on himself?"

Rebecca, who had just finished the battle, was still in a state of excitement,

asked Lane a series of questions,

The latter had to cope as he walked towards the meeting place.

"Looks like I'm the only one who can see these [Destiny Tarot]. "

Rien glanced at the hidden achievements in the dungeon book.

There are many achievements associated with Destiny Tarot.

For example, the Fool card itself is a separate hidden achievement.


[Hidden Achievement: Fool]

+Pieces: Be the first player in the current quest to increase your reputation level

+ Reward: Obtain "Destiny Tarot - Fool"

+ Note: "The Beginning of the Journey"


Other than that, there are no more rewards.

However, judging by the subsequent achievements......

Only when you collect more "Destiny Tarots",

in order to play the desired effect.

For example, you need to collect all 22 tarots to complete hidden achievements!


[Hidden Achievement: The End of the Journey]

+ Pieces: Collect 22 "Destiny Tarot" (currently 1)

+ Energize: Enables you to access all 22 Destiny Tarot powers and bonuses!

+ Note: "Beginning with the Fool and ending with the world." "


"There are 22 of them. "

This shows that these tarot cards are played with the Great Alcana card. "

"It represents the direction of destiny...... No wonder it's called [Destiny Tarot]"

Lai En seemed to have an understanding and received the achievement reward of [Fool].

Suddenly there was a chill in his hand,

There's an extra card made of unknown materials,

The cards are about the size of a palm,

The pattern on it is the "Fool" that Lane just saw on the wall of the factory!

The background of the card face is a forest of high-rise buildings at night.

A down-and-out cyber youth stepped out of one foot on the edge of the rooftop,

The stray dog beside him was skinny and dejected,

And not far away, the sky is a little brighter.

A sign that the dawn is coming.

"What is this, a dog at the beginning, and all the equipment depends on fighting?"

Riene flipped the cards over and over again and looked at them several times.

I didn't find any information tips for the reincarnation space.

This means that the [Destiny Tarot] in his hand is still just an ordinary product.

If you want to unleash its true potential.

You need to collect more Destiny Tarot!

"Anyway, I'm the only player in this time period. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There is no competition and no time pressure. "

Dawn was suddenly glad that he was in one of the many roles he could play,

"David Martinez" was chosen as the object of playing.

Arrived in Night City 1 year earlier than all reincarnation players......

This means that he can harvest the resources and rewards in the dungeon before anyone else!

"It's a pity that the side quests from the original that I know. "

"None of this has happened at this point in time. "

Li En thought regretfully.

Then, a flash of inspiration seemed to flash through his mind.

"No, if you don't complete a mission, you'll stay there!"

"It's not about time...... Because that's something that's been around for decades!"

Thinking of this, a burst of excitement and excitement surged in Lane's heart!

Lucy, who was on the side, noticed that his body trembled slightly,

I couldn't help but look at him and asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong with you?"

Lucy's voice made Rien calm down instantly.

However, the thought just now stayed in his mind.

"Do you know of the larger garbage dumps in Night City?"

Rien thought for a moment and asked.

"What do you ask about...... Kook. "

Lucy glanced at him, a slight glint in her eyes.

It seems to be calling a network resource to query for some data.

After a few seconds, she exhaled.

"The big dumps are in bad soil. "

"This thing definitely won't be in the downtown area of Night City. "

"I'll send the coordinates to ......"

Speaking of which, Lucy realized a problem.

"No, I don't have your contact information. "

"Add this number. "

Lane took out his phone,

This is after he played "David",

There are bits and pieces that come with the beginning.

"Mobile ......"

Lucy's brows furrowed slightly,

"If you can open up your personal connection, it's faster. "

"Transferring files only requires visitor-level access and doesn't do anything to you. "

Hearing Lucy's words, Lane was also quite helpless.

The other party is talking about an access request for an open neural network system.

In this way, even without the help of hardware devices,

It can also be used for face-to-face fast transmission similar to "Bluetooth" through wireless signals.

It's a pity that Li En doesn't have this function at all-

After all, he is full of original goods,

None of the prostheses were modified.

"Or else. "

Lane changed his words and chuckled.

"There's no need to send data. "

"I'm sorry you can drive me around these garbage dumps......"

"I'll give you a reward you can't refuse. "

Hearing this, even Lucy, who has been as cold as ice,

The pretty face couldn't help but twitch a little.

Invite her to go shopping...... Junkyard?

What kind of strange plot unfolding is this?

Just wanted to reject Rien,

I heard him say the second half of the sentence slowly.

“...... Ricky Buttermoss, you should know the name. "

"The god of hackers more than 50 years ago, a legendary hacker that no one can surpass to this day. "

"The guy who single-handedly destroyed the world network......"

"Do you want to know where he ended up begging?"

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