"You ......"

Hearing Rien admit,

Lucy was also stunned.

After all, Lane joined the team under the name of "Prosthetic Doctor".

Why did you still do the work of a cyber hacker?

And in such a short period of time,

He has already completed the quick cracking operation of [Target Positioning]?!

You know, even ...... She couldn't have done that herself!

For a moment, Lucy thought Rien was joking.

But judging by the feedback from the coordinate data......

The silhouette of the enemy reflected in the field of vision does not seem to be fake,

This means that there are no errors in the data provided by Lien!

"How the hell did he do it?!"

There was a slight doubt on Lucy's indifferent face.

Maybe even she didn't realize it.

For the first time, I became interested in a stranger I hadn't known for a few days.

After all...... She was born to be an elite cultivated as a "cyber hacker".

But in the field he is most familiar with, he has suffered a small setback.

Qi Wei also heard what Li En had just said,

I just want to ask about the specific situation,

I heard a fierce burst of gunfire in the direction of the factory!

After receiving the location information provided by Lien,

The assault team led by Mann immediately went on the offensive!

"Hahaha! all die, wretched!"

Rebecca dual-wielded two "Fenrir" submachine guns,

While letting out a crazy laugh, he shoots wildly!

Splashing cartridge casings accompanied by the tracer of bullets,

Like a burst of sparks in the factory 750 scurry!

This Lori, who is less than 1.5 meters tall, is the youngest member of the team.

But the enemy who is crazy enough to crush the entire factory!

Click, click......

The wild gunfire finally stopped because the bullets were tilted,

The members of the Sixth Street Gang who were pressed before and couldn't raise their heads,

At this moment, I finally found a chance to fight back,

Immediately lean out of cover and shoot back!

Just when the bullet was about to flood Rebecca's small body,

A huge body that was senseless stood in front of her!

Ding, ding, knock, knock!

A series of sparks polished from the surface of Mann's skin,

Subcutaneous armor made of nanomaterials is enough to withstand these cheap bullets!

Mann is like a fortress in the shape of a man!

His calm face was full of unhesitating determination and cruelty,

The next moment, he raised his arm and aimed it at a bunker......


The blazing fire was accompanied by scorching waves of air and dust!

Several members of the Six Street Gang who didn't have time to dodge,

It was blown to blackened corpses on the spot!

And even with the cover, it was directly smashed!

And the culprit of all this,

It's Mann's smoky arm prosthesis......

- Projectile launch system!

His palm is 90 degrees separated from the wrist, (BGEC)

Revealing a swarthy barrel from the cross-section of the bones,

It's an amazing killer capable of firing small cannonballs!

The effect is very impressive in the face of such a scuffle!

But in the next second, Mann's mechanical prosthetic body burst out with a few electric sparks,

He frowned, quickly retreated, hiding behind cover.

Hurried in the communication channel.

"Qiwei, Lucy, an enemy hacker has interfered with my prosthesis!"

"Roger. "

The two hackers, who had been keeping an eye on the status of the party members, immediately replied.

Mann was clearly affected by the [Prosthetic Failure] quick crack plug-in.

This means...... Among the members of the Six Street Gang in this factory,

There are cyber hackers too!

Lucy glanced at Lane, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry, this time you go first. "

Immediately afterward, he observed Lucy's operations with great interest.

In fact, the [Targeting] that Li En just used

It's a technique that I learned directly from Lucy's teacher,

He can't use the skill chip now,

But you can directly use the powerful information deconstruction ability,

Deciphering and deducing the observed data signals,

Write it into a "technique" that you can use!

Because of the positioning information provided by Dawn before,

This time it took Lucy less than half a minute,

I found the enemy hacker who was invading the Mann Prosthesis, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

She couldn't help but snort.

seems to want to vent all the little depression in my heart on this unlucky peer,

A crack plugin that is enough to kill is directly executed......

- Quick Crack: Synaptic Circuit Breaker!

Lane's expression moved slightly, []

With the help of an intrusive camera,

I saw the hacker of the Six Street Gang directly,

The head instantly turned into a huge fireball,

Immediately after, fierce flames engulfed his whole body!

The surrounding members of the Six Street Gang saw their companions suddenly burn in flames,

Frightened and scattered,

But as soon as he stepped out of cover,

was directly shot into a sieve by Rebecca laughing, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere!

"Is this a lethal quick crack...... It's terrifying. "

Lane silently withdrew his gaze,

The lethality of [Quick Crack] is divided into 3 levels.

The first is a non-lethal functional crack,

For example, commands like "targeting".

The second is lethal, but not lethal.

For example, an "electromagnetic short circuit" will only paralyze the target unit's mechanical prosthesis.

Of course, for purely mechanical units such as drones and turrets,

"Electromagnetic short circuit" is fatal.

The third ...... It is a deadly crack represented by "synaptic circuit breaker".

Instantaneous overload of the power of the whole body prosthesis,

The heat that erupted was enough to burn the target to ashes,

Struggled and wailed to death in extreme pain.

It can be said that it is an extremely cruel quick crack.

But mastering this technology not only requires expensive cracked plug-ins,

It also requires cyber hackers to have deep technical prowess.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will set yourself on fire.

Obviously, Lucy's special origin,

gave her the strength to control this dangerous technology,

Coupled with the family wealth accumulated over the years as a mercenary,

With a level of "synaptic circuit breaker" fast cracking,

It makes sense.

But...... At this time, all of them were cheapened by Ryen, who was secretly learning in a muffled voice.

"Yes, a little change will come in handy. "

Li En nodded in satisfaction,

Then I saw a series of prompts pop up in front of me.

Mostly reward information for completing tasks.

"The factory is already done?"

Dawn was slightly surprised,

From the cyber hacker being burned to death, to the completion of the task,

It was less than 5 minutes apart.

It seems that this mission is for a mercenary team of the level of "Edge Walker",

At best, it's an appetizer.

Maybe it's to take care of yourself, a "newcomer" who has just joined the team,

Mann will accept this task and use it to hone the team.

"That's it, call it a day...... Falco, drive the car over. "

In the communication channel, Mann's heavy voice could be heard panting.

"Everybody get back in the car and assemble. "

Qi Wei closed the hacker terminal without saying a word,

Get up and walk towards the factory gate.

Lucy glanced at Lane and followed as well.

"I always feel that I don't have a sense of participation, and I really use a knife to kill chickens......"

Shaking his head, Rien just wanted to follow.

But he stopped suddenly,

In his field of vision,

The factory at night is like a silent giant,

On one side of the wall,

A pattern that doesn't fit in with the surroundings is suddenly revealed.


[You have completed the employment task "Maintain Balance"]

[You gain 5,000 Night City Fame!]

[Your reputation level has been increased to level 3!]

[You are the first reincarnation player to increase your reputation level in the current dungeon]

[You have discovered the Tarot of Destiny - "The Fool"]


(Watch the game!).

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