
[Hiring Mission: Maintaining Balance]

+ degrees: C

+ Mark: Destroy the designated 6th Street Gang stronghold

+ Reward: 500 Night City Fame, 5000 Reincarnation Points, random skill chips

+ Note: Cash prizes will be given out by the captain of your mercenary team


"This time, there are no restrictions on how to complete the task. "

Browsing through the mission information in front of him, Li En seemed to be thoughtful.

"However, the types of skill chips are also completely random. "

"It's quite possible to randomly come up with chips that I don't need...... Forget it, it's all the same. "

For Lane, the skill chip itself is a vehicle worth studying.

The most important place for this quest is the prestige of Night City!

Continuously complete various quests in Night City to accumulate city reputation,

As you increase your reputation level, you'll get even more treatment!

This is also necessary to complete the main quest!

"500 prestige, after 10 times, it will be 5000, and it can probably be promoted by two or three levels. "

Ryan calculated the reputation gain after the increase.

The initial reputation level increase is relatively simple,

Levels 1 to 2 only require 1000 Fame.

But just like the level increase of "Dark",

The further back you go, the more difficult it is to total the reputation required.

And...... According to certain achievements of the Quest Pokédex,

There seems to be a special threshold quest for every 10 levels,

Only by completing the threshold quest can you break through the current reputation level.

"With my speed, I guess I'll be able to reach the level very quickly. "

"We'll just have to see what happens. "

Lane turned off the task list and returned to the car.

The fighters in the front row chatted hotly,

In charge of driving the car is the special driver "Falco" of the "Edge Walker" mercenary team,

Although it has a certain combat effectiveness, it is basically only responsible for driving.

He is the oldest and most stable veteran driver in the team.

Even if not responsible for participating in combat missions,

But as long as he's there,

This group of mercenaries who lick blood from the knife edge

There is a way back to retreat.

So his position in the team is also very important.

The back row of the car where Rien was quieter......

Or rather, no one spoke at all.

With the exception of some of their more neurotic counterparts,

Cyber hackers are a bunch of silent guys.

Lucy held her chin in her hand and looked out the window at the streetscape.

The colors of neon flashed on her face from time to time,

But it couldn't shake her calm look.

"Her eyes are very deep......"

Li En did not shy away from observing the heroine in the original work.

Compared to the other members, Lucy's eyes have a strange look.

Most of the low-level civilians in Night City are running around for a living,

Struggling on the edge of food and clothing all day long,

There is no shortage of corpses in the chaotic streets and alleys,

More are already numb homeless people,

They are like walking corpses, barely surviving in dark corners.

It's just "survival".

Even if it's an "edge walker",

Mercenaries led by Mann.

Although I have a little money in my hand,

But most of them have also invested in the upgrading of weapons and equipment.

Because if you don't,

Maybe one day you'll die in the mission.

Mercenaries are a dangerous profession that dances on the tip of a knife,

Even if you are already famous,

It's just a matter of looking at the face of the middleman to eat, and being able to live one day at a time.

Compared to ordinary people who are running around for a living,

Their greatest advantage is that they have enough money to spend their time on alcohol and indulgence.

As for the future?

Maybe I'll be shot in the next commissioned mission,

It's better to enjoy it as soon as possible, there is wine today and drunk today.

But Lucy is different.

She looked out the window and didn't focus on the speeding scenery.

It's like looking at the other side in the distance.

This is a gaze that those who are numb do not have.

To describe it in more poetic terms,

It's that Lucy's eyes have "light".

The body suddenly slammed,

Docked in an inaccessible alley.

Falck, the driver, nodded to Mann.

The latter turned to the other team members.

"It's time to get to the place, get off. "

"Dolio, Pila, Rebecca come with me, be careful not to be exposed. "

"Let's wait for Roses to invade the enemy's system, and Lucy will locate it. "


The door opened, and Lane jumped out of the car,

The air in the alleys is humid and dreary,

There was a foul smell of urine.

And across the road from the place,

There is an abandoned factory building, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Despite being abandoned,

But there were still noisy voices and lights coming from inside,

Apparently there are people who make this their own territory.

Judging from the intelligence, the number of enemies in this stronghold of the Six Street Gang is between 20~30.

The scale is not big or small, and it can be used as an example for killing chickens and monkeys. []

The stronghold is too small to serve as a warning.

The stronghold is too large, and it is very likely to directly anger the Six Street Gang.

This will directly escalate the gang fighting in this area.

It's just that these things have nothing to do with mercenaries who do black work.

"We have arrived at the booked location and have not yet been exposed. "

Mann's voice came from the headphones,

Dawn looked at the outside of the factory not far away,

The figures of several combatants are hidden in the shadows of the night.

Cleverly dodged the camera's warning area.

From this little detail, you can see the gap between experienced mercenaries and newcomers.

"Kivi, hack into their network. "

"I'm doing it. "

Dawn noticed another cyber hacker in the team,

Eyes locked on a member of the Six Street Gang who was on guard,

And then instantly it turned into a crimson color,

Countless data flashed through it, and it was very sci-fi.

- Invasion Protocol!

"Through the scanning function of the electronic prosthetic eye, the network protocol ...... of the LAN can be directly invaded"

Li En silently observed Qiwei's movements.

In his vision, various data signals are staggered and converged into "rivers".

Silent "killing" in a virtual battlefield!

These members of the Six Street Gang are nothing more than gangsters.

Naturally, there can be no such technical members as network hackers.

He didn't even realize that his prosthetic body had been invaded by the enemy.

Done, uploading puppets. "

Qiwei maintains the transmission of data,

Then he said to Lucy without looking back.

"As always, you go and decipher the enemy's location information and share the coordinates. “

Lucy nodded, and immediately got to work.

- Quick crack!

Cyber hackers are able to use ready-made "quick crack plugins",

Immediately to the target of the protocol that has been compromised,

Execute a pre-made "crack instruction......

For example, "targeting", "prosthetic overheating", "electromagnetic short circuit", and so on.

Network hackers loaded with advanced quick cracking plugins,

You can even directly make the target incarnate "cyberpsychotic"!

Attack indiscriminately without distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy!

It's just that this kind of plug-in requires an advanced network access pod to control.

And there are also very high requirements for hackers' cracking capabilities.

"Tsk, it's a bit of a hassle. "

Lucy frowned slightly and whispered to Qi Wei.

"The intrusion countermeasures unit on them has just been updated. "

"I'm going to need a little bit of time to finish cracking. "

"How long will it take? Mann: They're still waiting. "

"5 minutes...... No, 10 minutes. "

"It's been too long, and the effect of the protocol invasion lasts for a maximum of 3 (Li Li Hao) minutes. "

Qi Wei also had a headache,

Once the effect of the "protocol incursion" wears off.

Although in the end, it can also be effective with "Quick Crack".

But it's easy for the enemy to spot!

And the difficulty of cracking will skyrocket!

"Why don't you let Mann attack, but it's too dangerous......"

Just when Qi Wei was entangled,

In her field of vision, she suddenly found the location information of all the enemies in the factory!

Members of the Six Street Gang were in her sight,

is automatically highlighted, outlined with bright red outlines,

Even through the thick walls, you can see it at a glance!

"Well done, I've got the data here, ready to raid!"

Mann's voice rang through the headphones,

He thought it was the data sent by Qi Wei and Lucy... Attack...

However, these two people are also in a daze,

Because they haven't started to crack it officially yet!

"Hmm...... Is this the effect of [targeting], not bad. "

A leisurely voice came from the side,

Lucy couldn't help but look back,

I found that there was a silver glow in Ryne's eyes.

He smiled and said to Lucy.

"Sorry to steal your job. "。

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