Blue Star, somewhere in an unknown space.

In the virtual space composed of data and dot matrix,

One by one, the figures forcibly broke through the firewall,

These people are legendary powerhouses from various countries!

"Clement, do you have a head twitch or are you old and demented?!"

"What's the madness to find trouble with a bunch of kids?!"

Clement glanced at Yi Lao with a calm expression.

said in an indifferent tone.

"In terms of age, you have a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's than I do. "

"Hey, you kid......"

Yi Lao's beard stood up,

I was about to roll up my sleeves and prepare to hammer Clement's dog's head—

Although it is estimated that it will not be able to beat in the opponent's acre and three points of land.

But at least you can't lose in momentum.

"Stop, you are all legendary powerhouses who have been famous for a long time, why are you still like a child. "

Another, more sedate legend interrupted the argument between the two.

He looked at the Machine Emperor with a serious expression.

"Clement, you should know that the low-level dungeon world can't carry the power of the legendary level. "

"Your actions will threaten the lives of nearly a thousand reincarnation players in the dungeon!"

"This is not an ordinary reincarnation player, all of them are the new generation of elites of various forces!"

"Among them, there are many students and even heirs of legendary powerhouses...... What the hell do you want to do?!" 540 was as Rien had predicted.

This special dungeon operation,

Naturally, it has also attracted the attention of many legendary powerhouses.

Therefore, when the "Emperor of Machines" makes a move,

In his "virtual space", he was directly kicked in by several legendary powerhouses on the technology side.

Although Clement has the name of "Emperor of Machines",

It is recognized by Bluestar as the strongest in science and technology.

But with one-to-many, it is not the opponent of these legends who are angry.

"The elves and orcs have also heard the news. "

Another legendary powerhouse couldn't help but say.

"Don't forget that this copy isn't just us. "

"There are many more interracial reincarnation players...... Clement, you must give us an account!"

Finally, under the watchful eye of all.

The Emperor spoke slowly.


"Well, since you're all here, I won't hide it from you. "

"I ...... He is about to become a disciple of the Lord of the Realm. "

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the virtual space.

"Realm Lord......

The respected legendary powerhouse looked shocked.

"Clement, is that true?!"

"To be able to gain the favor of the four supreme beings who are above reincarnation......"

"This is a big deal for the entire Blue Star and the entire Terran!"

The Machine Emperor nodded slightly, as if he was saying something insignificant.

"The Lord of the Holy War has favored me and given me a chance. "

"Casting the [Virtual Divine Kingdom] is a test for me by the Realm Lord. "

"If this is done, I will be the 36th disciple of the Holy War Lord. "

Yi Lao frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully.

"That's why you made a move on that fusion world?"

"That's right. "

Clement replied unhurriedly.

"[Virtual Divine Kingdom] is still one last material missing. "

"I need to reclaim the core of that copy from the virtual world. "

Those present are all legendary powerhouses on the technology side.

Therefore, we all know what it means to recycle the "heart of the virtual world".

"Once the core is recovered, the virtual world will collapse in an instant......"

"Clement, even if it's to create a virtual kingdom, you don't have to make such a big move, right?"

Hearing this, the Machine Emperor said angrily.

"I wanted to replace it with a simple virtual world core. "

"This can at least last until the end of the duration of this C-class dungeon......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Who would have thought that those two gods of the [Divine Palace] family would be so careless!"

"Every day she blows that she is an invincible opponent under the legend, but if I don't come forward, she can be pressed to the ground and hammered!"

Among the legendary powerhouses who came to accountability,

A legend from Sakurajima looked away in embarrassment.

(bgfd) "Alright, this is the end of the matter, and no matter how you say it, you can't restore the dungeon world to its original state. "[]

Yi Lao coughed lightly,

"Clement, how long do you think this copy will last?"

"3 days. "

The Emperor seemed to have guessed Yi Lao's plan.

"I can give you two days to evacuate. "

"But on the last day, I'll just destroy this copy and reclaim its core. "

"Two days...... That's enough. "

The respected legendary powerhouse sighed lightly.

"The matter of the disciples of the realm lord is more important, and this matter is decided. "

"I'm going to negotiate with the legends of the alien race. "

"As for the new generation who have been trained in the dungeon...... Just give them some compensation. "

Between three words.

A dungeon of the world's life and death.

It has been finalized by the legendary powerhouses.

Then they scattered and left, and hurriedly went to inform their own organizations and forces.


Ayn Grande, 21st floor, Rugoin.

[Warning!"Crash" is accelerating, and it is expected that in 72 hours, the dungeon world will be completely destroyed!】

"72 hours?!"

Dawn was shocked,

This amount of time is basically equivalent to crashing into 1 layer in 1 hour......

The erasure efficiency is almost dozens of times higher than before!

"This kind of control over the virtual world must be a good thing done by the Emperor of Machines!"

"What exactly does he want to do?"

Rien frowned slightly, and immediately summoned Yui.

"Yui, how is Ayn Grant doing now?"

"Very bad, Dad...... The application layer and the logic layer are constantly collapsing!"

Yui's little face was also full of anxiety,

For her, Ayn Grant, who is constantly "collapsing",

It's like your own home is crumbling down.

At this moment, the terminal device on his wrist suddenly vibrate.

This is a must-have terminal item for members of [Hidden Dragon].

"This frequency...... Urgent notifications?Can you also receive messages in the dungeon world?"

Lane raised an eyebrow.

This series of coincidental events that happened one after another......

It seems that something must have happened in the real world.

Maybe it has something to do with the changes in the dungeon world!

He clicked on the holographic screen on the terminal,

An important email in bold font immediately appears.

After browsing, Lane frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Asking to leave the dungeon immediately......"

"It seems that there should be some kind of consensus with the Emperor of Machines. "

"But...... Before leaving. "

Rien opens the quest map.

Look at the growing number of "world fragments" on the floor.

"Let's hollow out the world first!".

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