"Then I'll go first. "

While activating the emergency disengagement function attached to the watch,

He said to Rien.

"Asuna's side...... You should have a way to solve it~, right?"

Although they have only been together for less than two weeks.

But Asuna has proven herself with her actions.

became a "teammate" recognized by Long Crescent.

So, when the world is about to collapse,

Before leaving, she was also worried about Asuna's future.

"Don't worry, I'll be in charge. "

Rien nodded slightly.

"So...... See you in the real world. "

"Hmm. "

The black-haired girl hesitated for a moment,

He then held out his hand to Rien.

"It's a pleasure to be your teammate. "

"Me too. "

Rien said with a smile.

After a few seconds, the figure of the dragon crescent moon disappeared directly in place.

[Hidden Dragon] is distributed to all core members on the personal terminal.

Comes with an extremely valuable life-saving function - dungeon detachment.

Once activated, you can directly get out of the copy you are currently in.

However, the price to pay is also very high.

The emergency exit fee for C-level dungeons requires 1 million reincarnation points.

Moreover, this feature is already priceless in itself!

But...... This detachment seems to be an unexpected factor.

Therefore, the official has paid the disengagement fee for all members.

Just the breakaway fee for all members of [Hidden Dragon],

There are nearly 30 million reincarnation points!

This made Lane have to sigh,

It is worthy of being an official force, but it is rich and rich.

Eudora didn't need him to worry about it.

Her identity is in the elves,

It is also one of the most noble.

Naturally, there will be some means of emergency disengagement.

"The other players should have withdrawn by now. "

Lane glanced at the collapsing sky.

Turning around, he muttered to himself.

"So...... It's time for me to perform. "

"Yui. "

With his call,

A girl dressed in white appeared.

"Yes, Daddy...... Do you want to carry out the final order?"

"Hmm. "

Rien let out a long sigh of relief.

Said slowly but firmly.

"Let's get started. "

It's as if a switch has been pressed.

Yui's eyes instantly lost their vitality,

From an emotional look,

Become rigid and only follow logic -

The vast majority of her computing power is being called,

Resources for sustaining emotional and personality simulations were also requisitioned.

And all this is for the execution of the "final order"!

[Announcement: The logout function has been restored, please go offline immediately]

A short announcement appeared in front of all players.

Native players included!

Whether it's a player in a safe zone or fighting monsters,

All of a sudden awakening,

Looking at the announcement in front of me in disbelief!

"What...... Can you really leave this game of death?!"

"Sure enough, there is a logout function! What about you?!"

"It can't be a lie, let me try-"

"Really! My teammates are all offline!"

"Oh my God, that's great...... My family should be dying by now!"

"I don't know if there's a chance to come back, but this world is actually quite interesting......"

"Damn...... If that guy could hold on for another day, he would be able to come back to reality alive now......"


"Lane, did you see the announcement just now?!"

Asuna didn't even bother to knock on the door,

Push the door straight in,

Said excitedly to Rien.

"We can log out of the game!"

"Hmm. "

Rien nodded.

"Dragon Crescent has been logged out of the game. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You should also go offline first. "

"Good ......"

Asuna opens the game menu.

I just want to click "Log Out",

But something suddenly came to mind. []

"That, Lane...... Will we ever meet again in the real world?"

"Of course. "

Rien said with a smile.

When he returned to the real world the other day.

I went to find the hospital where Asuna was.

easily did a bad guy, and the province was extraneous.

"That's ......"

Asuna hesitated for a moment,

Then he said with some embarrassment.

"Actually, my real name is Asuna Yuuki. "

"Romanization sounds like Asuna...... You—don't laugh at me!"

"There's a person standing right in front of you with the same game ID and real name, how could I laugh at you. "

Rien patted Asuna on the head.

"I still have some things, you can go offline first. "

"I'll go to you after that. "


In the reluctant gaze.

Asuna Silver Fang bit down and clicked the "Logout" button.

After a few moments, the world was quiet again.

According to the information transmitted back from the "Ain Grand" system status monitoring panel.

The number of online players is already less than 1,000.

And it's still decreasing.

After all, in just two weeks,

There are still a few people who can have feelings for the world.

Most people just want to get back to reality as soon as possible.

Get back to your normal life early.

"Dad, the final order has been prepared!"

Suddenly, Yui sent a message.

"All unlocked permissions are ready to be called at any time!"

"Well done. "

Rien nodded slightly and took a deep breath.

"That'...... Let's go. "

The next moment, a series of golden lights erupted from his body one after another!

This is a phenomenon that only happens when players level up!

In the blink of an eye, Li En's level soared directly to level 100!

The stats have been directly increased to 1000 points!

Although this is only a fake attribute in the "virtual game".

Because Lane doesn't have any feedback after the stat is improved at all.

In the past, when the attribute was increased, it would be improved according to the type of attribute.

Physically and mentally get the corresponding feelings.

For example, increased strength, increased physique, clearer mind, and so on.

However, at this time he only reached 1000 properties on the "panel",

There won't be any augmentation to his body!

However, these attributes still affect his stats and skill bonuses!

For example, he has reached 60,000 HP!

Even more than Andariel!

The mental power has been increased to a terrifying value of 600,000!

Psionic shields are also as high as 300,000!

Trigger damage from a "Magnetic Storm Crown",

Able to reach 6 figures directly!

Rien opened his eyes, feeling the state of the moment.

Even if it's just false power.

But in this virtual world...... He is invincible!

Dawn opens the list of teleporters,

Directly into a streamer,

Descend to the area where the final boss of the Act 3 scene is located!

Mephisto ...... Start with you!".

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