After seeing their floating cannon turn the muzzle,

All aim for the moment of their own.

A chill rose from behind Riene!

"I didn't expect the Machine Emperor to ignore the barrier between the copy world and the real world and directly intervene!"

"It's good that I didn't summon the night or Iruri ...... rashly"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid even they will be forcibly controlled!"

While thinking, countless bullets surged!

But the next moment, a blazing white mist escaped from the corners of Lien's mouth.

The whole person is like a boiler with full power!

The world in his eyes slowed down in an instant!

Even the speeding bullets are like slow motion in a movie,

Tracks are formed in the air that are visible to the naked eye.

- Subjective time!

Suddenly accelerated thinking,

It gave Rien a moment of breathing space.

"No, all devices can't get in touch ......"

Under the coercion of the "Emperor of Machines",

Li En didn't dare to take out more mechanical artifacts at all,

Otherwise, it will only increase the enemy's combat power!

"It seems that we can only withdraw first......

Dawn's heart flushed with retreat,

But leaving like this, he was unwilling!

"The Emperor can only participate in the battle by invading. "

It means that he can't directly enter the dungeon world. "

"You can only trade with Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, and let them act as your own agents......"

In other words, enough to subdue these two men...... Even Clement can't do anything to me!"

Rien's mind raced, and his eyes suddenly turned to Amaterasu!

Amaterasu, who has just escaped from a desperate situation,

The look on his face just relaxed.

But in an instant, I sensed an extremely strong killing intent!

A shadow burst out of the blasting fire,

In the next second, it turned into an evil figure!

Dawn is like a demon,

Reach out and squeeze it in the void!

It's like grabbing Amaterasu's heart directly!

- Simulated Technique - Killing the Heart!

A suffocating dullness instantly surged into Amaterasu's chest.

A series of confrontational messages suddenly appeared in front of her eyes......

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You're immune to the instant death effect of "Killing the Heart"!]

[Physique confrontation is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

[You take 580 True Damage!]

Instant death!

Amaterasu only felt a tightness in his chest,

A wisp of red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Brings out the beauty of fair skin.

As the "Son of God" of the [Jingu]

Amaterasu's equipment and bloodline bonus,

Definitely a top-level existence.

Therefore, it is directly immune to the effect of "instant death".

However, it is not immune to subsequent true damage.

Although this damage value is nothing to her.

At best, he suffered some minor internal injuries.

But Rian's counterattack isn't over yet!

The judgment information of "killing hearts" has not disappeared,

He raised his hand and it was another instant death skill that needed to be confronted......

- Technique - Clouds and fog dissipate!

It is also a two-round judgment of will and physique attributes,

Because there are already lessons from the past,

Therefore, this confrontation will not be able to cause a "instant death" effect.

However, because of the "Structure Dissolve" effect of the clouds dissipating.

Subsequent True Damage,

Will be transferred to Amaterasu's equipment!

Directly wreak havoc on her gear!


Because Li En is still in a state of "subjective delay" at this time, (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So Amaterasu only felt a shadow flash in front of him,

He was attacked by a series of instant deaths!

The white robe on her body was instantly disintegrated into basic particles!

Li En was stunned, and his face suddenly became strange.

Because under the dissolved robe, there is actually a vacuum![]

"Huh...... I didn't expect His Royal Highness the Divine Son to like this bite. "

Amaterasu is His Royal Highness the Son of God of [Jingu],

When have you ever been treated like this,

Immediately, he was ashamed and angry, and wanted to burn the young man in front of him!

However, the next moment, Li En smiled slightly,

Disappeared in place!

Looking at the battlefield where the flames spread,

Amaterasu gritted his teeth and took out a set of clothes from the space props and put them on.

"Damn impudence...... How dare you do such a thing to me!"

Suddenly, she seemed to have received some information and quickly calmed down.

"Lord Machine, I've just run into a little trouble here......"


Return to Rinko Kamiyo through the "Bloodline Beacon".

Rien finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has the means of emergency disengagement.

But in the face of the coercion of the "Emperor of Machines",

There is still a sense of despair that is powerless to resist.

All self-controlled mechanical units,

In front of a mechanic whose strength is far greater than his own,

will be directly betrayed by the ".invasion"!

This is an absolute strength crush!

Li En secretly said, fortunately, his body was not mechanized.

Otherwise, even his body would have betrayed him directly!

"Packing up the equipment here, we'll move to other areas. "

Rien instructed Rinko.

"Someone has their eye on Ayn Grant's control center. "

"Keep an eye on the state of the entire virtual world. "

"I doubt it...... The enemy will act directly against the virtual world!"

The opponent is not just "Amaterasu" who is the same rank as himself,

There is also a legendary powerhouse outside the dungeon world!

This made Rien always feel oppressed by a boulder in his chest.

After all, he didn't have a clear understanding of the methods of the legendary powerhouse.

I don't know how much the other party can interfere with the dungeon world.

"But...... This dungeon world is so special. (Hao Hao Zhao)

"The legendary powerhouses of various countries will always keep an eye on them. "

"I'm afraid, as soon as the Machine Emperor makes a move, other legends will also know. "

"So...... I'm in a good position right now. "

However, just as the thought of Rien had just come to mind.

The sky outside the window suddenly darkened.

A terrifying crack in the canopy of the spider web emerged......

It's like a layer of "protective shield" shrouded in the planet that has been forcibly crushed by external force!

A series of blood-red warning prompts suddenly appeared in front of Lien's eyes!

[Warning!There are units far beyond the energy level of the dungeon world that are invading this world!]

【WARNING!The stability of the dungeon world is declining!】

【WARNING!The current dungeon world is collapsing!】

The next moment, Riene's eyes bloomed,

The scenery around you changes instantly.

When he came to his senses,

I found myself transported back into the virtual world!

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