
- Void Throne!

Li En directly unleashed the domain ability attached to the bloodline of the "Void Emperor".

The burning sensation in my mind dissipated instantly.

The bright starry sky obscures the sky,

and the "sun" area constructed by the scorching sun,

The formation of a chamber of resistance.

Able to counter the ...... of the "field"

There is only another "field"!

"Huh...... Riene, I remembered. "

Amaterasu narrowed his eyes slightly,

The gaze that looked at Rien was no longer contemptuous.

Finally, he really regarded him as a strong enemy at the same level as himself!

"You're the one who killed the boss of the 20th floor scenario for the first time, unlocking some of the bloodline power bonuses. "

"Using the domination realm, it is indeed possible to get out of the virtual world without the help of external forces. "

Without waiting for her to finish, Li En directly generated a row of floating cannons and fired in unison!

In aerial battles, the "Sword Dancer" series puppets cannot be used.

"High-energy laser prism" has not yet had time to start manufacturing,

As a result, the only machines that Lane can use are those with their own levitation and flying effects16.

Like what...... Floating cannons, spell casting units.

And the "Bionic Weapon - Stinger"!

Because the realm of the two is against each other,

None of them can make an impact,

The outcome of this battle depends on the individual's combat strength!

In the face of a series of bullets,

Amaterasu randomly condenses a dazzling light shield that reflects the sun's halo,

Directly resist all attacks!

But the powerful damage brought by the "Magnetic Storm Crown",

Directly blow up this light shield alive!

"It's so destructive...... These are just ordinary bullets!"

Amaterasu was shocked that her "Solar Light Shield" was able to absorb tens of thousands of damage.

I didn't expect to be directly shattered by a wave of attacks from the other party!

"However, this is not his domain effect, it should be some kind of special skill. "

"Huh...... Dominating the realm is only dominating the realm. "

Asumasu once again condensed 4 solar shields that swirled around her.

Put all the rest of your strength into the attack!

Endless flames erupted from her realm,

It's like a wave of flames sweeping in, wanting to burn the starry sky!

This is the power of the "Law Realm - Burning Sun"!

Although it is only the prototype of the realm of law,

Reincarnation players want to really have their own domain,

At least to the peak of the B-rank.

But in the C class, it is already possible to initially use the power of the field.

And in all types of fields,

Because of the nature of the forces that form the field,

It is divided into two broad categories - the "Law Domain" and the "Domination Domain"!

The former is a realm that is directly formed by the power of ready-made laws.

Once you have the rudiments of the law field,

The subsequent improvement is as smooth as a matter of course,

The strength of the player will steadily increase with the reincarnation.

Defects are the upper limit of the realm of laws,

At the moment when the "law" decides,

It's already finalized.

Ordinary laws of the elements,

From the person, it is lower than some of the superior laws.

For example, the higher laws of space, time, death, life, etc.

Therefore, the law field is also an alternative "bloodline" bonus.

As the contemporary son of [Jingu],

Amaterasu possesses a rare compound law realm—the Burning Sun Realm.

It has the power of both "fire" and "sun" at the same time!

It is difficult to improve in the field of compound laws, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the upper limit must be much higher than the single law realm!

This is also the capital she is proud of!

And the "Void Kingship" that Li En exerted,

It is another type of domain variety - "dominating domain"!

This is a realm formed entirely by its own forces,[]

Contains no power of law!

Because it is insulated from the law, it is impossible to invoke the power of the law,

You can only fight with the strength of the main body.

Therefore, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is much worse than the law field.

But the "domination field" is not the ultimate form of this field.

On top of "domination", there is also "control"!

"Mastery of the Domain" bonus,

It is already comparable to the advanced laws of "time" and "space"!

And on top of "control", there is also "domination"!

After reaching the "Domination Realm",

You can define the laws of the realm at will.

This is a force that is beyond the reach of all "law fields"!

"Unfortunately, what you have now is only the most rudimentary realm of domination. "

Amaterasu looks at the "Void Throne" wrapped in rolling flames.

"You can't even use the power of the domain to attack enemies outside the domain. "

"I can only be a living target waiting for death. "

In domain confrontation, the dominating realm is able to compete with the law realm.

But outside the realm of the realm,

The realm of laws can drive the power of laws,

Attack out of the domain.

But this is not possible in the realm of domination......

"Oh? "

Suddenly, a calm voice came suddenly.

Amaterasu was shocked.

The flames that filled the sky gradually faded,

However, being wrapped in 490 is not a "Void Throne" at all,

Rather, it is a spherical structure made up of hundreds of operating units!

- Giant Casting Structure: Thermostatic Furnace!

Even at the moment when the flames burned out,

These overloaded application units are also directly scrapped,

But Dawn's purpose has been achieved!

The next moment, in Amaterasu's terrified gaze,

Dense arrays of floating cannons and spell units that almost enveloped her into a ball,

Qi Qi emitted a wave of mechanical power!

"Your Majesty Clement, save me!"

In the midst of the crisis, Amaterasu finally couldn't help but send a distress signal.

It was as if a heart-wrenching snort came from outside the world.

Lai En felt as if his mind had been directly struck by a heavy hammer,

The network of mechanical power was cut off instantly,

[Your mechanical network has been invaded by an unknown source!]

[Knowledge confrontation is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

[Engaging in an intellectual confrontation...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

[All the mechanical units you control are offline!]

Those mechanical weapons that float in the air,

but at the same time turned around,

Targeted himself!


Artillery fire!.

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